Aside from penguins, I really like looking at pictures of poisonous creatures (other than humans).
One of my top preferences is the Poison Blue Dart Frog (though Poison Dart Frogs, and Dart Frogs in general, are really cool, provided you don’t touch them).
@kdemo Costa Rica was gorgeous. Volcanoes, waterfalls, the ocean, the mountains, spectacular scenery, riots of flowers everywhere. We rented a car and drove all over the place so it wasn’t just the tourist areas.
No pygmy monkeys, but this little guy was stealing things off of balconies at our hotel. You couldn’t leave anything unattended.
@kdemo What you’re seeing is all the color and charm of the Lady G finch POPPING out of your monitor!
I love finches. We kept an aviary in the UK with about 30 finches. Mostly Bulls and Golds, but a few Haws. They make the most soothing little peep peeep. Even when they’re fired up, it’s hardly more than a discernible whisper.
@kdemo@luvche21 I think it’s the snail’s idea, sort of a custom paint job. They have contests, swap meets, derbies… Or maybe I’m on major drugs after getting my new knee. Or both.
@kdemo@MoonMoonDog Oops, ma bad. I guess I’m confused with this whole reply all thing going on. Well, I hope your knees aren’t kneeding anything knew @kdemo
@kdemo Seven days in-house therapy= lots of PT and OT and I gained ten pounds.There is a competition among chefs to produce the tastiest menus. I had bacon every morning, French toast, blueberry muffins, pot roast, grilled shrimp, creme brulee, triple chocolate brownie sundae, Italian ices, home fries, quesadillas, spinach salad with shrimp, almonds and cranberries… The Mayo Clinic nearby reputedly outshines them.
@kdemo@MoonMoonDog mine are getting better. Was in a lousy hit and run last year on my scooter, which screwed them up. Still healing, but I’m walking more and more. Hoping to get back into hiking and biking this year though!
@kdemo yeah, much longer than I expected, but it’s getting better. The worst part maybe is that it put me in a nasty depression and anger at the world (which is pretty abnormal for me). That’s getting better too though! Spring really helps (so much more than I expected), and so does the piano we just bought!
@luvche21 pain and pain meds can cause Depression. Anger is a symptom of all three. I’m pleased to hear that you are improving though. Talk to your docs if it worsens! There are lots of good treatments available.(I am, unfortunately, a bit of an expert on Chronic Pain and Clinical Depression.) These pics do take the edge off of a gloomy day though!
@f00l@kdemo Chatting with nurses provided lots of gourmet details. The Mayo Clinic’s cafeteria is even better than the Brooks Southside, but the other local Brooks Rehab location in town is best. All are open to the public. Feel free to check them out. I don’t want to go back.
@jelliott04 Definitely getting better, but I will consider talking to a doc if needed. I probably should have a few months ago, but have been able to work through it and am in a much better place. Haven’t been on many pain meds for it, so that wouldn’t have played into it too much. Thanks for the tips!
@kdemo I thought this was a caterpillar!
@DennisG2014 - Gotcha!
@DennisG2014 @kdemo I never would have noticed it wasn’t if not for this comment.
@DennisG2014 @Seeds - Now that I’ve seen the birds, I can’t see the caterpillar any more.
Took this one myself in Costa Rica
@moondrake - Was Costa Rica incredible? Did you see pygmy monkeys?
@moondrake - This one is from Costa Rica as well:
(But I didn’t take the photo)
@kdemo @moondrake @ruouttaurmind
Aside from penguins, I really like looking at pictures of poisonous creatures (other than humans).
One of my top preferences is the Poison Blue Dart Frog (though Poison Dart Frogs, and Dart Frogs in general, are really cool, provided you don’t touch them).
@kdemo Costa Rica was gorgeous. Volcanoes, waterfalls, the ocean, the mountains, spectacular scenery, riots of flowers everywhere. We rented a car and drove all over the place so it wasn’t just the tourist areas.
No pygmy monkeys, but this little guy was stealing things off of balconies at our hotel. You couldn’t leave anything unattended.
These were at a little animal sanctuary.
@moondrake - Sounds like an amazing experience! Love the photos.
Amazing photos even if I can’t tell whether or not any of them are photoshopped or not.
@Kidsandliz -
Why would you infer they are photoshopped?
@lordbowen - The crown is a nice touch. It must come in handy for formal feeding frenzies.
@kdemo @lordbowen Is it a crown? Or a bustle?
@lseeber - You’re right, it’s a bustle. Not sure how that might enhance a feeding frenzy.
@kdemo Oh… I don’t know… maybe a different kind of frenzy… when the sexiest bustle struts into the saloon.
@kdemo @lseeber Satellite dish?
@kdemo @lordbowen Junk in the trunk.
@ruouttaurmind - This appears to be 3D.
Or at least some extra Ds in there somewhere. Cool!
@kdemo What you’re seeing is all the color and charm of the Lady G finch POPPING out of your monitor!
I love finches. We kept an aviary in the UK with about 30 finches. Mostly Bulls and Golds, but a few Haws. They make the most soothing little peep peeep. Even when they’re fired up, it’s hardly more than a discernible whisper.
@luvche21 Yeeeee Hawww! GiddyUp!
@luvche21 - These frogs can hop, right? Wonder why they hitchhike.
@kdemo @luvche21
/giphy goat hitchhiking
@kdemo @luvche21 I can walk but I still drive.
@kdemo @luvche21 Especially on the slow boat to China.
@kdemo @luvche21 Prolly the same reason that cats ride Roombas.
@kdemo @luvche21 I think it’s the snail’s idea, sort of a custom paint job. They have contests, swap meets, derbies… Or maybe I’m on major drugs after getting my new knee. Or both.
@kdemo how’s the new knee? I assume you don’t know yet if you’re still on drugs…
@luvche21 - I think @MoonMoonDog might be able to answer better. I do not kneed a knee, but thanks for asking.
@kdemo @luvche21 @MoonMoonDog Ah, well, that was actually me. Not sure how MMD got in there.
@luvche21 @MoonMoonDog @OldCatLady - That’s strange.
Well, how are you? Lots of physical therapy?
@kdemo @MoonMoonDog Oops, ma bad. I guess I’m confused with this whole reply all thing going on. Well, I hope your knees aren’t kneeding anything knew @kdemo
…or was I really just curious how your knees are?
@luvche21 @MoonMoonDog - My knees are actually quite cooperative. They take turns when I walk, and point in the direction I tell them.
How about yours?
@kdemo Seven days in-house therapy= lots of PT and OT and I gained ten pounds.There is a competition among chefs to produce the tastiest menus. I had bacon every morning, French toast, blueberry muffins, pot roast, grilled shrimp, creme brulee, triple chocolate brownie sundae, Italian ices, home fries, quesadillas, spinach salad with shrimp, almonds and cranberries… The Mayo Clinic nearby reputedly outshines them.
@OldCatLady - Oh man, they really want to test the new knee, I guess.
Did they have to force you to leave?
@kdemo No! I like the outside air and my own local wildlife.
@kdemo @MoonMoonDog mine are getting better. Was in a lousy hit and run last year on my scooter, which screwed them up. Still healing, but I’m walking more and more. Hoping to get back into hiking and biking this year though!
@luvche21 - Crazy long recouperation, must’ve been awful. So glad you’re getting closer to normal activities.
@kdemo @OldCatLady
Knee-replacement ortho clinics and surgi-centers are also places of paradisical food?
Which one was this, if you don’t mind me asking?
Are you doing both knees or just one?
@kdemo yeah, much longer than I expected, but it’s getting better. The worst part maybe is that it put me in a nasty depression and anger at the world (which is pretty abnormal for me). That’s getting better too though! Spring really helps (so much more than I expected), and so does the piano we just bought!
@luvche21 pain and pain meds can cause Depression. Anger is a symptom of all three. I’m pleased to hear that you are improving though. Talk to your docs if it worsens! There are lots of good treatments available.(I am, unfortunately, a bit of an expert on Chronic Pain and Clinical Depression.) These pics do take the edge off of a gloomy day though!
@f00l @kdemo Chatting with nurses provided lots of gourmet details. The Mayo Clinic’s cafeteria is even better than the Brooks Southside, but the other local Brooks Rehab location in town is best. All are open to the public. Feel free to check them out. I don’t want to go back.
@jelliott04 Definitely getting better, but I will consider talking to a doc if needed. I probably should have a few months ago, but have been able to work through it and am in a much better place. Haven’t been on many pain meds for it, so that wouldn’t have played into it too much. Thanks for the tips!
@thismyusername - If I were a female one of those, That would make me hot!
@kdemo @thismyusername I’ve heard that spider mating rituals seem to make the female hungry.
@thismyusername That was the only mating dance I’ve ever seen that was on the same level as a bowerbird.
@thismyusername Is this a mating dance or a threat display? Many creatures have eyespots like that to confuse predators.
@jelliott04 mating dance.
@luvche21 “Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal…”
@DennisG2014 haha, now you’ve got that stuck in my head!
@luvche21 It’s been stuck in mine all day.
@DennisG2014 Well if you’d stop singing it so loud I’d get it out of my head!
Amazing, isn’t it? Those first two look like the models for the worm guys in Men In Black.
@kdemo Yup… I was right.
I took this one with a phone camera So shiny!
@medz - Do you need a special lens to take great
close-ups like that?
@kdemo nah. Just cropped it a bit
@medz - Left Shark has really gone downhill.
Less wild life.
@kdemo I think that’s the morning after the wild life. Been there once or twice…
/youtube the sultry dance of the bowerbird
@Seeds - Just take the blueberry!
@Seeds - The eyeball action is the best trick ever. Seems like it confuses the girl bird.
@kdemo there’s another video of a different type of bowerbird that’s even better, but I’m having trouble finding it now.
Speaking of anger and depression!!
Loves to play hide-and-seek in its off hours.
Uh oh. Looks delicious to this guy . . .
Amazing photos!
/image tame life