@werehatrack Yes my rescue kitty is litter box trained. Yes I have one with the hood. It still it is not pleasant to scoop out the Clumping litter! But I just dump it into the toilet, Is that not the place for #1 & 2?
Actually once my kid had a friend over and they both needed to use our one toilet at the same time. My kid told her friend to crouch over the cat box. She did. I made my kid scoop the box that time.
@mycya4me@werehatrack It never happened again. She hated to do the dirt box anyway and this made it all the worse. One of the rules was if she forgot something and I had to bring it to school for her (8 miles away) that she owed me twice the time it took me doing whatever I wanted to have her do/hard manual labor. She hated cleaning toilets, cat boxes… stuff like that so that was what she was put to work doing when that happened. Amazing how infrequently she forgot things after a few rounds of that.
@mycya4me she new the consequences in advance. I told her over and over if you don’t like the consequence of a choice make a choice that has a consequence you like.
@hchavers Yep - I live out in the country, so there are few lawns that are accessible from the road. For the couple on our walking routes that are adjacent, I don’t let my dog drop a load while we are next to them - there is plenty of other wild unkept space for him to defile.
We back to woods and are about 20’ from a ravine. My wonderful lab is not a bolter and she just stands by the back door when she needs to go out. We didn’t train her to do it, but she poops right on the edge of the hill. Twice a week I go out with a shovel and give it my best Happy Gilmore shot
Forgetting a bag is worse. At least if it’s runny, you can “give it the ol’ college try” if anyone is looking. If you don’t have a bag and someone is looking, well… run
I just make the cat go in the box.
@yakkoTDI OMG that the Best answer! But I don’t care for cleaning the litter box, but it is just the Cat & I.
@mycya4me You use the cat box?
@werehatrack Yes my rescue kitty is litter box trained. Yes I have one with the hood. It still it is not pleasant to scoop out the Clumping litter! But I just dump it into the toilet, Is that not the place for #1 & 2?
@mycya4me @werehatrack
Actually once my kid had a friend over and they both needed to use our one toilet at the same time. My kid told her friend to crouch over the cat box. She did. I made my kid scoop the box that time.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack I think that was the Best punishment! I hope she will not try that again!
@mycya4me @werehatrack It never happened again. She hated to do the dirt box anyway and this made it all the worse. One of the rules was if she forgot something and I had to bring it to school for her (8 miles away) that she owed me twice the time it took me doing whatever I wanted to have her do/hard manual labor. She hated cleaning toilets, cat boxes… stuff like that so that was what she was put to work doing when that happened. Amazing how infrequently she forgot things after a few rounds of that.
@Kidsandliz You are “such a Mean Parent” hehehe, I love it! Hey I don’t like cleaning Toilets or Cat boxes… But it must be done so I must do it!
@mycya4me she new the consequences in advance. I told her over and over if you don’t like the consequence of a choice make a choice that has a consequence you like.
@Kidsandliz Hehehehe. as I said “You must be a BAD” parents, at least in their Eyes"
IMHO you are doing an Awesome Job!
So many don’t realize 100% of ALL actions have a Reaction/Consequence. Good or Bad, I try to choose the Good!
Fortunately I don’t have dogs so no worries and the cats use the litter box where the clumping cat litter deals with all evils.
@Kidsandliz good, better answer than the ones offered. But still the litter box is NOT fun to clean every several days.
The worst? No longer having a dog to pick up after. :C
I let the fertilizer stay where it lands.
@hchavers Yep - I live out in the country, so there are few lawns that are accessible from the road. For the couple on our walking routes that are adjacent, I don’t let my dog drop a load while we are next to them - there is plenty of other wild unkept space for him to defile.
Both are worse than neither.
Stepping in it instead.
Who picks up the runny ones?
@rustyh3 I just piss them away!
@rustyh3 Not my neighbor! Come to think of it, he doesn’t pick any variety up!
@rustyh3 I let the rain handle those.
Our dog was having jet black poops and couldn’t figure out why… Until caught her eating the bloodmeal I put down on my banana plants.
Not healthy for her so we quickly put a stop to that… And I’m not going to use bloodmeal any more so she doesn’t get any more opportunities.
I don’t pick up dog poop, probably why I don’t have a dog.
We back to woods and are about 20’ from a ravine. My wonderful lab is not a bolter and she just stands by the back door when she needs to go out. We didn’t train her to do it, but she poops right on the edge of the hill. Twice a week I go out with a shovel and give it my best Happy Gilmore shot

Forgetting a bag is worse. At least if it’s runny, you can “give it the ol’ college try” if anyone is looking. If you don’t have a bag and someone is looking, well… run