You need to earn your beard. Almost everyone these days grow a beard without earning it.
I’ve had beards many times through the years. I earned some of them. Sometimes it was just cold and I would spend hours outside every day, so it grew. But I suppose–now that I typed that out–that I earned those beards too.
I haven’t had a beard for the past 5 years or so now. But I ordered this because–I can’t see the future–I might need it at some point.
I’m 42 years old and still have never had nor am I able to grow a full beard or mustache. I’m not super sure why though. My dad has had at the very least a mustache but usually some form of beard my whole life. And on my mom’s side, several of my uncle’s and cousins have successfully had both. These facts kind of push me away from the genetics argument so idk. Adversely, I have enjoyed having a babyface as an adult, most people guess my age at least 8-10 years younger than I am.
The key to a good beard is shaving off every other day. Sorry guys, but nothing beats a smooth cheek and chin to rub our hands (or lips) over! Beards were so 2020!
Good genetics. My beard only has ok genetics.
Have Greek heritage… με βολεύει.
/image greek beard 2

My wife wishes I knew.
In many cases the key to a good beard is shaving it off.
Not having a tick infestation
Y chromosome

/giphy Y chromosome
You need to earn your beard. Almost everyone these days grow a beard without earning it.
I’ve had beards many times through the years. I earned some of them. Sometimes it was just cold and I would spend hours outside every day, so it grew. But I suppose–now that I typed that out–that I earned those beards too.
I haven’t had a beard for the past 5 years or so now. But I ordered this because–I can’t see the future–I might need it at some point.
No beard!
Genetics blessed me with barely discernable facial hair. It’s nice, I spend like $5 a year on razors and stuff.
A razor and shaving cream
I’m 42 years old and still have never had nor am I able to grow a full beard or mustache. I’m not super sure why though. My dad has had at the very least a mustache but usually some form of beard my whole life. And on my mom’s side, several of my uncle’s and cousins have successfully had both. These facts kind of push me away from the genetics argument so idk. Adversely, I have enjoyed having a babyface as an adult, most people guess my age at least 8-10 years younger than I am.
@sicc574 Maybe you have milkman syndrome if others in your ‘family’ can grow beards.
@sicc574 @yakkoTDI hmmm… at 42, the milkman was gone. Maybe more like the cable guy syndrome? Today, it’s the delivery man syndrome.
The key to having a good beard is having a even better razor!

@Lynnerizer have you been talking to my wife?
Facial hair. Obviously, it’s facial hair. That’s not only the prime ingredient to a good beard, it’s the ONLY ingredient!
@Jantho Came here to say this!
The key to a good beard is shaving off every other day. Sorry guys, but nothing beats a smooth cheek and chin to rub our hands (or lips) over! Beards were so 2020!
@Lisa102503 My wife likes (neatly trimmed) beards. I suspect that it is no coincidence that her father had a beard.
@Lisa102503 And don’t you hate that cultivated 5:00 stubble thing? The worst of both styles!
Being realistic about your ability to pull it off.
I’ve got a full Santa Claus beard. Wash it with soap. Brush it with a boar bristle brush. You don’t need this.
A clean shaven face!