@simplersimon Of course! It all started a few years ago, when I built the incredible Television-offinator to turn off all the televisions in the tri-state area, when that stupid platypus wearing a silly hat showed up at my door. I later found out his name was Perry, but he just shows up at my door trying to destroy my machine! It was incredibly rude of him to do that, you know. Now it makes my machines even more difficult to build because I have to build a trap for him so I can show off my inventions to him. He seems to like them, at least that’s what I make from those noises he makes. Oh, those noises, don’t get me started, they are so annoying, and I just want him to stop! Anyway, he always manages to get out of those traps and destroy my -inator before I get a chance to use them!
I like a good prefix (nano-, macro-, insta-) and word ending in -er (sprayer, tracker, collapser), so today’s robot is an autochef. My laptop is my portaputer. My smartphone is “You dimwitted creation of science! Curse you to the depths of Hades!” Yeah, I also like to mix things up sometimes.
Not robots per se, but I tend to free-associate names for my computers. For example, my current laptop (an Acer) has the network name “Thorne.” The process went Acer -> Ace R. -> Ace Rimmer -> Smoke me a kipper -> Kipper -> Kip Thorne -> Thorne.
I can imagine a situation where this would result in a robot with a name like “Urine Monkey.” Not sure if that’s awful or awesome.
Hey You…
All of the above? An acronym of its general function that ends in -tron and then tag a number at the end.
Like the automated litter box I’ve invented. The S.C.O.O.P-atron 4000.
@thismyusername K-9, stay here. Pluto is no place for a dog.
a common programming term from machine code days, like r2d2 or c3po
I’ll take R. Daneel Olivaw and R. Giskard Reventlov. So I guess, human-ish names?
Name it after an ex-girlfriend and give it metal boobs.
I prefer Something-inator!
@MrsBeckett spend time cursing monotremes?
@simplersimon Of course! It all started a few years ago, when I built the incredible Television-offinator to turn off all the televisions in the tri-state area, when that stupid platypus wearing a silly hat showed up at my door. I later found out his name was Perry, but he just shows up at my door trying to destroy my machine! It was incredibly rude of him to do that, you know. Now it makes my machines even more difficult to build because I have to build a trap for him so I can show off my inventions to him. He seems to like them, at least that’s what I make from those noises he makes. Oh, those noises, don’t get me started, they are so annoying, and I just want him to stop! Anyway, he always manages to get out of those traps and destroy my -inator before I get a chance to use them!
I like a good prefix (nano-, macro-, insta-) and word ending in -er (sprayer, tracker, collapser), so today’s robot is an autochef. My laptop is my portaputer. My smartphone is “You dimwitted creation of science! Curse you to the depths of Hades!” Yeah, I also like to mix things up sometimes.
Ask him. He should know his name, right?
@kokomojo Hello. What is your name?
Something like Alf the loveable alien life form.
MST3k says mostly human-ish names with a little something-bot thrown in.
/image mst3k cambot

Is it ironic that @mediocrebot wants to know what we think about this? Does it hurt its feelings that something-bot isn’t winning?
A human like name would do, like Robbie or Rosie.
Not robots per se, but I tend to free-associate names for my computers. For example, my current laptop (an Acer) has the network name “Thorne.” The process went Acer -> Ace R. -> Ace Rimmer -> Smoke me a kipper -> Kipper -> Kip Thorne -> Thorne.
I can imagine a situation where this would result in a robot with a name like “Urine Monkey.” Not sure if that’s awful or awesome.
I always wanted a robot named Sparky.
@katylava Don’t click here.
Marvin. All robots should be named Marvin.
@macromeh I thought all Martians should be named Marvin

/image Marvin the Martian
@compunaut Maybe, but robots for sure.
At least use the right one…
The last robot I worked on was named Mittens.
@Sabre99 Did it look like a kitty?
@compunaut Overall, no, but it did have a part that looked kind of like a cat tail (made out of polycarb, so it is kind of hard to see).

If I had a robot, I would name him or her a combination of a human name and super hero.
Use letters and/or numbers.