Worst of Woot: Random Phone Cases


Lots of people swore off Woot (sometimes literally) after Meh arrived, but on certain nights, with the stars in just the right alignment, lingering doubts remained: was I missing awesome bargains? Maybe with fresh competition Woot cleaned up its act?

I have good news! You were right the first time, it still sucks fetid mule scotums. Take today's electronics.woot item: a pack of 3 random cel phone cases. This is the kind of thing that once upon a time Woot might have offered at 99 cents as Woot-off filler, and nobody would have minded. Today, it's $10, plus the $5 shipping.

So that works out to $5 a case. No brands are mentioned, nor is any specific MSRP value, so these are probably not high-end stuff. I see phone cases cheaper than that constantly--hell, even Dollar Tree has cases for a buck. eBay has thousands of them, many at free shipping, even LESS than a dollar.

Who is this even for? People who care about their phone are going to want to pick out a case that fits their style, and for less than $15 they have almost infinite options. People who just want something cheap and don't care what it looks like have better options too. Woot seems to have devolved into the mindset that people will buy stuff just because it's from Woot--and maybe they're right to a point, but I suspect the number of people likely to fall for that is getting smaller every day.

A link, for the morbidly curious: