In this area, the northeast (including New England, New York, New Jersey) as well as other areas, the worst are ticks! They carry several diseases and are nasty critters.
As a former Florida resident, love bugs, also known as fuck bugs. They got all smashed up all over the front of your car, purportedly during the mating season, which seemed to be all the time. They are likely the reason the car bra was invented. Palmetto bugs were a close second.
@tweezak I just spent two weeks taking steps to kill a nest of yellow jackets that decided to make their home under my siding. A combo of Stryker 54 spray (highly recommend) and Delta dust finally did the trick. Last night I discovered they somehow made their way across the house on the inside and I’m finding lots of black and yellow corpses on the floor of my laundry room. It’s on the opposite of where they were entering the siding. They are truly assholes with wings.
@cinoclav@tweezak there was a mudwasp living in the pull chain of the deck fan. Naturally I saw the mud and needed to take a closer look and thought I saw a carapace reflecting light. So I went to get a flashlight and shined it in while peering into it… And was rewarded with a wasp flying right at my eyeball.
Idk what your response to a wasp flying at your eyeball from a couple inches away would be but I chose “hit the deck as fast as possible” I think I bounced.
@cinoclav thanks! This is one of the two products I am using. How long does it take to kick in? For the past two days I have seen ssooooo many I am guessing hundreds of them have ingested the poison at this point but they keep coming. Driving me crazy.
@tinamarie1974 It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. If it’s a gigantic colony they’re going back to it definitely takes some time. For me, I usually saw results within less than a week. If definitely draws more of them at first.
But you are meant to mix it up in a sprayer and deploy it around the perimeter of the house in spring so the ones trying to get in die and don’t lead anymore in. Can still be used in fall to help. But once the ants have established a trail you might have to knock down the whole colony…
Last time a large group got in I put out the Terro, sprayed the perimeter, and the ant hill if I could find it.
And of course cleaned up the sugar the visiting kid has spread everywhere
@PSUClaus1 Ugh - they’re so disgusting. Worst part is knowing that even though they’re good, having them means you have other bugs that they’re going after. It’s a lose-lose.
Spider crickets, or cave crickets. They get in my basement and hop around harmlessly for a while before they die, but they’re just gross. At least the cat likes chasing them. I also had Eastern Cicada Killers this year for the first time. Mostly harmless to humans but they’re enormous bees that fly around the yard and kill a cicada every now and then (cicadas are also gross and annoying).
This has been an odd summer in that there have been very few noxious bugs in this area. I don’t remember encountering a single mosquito, only a few flies or ants, almost no wasps. But plenty of honey bees and butterflies. Weird, but nice.
@tinamarie1974 They’re quite invasive. Yet another bug that found their way here from China. The nymphs are rather prolific jumpers and will jump right at you. The adults will both jump and fly. They tried to get them under control but it was a lost cause of course. Read about them. Odds are you’ll see them eventually.
microsoft windows. No other bug has done as much damage to the world. To people and individuals, yes, actual biological bugs reign supreme, but not to the world.
Volkswagen beetles also caused great harm by normalizing one of the ugliest car bodies and worst wet fart exhaust sounds ever created. Fortunately you could put dune buggy kits on them with glasspacks.
Mosquitoes are vectors for so much crap.
Your cell phone with the NSA on the other end.
@uebergod That’s a feature, not a bug.
Deer flies out where I ride my bicycle off road. The bastards attack from behind.
@wonidejack BLASPHEMER!!!
@wonidejack How. Dare. You.
@wonidejack A POX upon you!!
@wonidejack You’re my hero.
Cave crickets. They are evil beasts.
In this area, the northeast (including New England, New York, New Jersey) as well as other areas, the worst are ticks! They carry several diseases and are nasty critters.
Chiggers in the U.S.
Midges in the Scottish highlands
They’re like noseeums but with 2 weeks of reminders.
@ELEM Chiggers: tiny red demon spawn
As a former Florida resident, love bugs, also known as fuck bugs. They got all smashed up all over the front of your car, purportedly during the mating season, which seemed to be all the time. They are likely the reason the car bra was invented. Palmetto bugs were a close second.
@tweezak I just spent two weeks taking steps to kill a nest of yellow jackets that decided to make their home under my siding. A combo of Stryker 54 spray (highly recommend) and Delta dust finally did the trick. Last night I discovered they somehow made their way across the house on the inside and I’m finding lots of black and yellow corpses on the floor of my laundry room. It’s on the opposite of where they were entering the siding. They are truly assholes with wings.
@cinoclav @tweezak there was a mudwasp living in the pull chain of the deck fan. Naturally I saw the mud and needed to take a closer look and thought I saw a carapace reflecting light. So I went to get a flashlight and shined it in while peering into it… And was rewarded with a wasp flying right at my eyeball.
Idk what your response to a wasp flying at your eyeball from a couple inches away would be but I chose “hit the deck as fast as possible” I think I bounced.
It definitely hurt
The zinging sound mosquitoes make by your ears… ugh.
@Salanth oh man. It would keep me up at nights as a child when visiting my grandma in the UP of Michigan.
Lice. Ugh. Or bed bugs.
Gotta be the stomach bug. I haven’t thrown up in 33 years and I live in fear of it.
@jsh139 I’m at 17 years, myself. Ate something last week that gave me a close call to ruining that steak.
@smyle Ugh, that’s the worst! Gotta keep that streak alive.
@jsh139 @smyle
The steak, too!
Chiggers! Like an invisible mountain lion that gets under your skin!
Daddy long legs? They’re cute.
New England–Black Flies. Will make you ears swell up.
Anyone who doesn’t choose mosquitoes has never spent a summer in the Midwest and it shows.
These are all bad but I have a genuine, honest-to-god fear of bedbugs
Currently Ants. These little bastards are attempting to infiltrate my kitchen. I am at war!!!
Before you ask: no food out or standing water. Cabinets and stove are very clean. It has been raining and I think they are trying to find dry land.
/giphy bastards

@tinamarie1974 When I was a little girl, my mom let me stay up and watch this movie. I’ve hated ants ever since - sixty years later.
@lisaviolet ssooooo gross
@tinamarie1974 “Leiningen Versus the Ants” by Carl Stephenson is a classic ant tale. The story is better than the movie, I think.“Leiningen Versus the Ants” by,published in German in 1938.
@tinamarie1974 Sprinkle a little talcum powder on your window sill or wherever you think they are coming from. You will not see them again.
@tinamarie1974 These have worked for me every single time.

@cinoclav thanks! This is one of the two products I am using. How long does it take to kick in? For the past two days I have seen ssooooo many
I am guessing hundreds of them have ingested the poison at this point but they keep coming. Driving me crazy.
@tinamarie1974 It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. If it’s a gigantic colony they’re going back to it definitely takes some time. For me, I usually saw results within less than a week. If definitely draws more of them at first.
@cinoclav ok. Thanks. Here is hoping is does not take a few weeks. Soooo gross!

@cinoclav @tinamarie1974 this stuff will basically kill any insect
But you are meant to mix it up in a sprayer and deploy it around the perimeter of the house in spring so the ones trying to get in die and don’t lead anymore in. Can still be used in fall to help. But once the ants have established a trail you might have to knock down the whole colony…
Last time a large group got in I put out the Terro, sprayed the perimeter, and the ant hill if I could find it.
And of course cleaned up the sugar the visiting kid has spread everywhere
@cinoclav @unksol thanks! The Terro has cut back the population significantly. I am seeing a handful at any given time vs what appeared to be hundreds.
May have to vet this and spray outside to help it along.
Definitely mosquitos. They literally kill more people than any other animal because they carry all the viruses.
House centipedes. I know they’re “good” but they’re just too fast. They get the boot.
@PSUClaus1 Ugh - they’re so disgusting. Worst part is knowing that even though they’re good, having them means you have other bugs that they’re going after. It’s a lose-lose.
Spider crickets, or cave crickets. They get in my basement and hop around harmlessly for a while before they die, but they’re just gross. At least the cat likes chasing them. I also had Eastern Cicada Killers this year for the first time. Mostly harmless to humans but they’re enormous bees that fly around the yard and kill a cicada every now and then (cicadas are also gross and annoying).
This has been an odd summer in that there have been very few noxious bugs in this area. I don’t remember encountering a single mosquito, only a few flies or ants, almost no wasps. But plenty of honey bees and butterflies. Weird, but nice.
house centipede.
@jerk_nugget hate those bastards
Currently, these fuckers. If they’re not in your area yet, give them time.

@cinoclav they are really pretty. Are they invasive? Whats the issue
@tinamarie1974 They’re quite invasive. Yet another bug that found their way here from China. The nymphs are rather prolific jumpers and will jump right at you. The adults will both jump and fly. They tried to get them under control but it was a lost cause of course. Read about them. Odds are you’ll see them eventually.
@cinoclav well damn. Let’s hope it takes awhile to hit the midwest.
microsoft windows. No other bug has done as much damage to the world. To people and individuals, yes, actual biological bugs reign supreme, but not to the world.
Volkswagen beetles also caused great harm by normalizing one of the ugliest car bodies and worst wet fart exhaust sounds ever created. Fortunately you could put dune buggy kits on them with glasspacks.
@duodec as for MS Windows, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature! That’s the MS line anyway.