@rockblossom I remember when all the girls in Playboy were suddenly younger than me. I remember when people running for Congress were suddenly younger than me.
For some reason, having the host of the Tonight Show be younger than me is the one that really gets me!
Here lies I and my three daughters,
Kill’d by drinking Cheltenham waters;
If we had stuck to Epsom salts,
We’d not been a lying in these here vaults
Just deal with it.
Coffee and a nap.
Suck it up.
All day
Sing “Achy Breaky Heart” but replace “Heart” with the body part that’s hurting.
Listen to Billy Ray!!
/youtube Achy Breaky Heart
@IndifferentDude No.
whiskey and sleep
You mean the ache of life?
Remember I was born in the 70s—the early 70s—and curse the passage of time.
@kostia Which means you were born around the time I graduated from college.
@rockblossom Once you’re past a certain age, old is just old. We old people are all the same age.

I sometimes see someone on the news and think: “Wow! He’s still around? He must be like 70 or something!”
@rockblossom I remember when all the girls in Playboy were suddenly younger than me. I remember when people running for Congress were suddenly younger than me.
For some reason, having the host of the Tonight Show be younger than me is the one that really gets me!
@kostia @rockblossom
But are the articles still relatable?
If it is bad enough soak in a hot tub w Epsom salt
Here lies I and my three daughters,
Kill’d by drinking Cheltenham waters;
If we had stuck to Epsom salts,
We’d not been a lying in these here vaults
Drink plenty of water and get some rest.
It takes more than “a little achey” for me to stop. I ain’t got the time or the luxury; I got things to do!
<sigh> i pine for the days of a little achey.
Push through.
take 4 ibuprofen
one bourbon…one scotch…and one beer.
Stretching exercises. Shiatsu massagers. Turmeric and Boswellia supplements. Colorful language. Not necessarily in that order.
Sleep if possible. If not, mumble and complain.
The old standby - Advil and Alcohol!
Heating pad