Actually, the biggest and most common disappointment is when I buy a bunch of something because it’s on sale and either get sick of eating it or just don’t go through it fast enough. Net result is most goes in the garbage.
@tweezak There are lots of good uses for that food waste besides letting it wind up in a landfill. You could compost it, getting nutritious soil for your garden, feed it to pets, feed it to livestock like chickens or pigs, or just toss it in your garden to pseudo-compost it. Anything’s better than giving it to the landfill. It will take longer to decompose there, and potentially exacerbate contamination/runoff problems.
@tweezak This is an ongoing thing in our household.
“I am really in the mood for (blank), lets get 4 packages of it!”
“Let’s just get 2. If we eat them all, we can buy some more”
“You don’t understand. I am S0 in the mood for it!!”
@tweezak@Weboh I don’t think you’re supposed to compost any meats or animal products (other than a dash of their fecal output), in case anyone didn’t already know that.
@tweezak@zachdecker I forgot I had stuck a shit-ton of them in a closet. I wonder if they’re still edible. Now I know that a case of corn nuts is too much for one person. I think I made it through about half of them.
Dang, if I had thought about it, I could’ve turned on my porch light and given them to trick-or-treaters. Oh, well.
@Weboh We do a little composting though not enough, IMO. A lot of our waste goes to our 6 chickens but putting waste food outside also draws rats. In case you didn’t know, chickens scatter their food all over and you can’t keep rats out of it unless you have farm cats.
Any food spoilage makes me sad. I hate wasting food, even the stuff I get from meh (looking at you, rancid corn nuts I can’t bring myself to throw away).
@shahnm Wait until you are making soup with potato in and from the outside the potato is perfectly fine. Cut it open and almost the whole inside is rotten. I was so sad that day. I should have taken a picture.
The overpriced avocados that I buy, and closely watch every single day for peak ripeness. Not yet… not yet… not yet… (phone rings and i step away for 2 minutes)… rotten.
Just about anything that you think is ok from simply looking at it through it’s air tight but clear package until you open it and one whiff gets you dry heaving. That’s always a major bummer, whatever it is because you usually don’t open it and smell it until you are midway through preparing whatever meal it was gonna be a part of…
The doggy bag from that incredible dinner out a few days ago that got shoved to the back of the fridge. Or maybe your ADD brain just forgot about it. Either way, .
The special item that you made in the last ditch effort to try to get your partner to eat something, anything, to try to build their strength back up so that perhaps they might have another few weeks. And they didn’t touch it.
fresh pineapple. For some reason they always seem to rot between the grocery store and getting it home (and the few days it takes me to get over going grocery shopping and finally deciding to cut it up…) The last 3 or 4 pineapples i’ve bought have gone bad. I live in wisconsin so it probably has to do with how much it has to travel to even get in my kitchen.
Keep those bananas in the fridge next to the batteries.
@tweezak Who has room for bananas?!?
Meals prepared ahead of time.
Bananas, you say?
/image I feel seen.

Actually, the biggest and most common disappointment is when I buy a bunch of something because it’s on sale and either get sick of eating it or just don’t go through it fast enough. Net result is most goes in the garbage.
@tweezak I’m still finishing the last of that Love Corn! -Even if it is rock hard, and now tastes a little funny!
@tweezak There are lots of good uses for that food waste besides letting it wind up in a landfill. You could compost it, getting nutritious soil for your garden, feed it to pets, feed it to livestock like chickens or pigs, or just toss it in your garden to pseudo-compost it. Anything’s better than giving it to the landfill. It will take longer to decompose there, and potentially exacerbate contamination/runoff problems.
@tweezak This is an ongoing thing in our household.
“I am really in the mood for (blank), lets get 4 packages of it!”
“Let’s just get 2. If we eat them all, we can buy some more”
“You don’t understand. I am S0 in the mood for it!!”
3 packages of (blank) go bad.
@tweezak @Weboh I don’t think you’re supposed to compost any meats or animal products (other than a dash of their fecal output), in case anyone didn’t already know that.
@tweezak @zachdecker I forgot I had stuck a shit-ton of them in a closet. I wonder if they’re still edible. Now I know that a case of corn nuts is too much for one person. I think I made it through about half of them.
Dang, if I had thought about it, I could’ve turned on my porch light and given them to trick-or-treaters. Oh, well.
@Weboh We do a little composting though not enough, IMO. A lot of our waste goes to our 6 chickens but putting waste food outside also draws rats. In case you didn’t know, chickens scatter their food all over and you can’t keep rats out of it unless you have farm cats.
@lisagd @Weboh Umm…do people qualify as “meats”? Asking for a friend.
@tweezak @Weboh That’s a decision you’re going to have to make on your own.
/showme spoiled bananas
The /showme command is a member feature. Join membership to try it out.
/image shite.

Produce in general. (“Again??”)
/showme spoiled bananas, banana for scale
Any food spoilage makes me sad. I hate wasting food, even the stuff I get from meh (looking at you, rancid corn nuts I can’t bring myself to throw away).
@awk Mine are nearly gone now, but now I need to start making better progress on the Remy’s Grahams.
@awk @zachdecker The grahams are going to last a while I think, fortunately, they’re not showing any staleness for me.
That thing that I absolutely needed for whatever I was going to make, but that turned out to have surreptitiously rotted beyond recognition…
@shahnm Wait until you are making soup with potato in and from the outside the potato is perfectly fine. Cut it open and almost the whole inside is rotten. I was so sad that day. I should have taken a picture.
Most disappointing for me is bread. Especially the homemade ones. So much hardwork just claimed by mold!!
@gsrivast I let homemade bread sit out for a day or two, then slice it and freeze it.
/image moldy cake

The layered birthday cake with fresh fruit filling. Well, the fruit and sugar mixture didn’t actually spoil… hic!
The leftovers you finally worked up a desire for again.
Thawed breast milk. Whoever said “don’t cry over spilt milk” never produced any.
@katbyter I have that DVD…
Watermelon. I hate to throw away any food, but watermelon should never, ever be wasted!
that remain hard as rocks until they are ripe for maybe 7 minutes before turning into black rooty mulch.

@curtise @f00l posted this a few weeks ago:

@curtise this
The overpriced avocados that I buy, and closely watch every single day for peak ripeness. Not yet… not yet… not yet… (phone rings and i step away for 2 minutes)… rotten.
Just about anything that you think is ok from simply looking at it through it’s air tight but clear package until you open it and one whiff gets you dry heaving. That’s always a major bummer, whatever it is because you usually don’t open it and smell it until you are midway through preparing whatever meal it was gonna be a part of…
Do chips going stale because the last person left the bag wide open count?
Good deserts.
@Star2236 No reason to throw the entire Coachella Valley away just because of a few bad musical apples!
The doggy bag from that incredible dinner out a few days ago that got shoved to the back of the fridge. Or maybe your ADD brain
just forgot about it. Either way,
The special item that you made in the last ditch effort to try to get your partner to eat something, anything, to try to build their strength back up so that perhaps they might have another few weeks. And they didn’t touch it.
@werehatrack I’m sorry to hear that.
Raw meat! It’s more expensive to replace than bananas.
Anything you were looking forward to eating.
fresh pineapple. For some reason they always seem to rot between the grocery store and getting it home (and the few days it takes me to get over going grocery shopping and finally deciding to cut it up…) The last 3 or 4 pineapples i’ve bought have gone bad. I live in wisconsin so it probably has to do with how much it has to travel to even get in my kitchen.