Why Mash Meh Button Poll?
4Has there been a poll yet about why people click the meh button? I think that would be interesting. I kind of see it as a check in, like "yup, I saw what meh item is on sale today." Sometimes it's also "this deal is meh." or "meh, it's a good deal, but I don't need one."
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i think the obvious answer is, "Because it's there."
Don't you know ANYTHING about life or Meh by now??? It's NEVER the obvious answer (unless it's a horror movie and the person who you think is least likely to behead people is walking around with weapons...)
@FroodyFrog but that's the only reason i clicked it in the first place.
Secretly, I always rooted for Dee Dee.
Or they just want to see the face.
@rockblossom Good point.
@rockblossom Yes, this.
@rockblossom Someone worked hard to think up a silly face, so I might as well click and see.
*or wait for the tee shirt, IF they make another one.
@thismyusername I .
I like watching it spin.
One day it will be the link to a "forbidden Fuku". So having to keep checking!
I think its like bubble wrap. Just can't help popping that. Speaking of which, I somehow bought the meh yesterday but forgot to mash the meh. I lost my 63 in a row streak, that was set before I forgot last time.
Originally, because I thought the deal was meh, but now I press it 'cause it's fun.
When I purchase something, I'll probably click the Meh button again, just because.
I have told people before not to push the "button", but no one listens.
@mfladd The bright, shiny button! The jolly, candy-like button!
Looking back, I find Ren & Stimpy kind of creepy.
Almost as much as I find the Teletubbies
I was a member for some time before even realizing it did anything when clicked. Now it is like a game to see how high of a streak I can get. Headed to Iceland next month and guessing I will ruin my streak there being too busy playing tourist and being drunk to remember to click it.
Drunkenness has precedence in this situation.
I don't because it's so freeing to stop.
@thismyusername Unmehficial, remember?
@darksaber99999 I quit clicking after missing my 244th consecutive clicky. You are right, it was sooo refreshing to stop obsessing about that damn face. Then one day I accidentally clicked on it. That was 144 days ago. It sucked me back in.
I'm not very imaginative.. I press it when I don't want something and buy when I do.. Simple. It's similar to a phone call.. sometimes I don't pay attention to the ring.
Ok fine, don't push the button
What else ya gonna do with it?
The meh face eating bot got me! I know I saw the face the Targus bags but now it's gone!
I click it to help delay the Zombie Apocalypse. Or to make the Z. A. come that much sooner.
I forget.