@yakkoTDI Shouldn’t a good tech desk have a supply of those? They could have fun putting one on the keyboard of any computer returned after repair/update.
Next door to a sop tat sells fis and cips,
In Arrow on te Illl,
Lived Pillip, a pysioterapist,
Is cums all called im Pil,
E was very muc in love wit a girl called June
E poned er wenever e could.
E sent er a cocolate box, cock a block wit cocolates
But it didn’t do any good.
E picked er favourite flowers,
Ten gave 'em to er in a bunc,
E tried to sin up er drainpipe,
So se invited im in for lunc.
Se offered im cicken sandwices,
And a carcoaled grilled lambcop,
E just kept smoking and cewing is cewing gum,
Se tougt e’d never stop.
Se said, “I can’t enjoy our little cat,
Wit your as all over te floor,
Wy don’t you put your as in te astray,
Tat’s wat te damned ting’s for.”
E said, “Marry me or live wit me,
I really don’t care wic.”
Se said, “I’ll give you my boot, you uncout yout,
Get out! Don’t come back till you’re ric.”
Ten along came Poebe, wearing a cincilla fur coat,
Tat almost reaced to te ground.
Te couple met in a laundorette,
Wile e was watcing is wasing go round.
Se said, "I’m no Sopia Loren,
I know tat my sape’s not so ot,
I may be old in te toot, my teet may be false,
But I could give you suc a lot.
“You dine on roast peasant, you drink cilled campaign,
As you lay on some sundrenced beac,
I may be sixty-tree, I’ve te skin of a peac,”
E said, “Yea, sixty-tree, you’re on peak!”
Se said, "Sow me a little carity, you sall ave my last farting,
Of tat I give you my word,
Tey were married next day, up Arrogate way,
Tursday, Marc te tird.
Wen I banged on te door of is fine ome in Cicister,
I got suc a nasty sock,
I eard im mutter, “O sit,”
To is dog wo was running amock.
E said e’d a appy life, full of good ceer,
And a lady tat e could adore,
E said, “A May-December marriage worked fine for im,
But ten June ad te ouse next door.”
@carl669@Kyeh Wait a minute - why does the linked web page have a photo of late comedian Jack Benny labelled as “Ernest Vincent Wright”?
Something smells funny…
Can’t do Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+Tab, and most importantly Alt+F4
@Rueki Yeah, left alt is always the first thing to go for me. I’m left handed so that’s where I spill my beer.
It is not like you can just push 2 Ns together, and my keyboard won’t let me flip over the W.
Had one keyboard where the A key fell off. Yeah. It had a gaping A hole.
@heartny Especially during a Mehrathon or an IRKathon.
@mike808 Exactly!
@heartny In Windows 11 it’s Cntl + F5. Easier to just hit the reload sign on the top task bar.
@heartny Ctrl-R.
@Tadlem43 If I remember correctly, Ctrl+F5 retrieves a fresh view of the webpage, whereas reload pulls the view from browser cache.
@yakkoTDI Actually, I see more commands that say to hit the “Enter” key than to hit “Any” key.

@yakkoTDI I’ve actually seen people do that.
@phendrick Way back in the '90s I bought a motherboard that had a small sheet of stickers. One was keycap sized and said ‘ANY’ on it.
@yakkoTDI Shouldn’t a good tech desk have a supply of those? They could have fun putting one on the keyboard of any computer returned after repair/update.

The L key.
Otherwise the instruction manual on the flux converter would be pretty confusing.
My freakin " " key.
The Letter “H”
“Fait, Ope and Carity” by Walter Wincell
Next door to a sop tat sells fis and cips,
In Arrow on te Illl,
Lived Pillip, a pysioterapist,
Is cums all called im Pil,
E was very muc in love wit a girl called June
E poned er wenever e could.
E sent er a cocolate box, cock a block wit cocolates
But it didn’t do any good.
E picked er favourite flowers,
Ten gave 'em to er in a bunc,
E tried to sin up er drainpipe,
So se invited im in for lunc.
Se offered im cicken sandwices,
And a carcoaled grilled lambcop,
E just kept smoking and cewing is cewing gum,
Se tougt e’d never stop.
Se said, “I can’t enjoy our little cat,
Wit your as all over te floor,
Wy don’t you put your as in te astray,
Tat’s wat te damned ting’s for.”
E said, “Marry me or live wit me,
I really don’t care wic.”
Se said, “I’ll give you my boot, you uncout yout,
Get out! Don’t come back till you’re ric.”
Ten along came Poebe, wearing a cincilla fur coat,
Tat almost reaced to te ground.
Te couple met in a laundorette,
Wile e was watcing is wasing go round.
Se said, "I’m no Sopia Loren,
I know tat my sape’s not so ot,
I may be old in te toot, my teet may be false,
But I could give you suc a lot.
“You dine on roast peasant, you drink cilled campaign,
As you lay on some sundrenced beac,
I may be sixty-tree, I’ve te skin of a peac,”
E said, “Yea, sixty-tree, you’re on peak!”
Se said, "Sow me a little carity, you sall ave my last farting,
Of tat I give you my word,
Tey were married next day, up Arrogate way,
Tursday, Marc te tird.
Wen I banged on te door of is fine ome in Cicister,
I got suc a nasty sock,
I eard im mutter, “O sit,”
To is dog wo was running amock.
E said e’d a appy life, full of good ceer,
And a lady tat e could adore,
E said, “A May-December marriage worked fine for im,
But ten June ad te ouse next door.”
@rcgrams I hope you copied all that because if you typed it all in you are today’s winner of…
@bayportbob @rcgrams …a big box of sit.
The Shift key, stuck in the ON position. SORRY, BUT I JUST CAN’T STOP IT!
W, A, S, or D.
Both the space bar and the E key on my work laptop recently died. The space bar just edges out the E for most annoying key to lose.
@accelerator And yet, we can read it.
@carl669 This guy didn’t:
@Kyeh it’s right at the top of the page!
@carl669 Well, true - he should have just used his first and middle initials. Maybe it’s the publisher’s fault.
@carl669 @Kyeh

No, it’s the goats fault! Always blame the goat!
@carl669 @Kyeh Wait a minute - why does the linked web page have a photo of late comedian Jack Benny labelled as “Ernest Vincent Wright”?
Something smells funny…
@carl669 @macromeh Huh - that IS weird.
Here’s a completely different picture:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Vincent_Wright