Woot Product Discussions for December 13th 2018 [Woot-Off Edition]
2This topic was created to discuss today’s Woot deals. Not sure what Woot is selling today? Let me check that for you:
/wootstalker woot
Google Pixel 2/Pixel 2 XL–VZW/GSM Unlocked
Price: $389.99 - $449.99
Condition: Refurbished
Want to discuss other Woot deals? /wootstalker
them below!
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that there is a Woot-Off today? Well, there is. Don’t get too attatched to any discussions, because they may become irrelevant pretty quickly.
- 26 comments, 99 replies
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That’ll teach me for falling asleep!
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/nintendo-switch-neon-red-and-neon-blue-joy-con-1
Nintendo Switch - Neon Red and Neon Blue Joy-Con
Price: $199.99
Condition: New
This deal is currently sold out
@ruouttaurmind Dang! I hope they have a PS4 for that price later. I need to get one for the hubbie for Christmas.
@tnhillbillygal I’ll fight ya fer it!
They did Xbox and PS4 controllers early on last night so I was expecting the consoles shortly after, but nothing showed up. Then I fell asleep and missed this one.
@ruouttaurmind guess I’ll be watching the woot-off all day in hopes of them putting one up, lol! Good luck for you too! Are you after a PS4 or Xbox?
@tnhillbillygal PS4 or Switch. I hope you get one!
@ruouttaurmind do you recall the price of the xbox controllers? I need 1 more.
@medz @ruouttaurmind
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/xbox-wireless-controller-white-21?ref=soc_twit_wo&utm_medium=socialowned&utm_medium=socialowned&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=auto&utm_content=Xbox+Wireless+Controller±+White
Xbox Wireless Controller - White
Price: $24.99
Condition: New
This deal is currently sold out
@sammydog01 Thanks. maybe they’ll have some after the woot off.
@medz @sammydog01 Ya, they were cheap. The PS4 controllers were $35. And red. Really, really red.
@medz @ruouttaurmind At least you wouldn’t lose it on the floor.
@sammydog01 This is why I have a neon green case on my iPad and bright yellow on my phone.
@ruouttaurmind I got my daughter a Realtree camo phone case because it was cheap and she could never find it.
Well, got my crap for the day, lol.
A short trip to the VoP and crap is coming my way!
@sammydog01 Good morning!!! and Congrats!!!
@tnhillbillygal Congrats to you too! Now I need to sign off of Woot to avoid spending more money.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Congrats to you both. I was foiled by the Amazon payment system not remembering my preferred payment method… even though it just worked flawlessly for Clorox Wipes.
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Foiled by 31 day rule from black friday… tough not even trying on those. Not sure there will be much else to want to purchase today.
@ruouttaurmind Are you a robot or something?
@sammydog01 I don’t think so, but I just read something posted by @Barney so maybe it was a matter of cross-contamination.
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/cozmo-robot-robotics-for-kids-adult-1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=ac70cc7dfee611e8838102420a24060c
Cozmo Robot, Robotics for Kids & Adult
Price: $79.99
Condition: New
This is why I meant to log off but I’m still watching.
Didja get one?
@ruouttaurmind No. I decided to be an adult like @Barney.
@sammydog01 I would have been a complete child for a Cozmo! Now I’m pouting like a child anyway.
@ruouttaurmind Now I feel like I should have bought one. And I’m pouting too.
Not a woot-off deal, but it needs to be seen:
/wootstalker https://home.woot.com/offers/hilarious-rubber-screaming-chicken-toy-1
Hilarious Rubber Screaming Chicken Toy
Price: $6.99
Condition: New
@lichme Why is the head removable? Also…

“Surprise your loved ones with the most exciting rubber squeaky chicken toy now!”
@lichme @medz They have those in the Cracker Barrel store too. The sound isn’t quite as shocking as that little girl would lead you to believe.
I’ve been avoiding these because I’m old and brittle. But maybe this would ease my despair over not getting a Cozmo or a Switch or a BOC.
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/mozzie-auto-balancing-hoverboards-1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=1aa93dcffef711e8813901680a1c0e0f
Mozzie Auto-Balancing Hoverboards
Price: $119.99
Condition: New
@ruouttaurmind If your brittle then a fall will break your hip lol…go with an electric scooter, at least they have a handlebar to hold on to/tape yourself to!
/giphy scooter fun

@reg036 Electric scooter?
/image rascal mobility electric scooter

@ruouttaurmind I have the go-cart attachment for a hoverboard. That should be hard to fall off.
yep another day of getting no work done, oh wellski
Well, it’s not Cozmo or a Switch, but it’ll do.
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/bag-o-crap-0o3eli1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=74f6892dfefc11e883b1016f0a1c0e0d
Bag o’ Crap 0o3eli1
Price: $9.99
Condition: New
This deal is currently sold out
@ruouttaurmind I got one of those also.
A BOC and an IRK both on the way!
It wasn’t that long ago these would be snapped up in seconds in every Woot-off. Now they linger there for ages. Maybe Woot has single-handedly saturated the market.
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/samsung-evo-select-64gb-microsdxc-card-8?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=d7076275fefe11e88139016f0a1c0e0f
Samsung EVO Select 64GB MicroSDXC Card
Price: $8.99
Condition: New
@ruouttaurmind I bought one. Every time I think I have a couple of spares some new device sucks them up.
@ruouttaurmind I can’t buy it. Woot says I am signed in under amazon, and even shows prime shipping. But shipping shows $6.00 and address and payment screens show that I have to enable third party cookies. I checked - I am not blocking 3rd party cookies.
Fix: I found out is was ghostery fucking it all up. I bought it. Never thought this deal would last so long.
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/nintendo-nes-classic-edition-5?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=e30492b6ff0011e880b2017a0a1c0e14
Nintendo: NES Classic Edition
Price: $49.99
Condition: New
@ruouttaurmind No one wants those either.
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 Especially at that price point.
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 But it went quick!
@sammydog01 Nope. Not for fiddy bucks. Maybe $40, but probably not. For $30 I’d be in for a marathon Mario session, but I guess if I really wanted to I could fire up the Raspberry Pi and play on there.
@mfladd I don’t know if it went really quick, or if they only had three to offer.
@mfladd @ruouttaurmind Mine was $36 and my kid is using it as a decoration. It is pretty cute.
Dyson Cordless - Ack! Not a fanboy.
@mfladd Of Dyson, or of cordless appliances?
There may be other vacuums as good as Dyson, but once I switched from Hoover to Dyson I never looked back. Overpriced? Absolutely. But it works better than any other vacuum I’ve owned. Hoover, Dirt Devil, Oreck, it’s even better than the commercial Kirby a friend has.
@ruouttaurmind Nope. I have been so underwhelmed by my cordless - like the one woot was selling - it’s not even funny. It has quick pickup handheld service now.
Not a bad price I guess
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/nest-thermostat-e-17?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=9d25bb59ff1011e88289016f0a1c0e0b
Nest Thermostat E
Price: $109.99
Condition: New
@ruouttaurmind (giggles)
This whole thing kicked off pretty fast and furious last night, but right about now it’s feeling like a bit of a snoozer.
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/braun-digital-ear-thermometer-4?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=WootStalker&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=f2349e0bff1711e880b2018e0a1c0e14
Braun Digital Ear Thermometer
Price: $14.99
Condition: New
/wootstalker https://sellout.woot.com/offers/bag-o-crap-olsduddds-1
Bag o’ Crap olsduddds
Price: $9.99
Condition: New
I don’t think I got one. I haven’t gotten a confirmation email.
@Barney Did you check order history in a different tab?
@lichme It still shows that I have purchased a BoC. But they’ve taken one away from me before that I thought I had bought…
Still no email.
@Barney Doncha hate it when you get all the way through the checkout process, only to have your purchase cancelled later?
@ruouttaurmind Yep, but I’ve never had to wait this long to have one cancelled.
@Barney @ruouttaurmind NOOOO! I’ll march right down there- wait, it’s really far. You’re on your own. I hope you get it!
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 It’s still in my order history, but no email confirmation. It’s been 3 hours.
@Barney @ruouttaurmind You’re Good then! Congrats? (You could always ask TT over there- she monitors those threads.)
@sammydog01 TT scares me!!
@Barney TT wants to scare you. Don’t let her get to you. You’re tough!
@ruouttaurmind Nope, I’m not that tough. However, I just got an email stating, “Your payment to Woot, Inc is complete,” and that is the charge amount for my BoC. So, I guess I’m getting one. Yay?
@Barney @ruouttaurmind YAY! Did you check your spam folder?
@sammydog01 Yeah, I checked and checked and checked and checked again. It’s not there.
@Barney You have my
congratulationscondolences. I’m ineligible today, but mine last month was totally screwed up; both the AA shirt and jacket ($89 on Amazon) were in my size.@narfcake Oh, poor you.
It’s official. I’m official. I got my confirmation email. Yaaaaaaay!! Eight hours – a new record?
I’m pretty sure the moment I shut down my computer, lock up the office and head home… that’s the exact same moment another Switch, or a PS4 will be offered.
@ruouttaurmind Let me know when you leave so I can score a PS4 cheap, OK?
I’m kind of cranky. I should go to bed early tonight.

Here you go.
@sammydog01 I’ll stay up and let you know if you miss anything

/giphy I’m a good friend
@tnhillbillygal If only @sammydog01 had a nice soft blankie to keep her warm…
Bag for your crap?
Gourmet.woot has some $54/lb “wagyu” beef jerky. Makes that meh jerky at $36/lb look like a steal!
How is it that I can sit here and refresh every second when a product sells out and when the new product shows up it is at 86% with 14% already sold? hmmm…
@mfladd Because you’re not using Wootstalker?
@ruouttaurmind Ha! On my phone my wootstalker notifications are sometimes one FULL product behind. So much for that.
@mfladd I don’t use the app, but the website (no iOS app). Maybe consider giving that a shot?
Puh. Sleepy, sale is boring, hungry, maybe I should just go to bed and let @tnhillbillygal have all the PS4s.
@ruouttaurmind I plan on hanging in there until the end. When I turn on the ipad to watch a show in a little bit though, there is about a 65% chance I will fall asleep though.
@tnhillbillygal Well, I can’t be outdone by a goat. So, ya, in it to win it I guess.
@ruouttaurmind Well now it’s your fault (wootstalker web page) I got a Bag of Carrots! Damn you!

I even had to go thru the sign in screen again, and sadly I was still able to buy it
@mfladd Same with me…guess I can leave the office now lol.
@mfladd @reg036

I swear I regret the BoCs now more then I used to years ago.
@Barney @mfladd @reg036 Wait just one darned minute! Isn’t blame supposed to go to the Goat?
@Barney @mfladd @reg036 @ruouttaurmind

/giphy innocent whistle
@mfladd May I assume you had better luck using Wootstalker.com?
@mfladd Yep, got in on that one too. Like I said over there, literal first one in years. I wonder if they’re worse/better than they used to be. I remember when they were cheap, now 10 bucks.
@ruouttaurmind That’s how you want to put it?

@revloki Some don’t agree, but the ones I’ve received in the last year or two have been much better than years prior. Nothing broken, no mystery cables or leaking batteries, mostly useful stuff and no total garbage. I haven’t received a mostly empty Gatorade bottle or empty merchandise box in a few years.
@ruouttaurmind My one from July was mostly useless crap… just like the description lol.
I believe it’s sitting upstairs still in it’s box.
@ruouttaurmind I always seemed to get at least a few useful items, or at least items I could pass off to the kids. But also enjoyed the random garbage that came. Wallwarts without a home, random bag of connectors for some random electronic. A coffee cup without a handle.
PSA about WootStalker - In the near future, woot is going to be changing their data feed. For me, it’s going to have some limitations, and basically means a rewrite of how I do things in the backend. Hopefully I can migrate the things that can be migrated prior to that happening.
@lichme Oh-oh.
@lichme if they can make it where just refreshing their page is back to best method I’m all for it.
@lichme nothing against you @lichme love using stalker.
Imma call it kiddies. Nothing but the dregs for the last hour and a half. Stick a fork in it and put coins over it’s eyes, this Woot-off is a goner.

/giphy Goodnight
@ruouttaurmind I dunno, I just bought that mini screwdriver kit. They come in handy, and I’ve had this exact kit - it’s nice.
Off to bed. Goodnight all

/giphy time for sleepy sleep
I played the app game today and got the boc link that I couldn’t use because I spent a ridiculous amount of time at the Woot-off instead of sleeping.

/giphy GAAAAA
@sammydog01 Yeah, but look at it this way, you are a couple of days closer to qualifying for the opportunity to snag your next BoC.
Absolutely the best item in my BOC.
@ruouttaurmind I love mine! Did you see it has the Woot logo on the back?
@sammydog01 I noticed that. Love this guy and I can hardly wait for him to join my desk toy army.
@ruouttaurmind I didn’t get one of those
. I did get a cool Woot! pen, but everything else went in the trash as usual. Oh wait, I donated the sidewalk chalk to Toys for Tots.
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 I received my boc, but I have decided to let the kids open it on xmas. They love the few boc’s they’ve been able to open. I shook it and nothing really moves. It feels like there is really just 1 or 2 items in there - we will see.
@mfladd Good for you, the kids will get a kick out of whatever is in your BoC. You know, Mr. @mfladd, you are growing up right before our very eyes. I am so proud of you.
@Barney Thanks, but…but…I don’t want to grow up!
@mfladd None of us do.
@Barney @mfladd
No matter what, it’s coming for you. At least on the outside. Just remember not to let the outside affect how you feel on the inside! (no worries, eventually you’ll learn to ignore all the aches and pains) 👨🏼🦳
@ruouttaurmind My other half is in love with that little poo also, she’s already claimed it. My BOC wasn’t bad actually, some useful items and a NIB Ugg slipper shoes size 7 that seem like a great resell item.
@reg036 I received a bunch of kids books, a kids Halloween costume, a giant bundle of poly shipping bags, a 14mm wrench, a phillips screwdriver, a package of paper plates… just random assorted bits and bobs. Plus the poo, and a drill chuck key which is a perfect match for the one my exes kids lost about 4 or 5 years ago and I never got around to replacing. Poo and the chuck key, plus the fun were worth the price of admission.
Just gotta find some kids to give all these books to.
@ruouttaurmind Library takes books FYI.
You sleep at all LOL?
@reg036 Meh, I can sleep when I’m dead.
Good idea RE: library. Unfortunately too late for holiday toy drives, but the library near my office is open to donations. The fancy citified one near my house won’t accept donated books though.
@ruouttaurmind Also your local grade school might take them for their lending library or after school program.
@reg036 I actually tried this previously. I tried to donate books to the ex’s kid’s school. There’s a whole big process for approved titles which they can stock in the school. They accept donations of money to purchase books, but not actual books.
@reg036 @ruouttaurmind Just send your cash.
@ruouttaurmind @therealjrn