Which Server Will Crash The Least Tonight?
2If the stars and moon are lined up in the right order tonight, we should have a Fuku Bag AND BOC from that old site. Which may or may not include some type of game, puzzle, hidden message or just flat our feeding frenzy. Just wonder which one will blow up first....
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Maybe together they will break the Internet, unlike Kim Kardashian's futile attempt.
I'm leaning towards meh's. Given Woot's 10-at-a-time method (the last couple woot-offs), theirs doesn't have much to overload.
I'm not even looking at woot tonight. I bought a BOC two months ago for $10, and it was complete garbage. Not "crap," but garbage. Never again.
Let's keep bring it up so EVERYONE knows about it...good call.
I'm just gonna leave this here for future use...
@studerc Well... captcha is up so... Guess what? Someone's going to be mad... and Time is starting to die.. Also I think I am very sleep deprived... I'll be happy when the fuku drops so I can stop staying up for a little bit..
@sohmageek Yeah, it was up for my BT speaker purchase earlier.
Woot hasn't done the April Fool's Crap for a few years now, so I don't think they'll go full server crash tonight. I do think the site will be bogged at rollover with people hoping for crap, though.
Meh on the other hand... I really have no idea what to expect. They've eschewed the norm on Christmas, by giving us a gift rather than selling us something. They buck most of the norms, even those set by them. So perhaps tomorrow will simply be April 1st.
But you can bet your ass I'll be here at midnight, hoping my prediction is wrong.
@Thumperchick maybe we'll finally find out what happened in the writer's strike...
Captchia is up and it took a while to purchase the bluetooth speakers (my payment info didn't populate for about 60 seconds) @JonT is it starting already?
@sohmageek I just tried to buy the speakers and the checkout screen just vanished