You don't get my money and it has me down. :-(

jimmyd103 thought this was worth mentioning said

My wallet has been quite a bit heavier these past few weeks and somewhat thicker than usual. It eventually dawned on me why? It has been a while since I've made a purchase from meh, 47 days to be exact. So now I'm wondering why I have failed you? Could it be that I am starting to develop an elitist attitude? Do I already own too much worthless crap? So much so that when the daily crap is offered I dismiss it because I already own one or two or three?
meh help me to get out of this funk! I miss seeing those brown boxes waiting for me on the doorstep.
Wait. Maybe it's not me or you. Maybe it's @thumperchick s fault. Okay. Now I am feeling a little bit better.