@Kyser_Soze Yup. The (in)famous Davy Crockett tactical nuclear recoilless gun - with a range shorter than the blast radius of its warhead. Efficient in its way, as it eliminates the old problem of the operators having to wear radiation detectors.
Mono atomic wire from Niven’s Known Space series. Glue one end to a button, use a force projector to swing the button around, and you have a knife that is arbitrarily long, and has a cutting edge literally one atom wide
Too bad you restricted it to movie weapons or I’d pick a Galactic Patrol Delameter from E. E. Doc Smith’s Lensman series. Myriawatts of power, and such huge capacity it took the output of a city’s primary power generators hours to mostly charge two of them. And these were the ‘handguns’ of a GP officer or Lensman…
@jqubed that little red button. Any weapon with a single button for the self-destruct is a bad idea. Mind you, a self-destruct is not always a bad idea, even one to cause a massive explosion; just make sure it can’t be set off by a bad drop or putting it down the wrong way.
@simplersimon Well a real killer, a dyed-in-the-wool, cold-blooded, clean, methodical, thorough killer would’ve asked what that little red button does.
I rea want to say lightsaber, but then I recall that I am no Cheddar Knight, and would surely lose limbs due to my lack of skill. Honestly, most options are bound to leave a corpse or less, just from me trying to figure out how to use them. How have I survived so long?
@simplersimon I had the same thought. The light saber is awesome, but I’d surely decapitate myself in my first swing of it. I went with the Star Trek phaser. At least it has the “stun” mode!
@simplersimon Most people think, having a lightsaber automatically means you know the martial arts they used in Star Wars and would get themselves killed, quickly.
Gotta be the Phaser from Star Trek. You have a good range, can be both lethal and non-lethal, can be used as a cutting torch so it’s a useful tool AND can even heat rocks to use for warmth and cooking. It’s super versatile.
You have stun, kill, and, vaporize options without having to melodramatically change the settings as with a phaser. You just keep shooting until you get the desired result.
Are we asking, “What weapon from a sci-fi movie would you want in real life?” or “What weapon would you want if you were living in the universe of a sci-fi movie?” (important distinction in our ridiculous theoretical question)
If the former, it would be lightsaber, because I can think of a lot of alternate uses for it. The others on the list could only be used I wanted to harm someone.
If the latter, the possibility of needing to incapacitate another being increases significantly and I would opt for a blaster or phaser. Both can not only attack an enemy from afar, but can be set to stun the attacker without killing.
I remember reading a sci-fi story/book which included a weapon called the CTB. Whatever was shot with that weapon simply “Ceased To Be”. Can’t find the source material, tho
@compunaut I guess I got so focused on movies, I completely forgot about books. In the David Wong book This Book Is Full Of Spiders, David and John find a that basically turns whatever you’re pointing it at into whatever you’re thinking about at the time. They use it with varying levels of success in the book.
That awesome ball thing in that one movie where the aliens have backwards knees.
edit: the cleaning ball from “The Arrival”
Does a sonic screwdriver count? If not, then I’m going with River’s shoes.
I had to read the list twice, because I thought I missed the sonic screwdriver.
@ceruleanseas or her lipstick.
@hollboll Also popular with rogue Companions on Firefly.
Not sci-fi…but should be!

@Kyser_Soze Duck and cover.
@Kyser_Soze Yup. The (in)famous Davy Crockett tactical nuclear recoilless gun - with a range shorter than the blast radius of its warhead. Efficient in its way, as it eliminates the old problem of the operators having to wear radiation detectors.
@rockblossom Don’t forget about the nuclear torpedo with the exact same characteristics.
What is this “nuclear” business?
I thought we had ejjicated folk here.
“Nuuu Cuuuu Laaaar”, people.
/image shrub

Death Star

I gotta go with the Mantrid Drones (from Lexx), after all, they destroy an entire universe.
@Pavlov Space Balls, for the win!
@Pavlov Oh shit, there goes the planet.
@Pavlov She’s gone from suck to blow!
@Pavlov I hear she gives good helmet.
Gotta go with the bat’leth. Elegant & deadly. No batteries required.
From Dune: Obliterators – Weapons of mass destruction that combust the atmosphere of a planet and subsequently its surface
Mono atomic wire from Niven’s Known Space series. Glue one end to a button, use a force projector to swing the button around, and you have a knife that is arbitrarily long, and has a cutting edge literally one atom wide
/image krull blade

This crazy mind controlled boomerang thing
The Point of View gun, from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
@TheCO2 That was a stupid idea. It just {zap} Oh my gawd, I’m being such an ass. The PoV gun would completely end wars!
@TheCO2 People give the Hitchhiker’s movie a bad rap, but as a fan of the books, and the radio series, I enjoyed it!
Too bad you restricted it to movie weapons or I’d pick a Galactic Patrol Delameter from E. E. Doc Smith’s Lensman series. Myriawatts of power, and such huge capacity it took the output of a city’s primary power generators hours to mostly charge two of them. And these were the ‘handguns’ of a GP officer or Lensman…
I rather liked the Mech-style battle suit from “District 9.”
No love for Stargate? :’(
Ma’Tok staff? Zat’nik’tel? So many awesome weapons.
Absolutely the EM-1 Rail Guns used in Eraser. Terrible movie, but cool gun.
How is the Zorg ZF1 (The Fifth Element) not on this list, and how has no one mentioned it yet?!

@jqubed that little red button. Any weapon with a single button for the self-destruct is a bad idea. Mind you, a self-destruct is not always a bad idea, even one to cause a massive explosion; just make sure it can’t be set off by a bad drop or putting it down the wrong way.
@simplersimon Well a real killer, a dyed-in-the-wool, cold-blooded, clean, methodical, thorough killer would’ve asked what that little red button does.
@jqubed Didja ever notice the similarity between the ZF1 and the Pod Guns from Galaxy Quest?

@ruouttaurmind I hadn’t, but as soon as I read the preview text on the email notifying me of this comment I knew exactly what you meant.
I rea want to say lightsaber, but then I recall that I am no Cheddar Knight, and would surely lose limbs due to my lack of skill. Honestly, most options are bound to leave a corpse or less, just from me trying to figure out how to use them. How have I survived so long?
@simplersimon I had the same thought. The light saber is awesome, but I’d surely decapitate myself in my first swing of it. I went with the Star Trek phaser. At least it has the “stun” mode!
@simplersimon Most people think, having a lightsaber automatically means you know the martial arts they used in Star Wars and would get themselves killed, quickly.
I was just thinking I need to watch all the Men In Black’s now that I’ve finished all the Bourne movies. Touche.
Would you consider Matt Damon’s sleepy eyes sci-fi weapons?
I didn’t see “Chuck Norris” on that list. Put him in space & there you go.
@emt305 the only thing I could find was an episode of Karate Kommandos called Menace from Space. May be something else, but I am lazy.
pan galactic gargle blaster
@rtjhnstn … or a lemon wrapped around a brick.
@PocketBrain yeah, but a gold brick. It’s fancier that way.
A light saber mixed with a Proton Pack.
Gotta be the Phaser from Star Trek. You have a good range, can be both lethal and non-lethal, can be used as a cutting torch so it’s a useful tool AND can even heat rocks to use for warmth and cooking. It’s super versatile.

/giphy super versatile
@Bingo My reasoning exactly.
Only problem? How do you recharge the bloody thing? I don’t think they have USB ports…
@Bingo Don’t forget that you can set it to overload and use it as a grenade in a pinch.
/image jaffa staff weapon

Deadly, badass, and you can beat people with it if it looses charge.
As for versatility,
/image zat gun

You have stun, kill, and, vaporize options without having to melodramatically change the settings as with a phaser. You just keep shooting until you get the desired result.
I prefer the LAPD 2019 Blaster. Nothing fancy - it’s dependable and gets the job done. And when you’re chasing replicants, that’s really all you need.
Death Star, of course. Just keep those ports covered.
How could you miss the classic warrior race weapons?
/image bat’leth
/image d’k tahg

A whole lot of people chose to amputate their limbs. SMH
What, no tribbles?
/giphy tribbles

Are we asking, “What weapon from a sci-fi movie would you want in real life?” or “What weapon would you want if you were living in the universe of a sci-fi movie?” (important distinction in our ridiculous theoretical question)
If the former, it would be lightsaber, because I can think of a lot of alternate uses for it. The others on the list could only be used I wanted to harm someone.
If the latter, the possibility of needing to incapacitate another being increases significantly and I would opt for a blaster or phaser. Both can not only attack an enemy from afar, but can be set to stun the attacker without killing.
in a sci-fi universe I would go for backpack black holes.
Doesn’t work well for film purposes tho, unless YouTube. Likely no 90 minute dramatic tension.
I remember reading a sci-fi story/book which included a weapon called the CTB. Whatever was shot with that weapon simply “Ceased To Be”. Can’t find the source material, tho
@compunaut I guess I got so focused on movies, I completely forgot about books. In the David Wong book This Book Is Full Of Spiders, David and John find a
that basically turns whatever you’re pointing it at into whatever you’re thinking about at the time. They use it with varying levels of success in the book. 
DeLorean Time Machine… Like when Marty accidentally makes it so that his parents never meet.
@krock1 When you get the DeLorean, please make it so I never met my ex.
since they actually made a movie, however terrible it was: Green Lantern power ring.
Cotton Candy Cocoon Guns from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.
Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice
Forgot to post this last night . . .
@Pavlov One of my all-time favorite videos.