Where can I suggest a Bothers Irk idea
1As stylish as everyone keeps trying to convince me this paginationless forum is it's hard to find anything of relevance. This is like twitter and tumblr decided to have a baby that feeds only on first posts and shits adderall.
Oh. The suggestion, right. Menu's with a la carte items like pickles having large icons next to it denoting that it is "Vegan, Gluten Free and Vegetarian". It's a fucking pickle.
- 6 comments, 19 replies
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goto google.com and type:
then google will only search the miles and miles of posts for "search words here".
I think the best way to suggest an idea for Irk would be to write it on the back of a chocolate bar and send it to him... trolls like chocolate right?
@thismyusername Why do we have to use second hand algorithms. Why can't we have it on our oooowwwwn. Also new complaint: reply boxes are just single lines. :(
@DrunkCat because it's meh, it's not amazing. :D plus what would we have to gripe about if it was perfect?
@thismyusername used solid counter-point. It's super effective!
@thismyusername #INTERNETSEARCH - #Q? WHY IS INTERNET SEARCH NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOL? #A? a lot of us would be out of a job
@thismyusername I tried that search technique and it just sent me back to here. :-(
@PocketBrain welcome back :)
nuts to that. i want the non-vegan pickles dammit! that's a thing, right?
@carl669 bacon-wrapped pickles. I just invented a thing.
@PocketBrain someone beat you to it. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/nancy-fuller/nita-marys.html
@carl669 battered, deep-fried pickles. :-P
They have to put those icons there because most people don't really know what gluten is or what it's in, they just know someone told them they shouldn't eat it.
(NSFW language)
@JonT seen this guy? heheh
@thismyusername I think you win this particular comment chain within the thread. A+++++
Actually, it's there because food manufacturer's put it in a lot of places it doesn't belong. Making it extraordinarily difficult to find food that won't make you sick. Allergen and ingredient lists are still not completely accurate. So a company putting that out there from the jump, even on something that should NEVER have gluten in it, is helpful to people who have celiac, or other autoimmune conditions that have adverse reactions to gluten.
@Thumperchick What if everything has gluten and animal products and we've just been lied to? I'm looking at you water, thinking you were safe with your whole "i'm just h2o and trace elements that allow me conduct electricity among other benefits such as infusing your body with supposedly necessary micronutrients BUT IN FACT IT HAS BEEN SUPPLYING YOU WITH THE MOST UNVEGANISTIC COMPOUNDS KNOWN TO MAN" Or maybe you know, a pickle is just a pickle.
@DrunkCat there is water in animal pee, so one may assume the converse is true. Yep, animal products in your water.
@Thumperchick Yup. Like gluten IN PICKLES! What the hell? (So yes, I DO check pickles to make sure they are gluten free. )
But my biggest gripe is prescription drugs which have gluten in the "inert" base ingredients, and the drug companies won't disclose it, or they just buy the base from somewhere else and have no idea what is in it. If I need an antibiotic, I have to ask the doctor or dentist for a specific type that is on the list known to be gluten free, or the "cure is worse than the disease" may be all too true.
@DrunkCat http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/19/surprising-foods-with-gluten_n_3769463.html
@Thumperchick Haha well fuck me. Guess pickles weren't such a good example for this. Reminds me of how vegans don't know Figs aren't vegan. My point still stands though on a la carte items, it's equivalent to a cereal box saying "Asbestos free!"
@DrunkCat I agree, it's ridiculous. Unfortunately, it's caused by what @rockblossom is talking about up there. You shouldn't have to tell people that fruit is gluten free. You shouldn't have to question it, it should just be fucking fruit.
This thread lacks pagination. I'm out.
I've been gluten free for 34 years. It's a difficult diet to manage. Even products labeled as gluten free have trace amounts of gluten in it so you have to be careful.
Before people argue that it's just a fad diet for me, it's not. I have seen so many specialists about my sickness and it turned out that I was celiac. It originally was diagnosed as non tropical sprue, then gluten sensitive enteropathy, and then finally celiac. I am so sensitive to it that if I brush my teeth with toothpaste that contains such small amounts of gluten that they do not put it on the ingredients list, I will get sick.
Anyway, now back to my point. Manufacturers say their products are gluten free and then I read the ingredients and it contains distilled vinegar. Regular vinegar is fermented grains and usually contains wheat so it needs to be red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar to be gluten free.
Quinoa is listed as a gluten free and that would be technically true but what they don't tell you is it's usually cross contaminated with wheat. You cannot grow Quinoa every year on the same farm so the farmers rotate the crop with wheat. The next time they grow Quinoa, some of the wheat from the previous year grows through and gets harvested with the Quinoa.
Oats is also technically gluten free but many people (including myself) that has a real gluten intolerance cannot handle oats either because the plant protein strain is very similar to gluten.
Once you find a product that you like, you have to read the ingredients every time you buy it because the manufacturer will change them on you. I used to eat Pringles chips until they changed it to contain a large portion of wheat.
I never go to restaurants because I know I'm the minority and don't expect them to cater to people like me. One time a girl sort of pressured me to go so I went and just ordered a salad. When I ordered it, I asked for no croutons and no dressing. When I received the salad, it had croutons on it so I asked the nice lady to please take it back and make me a fresh one and explained it's important so I don't get sick. She brings one back that I thought was fresh and when I got to the middle of the salad, there were more croutons in it. She apparently just picked them out but missed a couple. I got so sick and their bathrooms were disgusting. I never voluntarily ate at a restaurant since.
Unless you're celiac, gluten is harmless to you and there is no real need to be on a gluten free diet.
@cengland0 :(
@cengland0 at the very least all the fad heads have increased what is available for you to choose from to eat.... I know it's not great since you still have celiac, but it's something! When people offer me gluten free things, I explain I don't have celiac, and ask them how long they have known they have had it... most don't understand what I am asking them.