At work in the office, currently in a conference call meeting which I’m paying little attention to right now since they haven’t gotten around to the parts that pertains to my work. No one bothers with webcams either, so there’s no need to deny being a cat.
Working in the kitchen, staring at the living room and occasionally seeing the pups legs over the back of the couch when he stretches before rolling over to fall back asleep…
@chienfou I actually looked at local Bernadoodle breeders (among a few other breeds) before deciding on a rescue pup. It was one of my guesses before getting his DNA done, he does have some doodle dna, but no “berna” lol
@sammydog01 Not gonna lie I saw those robot dogs Boston Dynamics made awhile ago and then I saw an episode of Black Mirror in the future with people getting hunted down by robot dogs. I had some concerns lol.
Yeah, even days later it’s still hard to get some food stuff, and some people are still without electricity or water down here. Seemed pretty avoidable but what do I know, you know?
@Targaryen We normally have a cycle of a foot or two of snow in the valley, then it melts off sooner or later. But it’s variable, sometimes we only get a dusting, or a few inches. Rinse, repeat. The snowpack in the mountains builds all winter. “Greatest Snow On Earth” and all that.
Snow is a way of life here, and even big storms only slow things down for a few hours. UDOT and the cities know exactly what to do, and have the gear & experience. If it’s expected to be a bad storm, they’ll even be out pre-treating the highways with brine. Sure, there are foul-ups at times, but we rarely see a snowstorm as something terrifying.
We had a freak winter in the early 90’s. There were repeated massive storms, and the snow kept accumulating. Some roofs were collapsing under the weight of snow, and a few people were making the news for injuring themselves trying to clear their roofs. I worked at the U of U research park, right next to the mountains, and there was a lot of wide open space that hadn’t been built on yet. So some amazing snow drifts built up. The roads there were bordered by walls of snow 10-15 feet high!
Even with routine snow, we always have a rash of accidents with every storm. My theory is that intelligence is water-soluble.
This year it’s been near drought all winter, and only decent storms in the last few weeks. We’re still well below normal for water for the winter. Snow in the mountains is our water supply for the year, so the weathermen are always reporting on it.
@Targaryen I’ve got a sister in San Antonio, so I’ve been seeing what they’ve been dealing with. It wasn’t good, but it sounds like they had it better than many. Lots of power outage, but no structural damage.
My brother tried to send her a generator, but of course everything was broken, so that didn’t work. She’ll have one for the next event though.
@blaineg We were out there the end of last month. Brought all the snow with us. Started the day we arrived and kept at it all week. Powder Mountain definitely lived up to it’s name by the end of the week. Unfortunately for the people on the East Coast, we also brought the snow back with us.
My buddies and I have been talking about investing in a vacation home there. Be perfect for us skiers/boarders and I’m sure it would rent enough throughout the year to make it cost effective.
Article reviews. One down five to go. Due tomorrow night. AGH!!! My own fault for procrastinating though. And obviously not doing them at the moment since I am on meh.
@Kyeh Among other things a real accordion, a couple hand crank radios, two kids’ electric scooters (gonna fix and sell those) and a Chessie the Cat ceramic heart-shaped trinket box!
@Kyeh Like the scooters! I do this with televisions all the time. There was a gorgeous GE stereo console there today, too…but no room at home for it. :C
@Kyeh It looked like new, just a little dusty. I wanted to see and hear it lit up and playing, but there were no electrical outlets nearby! Maybe I’ll go back with an extension cord and some records…
@Kyeh@PooltoyWolf Grandma had a variety of those over the years. We thought it was a good place to play with toy cars. She disagreed for some reason. I think one got dropped into the 8-track.
That looks remarkably like the one my parents had when I was growing up in STL. But I’m pretty sure it isn’t theirs since they took it to France with them when they moved there in 1973 and had a transformer installed so they could use the 220v 50hz local current.
re Calvin - Hey, it’s called “distressing”!
(I always hate buying a new piece of furniture that has phony wear and tear - it looks so obviously fake. Plus if you have cats the furniture gets plenty of distress in short order.)
@chienfou Oooo, don’t get me started on THAT! I find the whole ripped jeans thing almost as annoying as the saggy pants fad. Thankfully I don’t see that so often anymore.
At work in the office, currently in a conference call meeting which I’m paying little attention to right now since they haven’t gotten around to the parts that pertains to my work. No one bothers with webcams either, so there’s no need to deny being a cat.
Working… trying to dig out of the issues caused by the Snowmageddon Storm last week
Where’s Waldo, that’s awesome.
@Koolhandjoe @Star2236 …where?
@Star2236 @Targaryen Ha… If I told you it would take the fun out of finding him
Working in the kitchen, staring at the living room and occasionally seeing the pups legs over the back of the couch when he stretches before rolling over to fall back asleep…

@tinamarie1974 Can we get an updated photo? I bet he’s getting big!
@sammydog01 he is getting big!!
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
@f00l @tinamarie1974 And there’s no sheepdog in there?
@f00l @sammydog01 not as far as they said. Shocking, right?!?!?!?
@f00l @sammydog01 post bath…
@f00l @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
SIL has a new Bernadoodle pup that looks a lot like your guy…
@chienfou @f00l @sammydog01 pics?
sorry don’t have any, but here is a stock shot from the interwebs

stay tuned, having trouble getting it to post
@chienfou I actually looked at local Bernadoodle breeders (among a few other breeds) before deciding on a rescue pup. It was one of my guesses before getting his DNA done, he does have some doodle dna, but no “berna” lol
whatever he is, he is a cute rascal.
@chienfou thanks
he is a rascal!!
BTW, you had me at ‘rescue pup’
I’m watching Spot destroy statues.
@sammydog01 And someone broke him. I bet he costs more than a BMW to fix.
@sammydog01 That’s fantastic!
@sammydog01 Man, it ended. I’ll have to see if I can see video on YT later.
@Targaryen He spent a lot of time lying flat on the ground. Maybe it didn’t work quite like they expected.
Here’s a tweet from Boston Dynamics about it:
@sammydog01 Not gonna lie I saw those robot dogs Boston Dynamics made awhile ago and then I saw an episode of Black Mirror in the future with people getting hunted down by robot dogs. I had some concerns lol.
@Targaryen Here’s a quote from the MSCHF people:
@sammydog01 @Targaryen That’s a pretty PR statement, but they’ve been doing military work from the beginning.
@sammydog01 @Targaryen Though I can understand that they wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea.
I’m glad to see you’re recovering down there!
36F and occasional snow in Salt Lake, nothing on the ground, but they’re promising some.
@blaineg Is that a good or a bad thing?
Yeah, even days later it’s still hard to get some food stuff, and some people are still without electricity or water down here. Seemed pretty avoidable but what do I know, you know?
@Targaryen We normally have a cycle of a foot or two of snow in the valley, then it melts off sooner or later. But it’s variable, sometimes we only get a dusting, or a few inches. Rinse, repeat. The snowpack in the mountains builds all winter. “Greatest Snow On Earth” and all that.
Snow is a way of life here, and even big storms only slow things down for a few hours. UDOT and the cities know exactly what to do, and have the gear & experience. If it’s expected to be a bad storm, they’ll even be out pre-treating the highways with brine. Sure, there are foul-ups at times, but we rarely see a snowstorm as something terrifying.
We had a freak winter in the early 90’s. There were repeated massive storms, and the snow kept accumulating. Some roofs were collapsing under the weight of snow, and a few people were making the news for injuring themselves trying to clear their roofs. I worked at the U of U research park, right next to the mountains, and there was a lot of wide open space that hadn’t been built on yet. So some amazing snow drifts built up. The roads there were bordered by walls of snow 10-15 feet high!
Even with routine snow, we always have a rash of accidents with every storm. My theory is that intelligence is water-soluble.
This year it’s been near drought all winter, and only decent storms in the last few weeks. We’re still well below normal for water for the winter. Snow in the mountains is our water supply for the year, so the weathermen are always reporting on it.
TL;DR - The snow is welcome.
@Targaryen I’ve got a sister in San Antonio, so I’ve been seeing what they’ve been dealing with. It wasn’t good, but it sounds like they had it better than many. Lots of power outage, but no structural damage.
My brother tried to send her a generator, but of course everything was broken, so that didn’t work. She’ll have one for the next event though.
@blaineg We were out there the end of last month. Brought all the snow with us. Started the day we arrived and kept at it all week. Powder Mountain definitely lived up to it’s name by the end of the week. Unfortunately for the people on the East Coast, we also brought the snow back with us.
My buddies and I have been talking about investing in a vacation home there. Be perfect for us skiers/boarders and I’m sure it would rent enough throughout the year to make it cost effective.
@cinoclav We thank you for the assist!
Nearly 80F. Truck stop. Central TX.
@f00l Nice! Where are you going?
That was hours ago
At the time I bwas going from Texas to Texas
More specifically from rural area near Waco to DFW
I paused there in order to listen to truck stop music
/youtube miles and miles of Texas
At home, on the couch, browsing Meh for a few minutes.
At work. SE Georgia.

Here’s a picture of what I’m working on:
@PocketBrain CIA? NSA? NRO?
Article reviews. One down five to go. Due tomorrow night. AGH!!! My own fault for procrastinating though. And obviously not doing them at the moment since I am on meh.
At this very moment? Surveying my latest Goodwill finds all over the living room floor, being watched by a blow up coyote.
I’m glad you have inflatable canine companionship
@PooltoyWolf Did you find some treasures?
@f00l Me too

@Kyeh Among other things a real accordion, a couple hand crank radios, two kids’ electric scooters (gonna fix and sell those) and a Chessie the Cat ceramic heart-shaped trinket box!
@PooltoyWolf Wowza! Congratulations!
@Kyeh Thanks! Thrifting is cathartic for me…spend a small amount of money and get lots of fun stuff to spend your days at home with!
@PooltoyWolf Especially if you can fix and resell stuff!
@Kyeh Like the scooters! I do this with televisions all the time. There was a gorgeous GE stereo console there today, too…but no room at home for it. :C

@PooltoyWolf Wow. It looks almost pristine, too. But huge.
@Kyeh It looked like new, just a little dusty. I wanted to see and hear it lit up and playing, but there were no electrical outlets nearby! Maybe I’ll go back with an extension cord and some records…
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf Grandma had a variety of those over the years. We thought it was a good place to play with toy cars. She disagreed for some reason. I think one got dropped into the 8-track.
@blaineg @Kyeh Or the cars scratched the veneer!
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf We were busy little monsters.
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf
@blaineg @Kyeh That’s one of my favorites!
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf
That looks remarkably like the one my parents had when I was growing up in STL. But I’m pretty sure it isn’t theirs since they took it to France with them when they moved there in 1973 and had a transformer installed so they could use the 220v 50hz local current.
@blaineg @PooltoyWolf
re Calvin - Hey, it’s called “distressing”!
(I always hate buying a new piece of furniture that has phony wear and tear - it looks so obviously fake. Plus if you have cats the furniture gets plenty of distress in short order.)
Yep, sort of like paying a premium for jeans with rips/tears in them… What’s the point of that? Too lazy to wear them out yourself??
@chienfou Oooo, don’t get me started on THAT! I find the whole ripped jeans thing almost as annoying as the saggy pants fad. Thankfully I don’t see that so often anymore.
OK… all together now, on 3…
Damn right!
At work in the ER. Temp in the 70’s past few day.
(No pic due to HIPPA issues…)
Hoping my relief comes (eventually). So far she is 30 minutes late…
She finally showed up about 90 minutes late… guess I should be glad she came at all since this is her last week here…
At work at my desk in lovely Massachusetts. We are in the process of emerging from our annual polar vortex, a.k.a. February.
Sitting at my desk in my dining room in Everett, WA staring blankly and thinking about coffee
At home, watching Se7en, a little tired, got my first Covid vaccine this morning.
@lisaviolet Congratulations!
@Kyeh @lisaviolet