@Barney Me too! I was going to click on deer but I definitely see more rabbits. They are my little friends in the evenings, evenings when I can keep my dogs distracted enough to keep from running them off. We have babies right now and they play in the evening after they finish eating, so cute.
@Barney That’s hilarious. I have a small chihuahua mix who has suddenly gotten the idea he’s a rabbit hunter. Him and his fat butt runs with the other dogs to try to catch bunnies when they see them. He gets there about the time the other dogs have snifted all around and given up and are moving on to something else. It’s cute and really funny to watch him try though. I don’t think I could stand it if one of the bunnies turned around and headed toward him…I’d be rolling around on the ground, probably peeing my pants laughing.
possum and snakes. Once there was a pig wandering around but I considered that an oddity. Oh yeah and the Great White Heron. Sometimes the guy up the street has cows, but prices must be off because he hasn’t been feeding any lately.
I see tons of squirrels and multiple types of birds. The cool wild animals are the red foxes and the dangerous ones are the gators. There are at least 7 gators in my condo complex. They like to chill in the water hazards of the golf course.
Throw in some turtles, deer, racoons, possums, rabbits and armadillos to complete the mix.
All of the above… I’ll add Fisher cats to the list and skunks… caught 2 mice in my cabinet last night fuckers! Oh and those pesky bats that try and live in the attic… gutta love NH!
A mountain lion and a bear were both spotted in our neighborhood in the last week.
A couple weeks ago I had a big, healthy-looking coyote run alongside my car before it hung back, crossed the street, and ran up the hill. We frequently hear a pack howling in the night.
We live in a city of about 25,000. IN the city. Our back porch overlooks the river and downtown. In our backyard we’ve had: birds, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, mice, toads, woodchucks, deer, ducks, turkeys, a skunk, a possum, and probably more stuff we just haven’t actually seen.
A roadrunner lives on my block and I see him frequently. I hear coyotes every couple of night, never get used to their blood chilling cackle. But pigeons are pretty common.
@moondrake do you get to see the coyote chase the roadrunner? Do they still use Acme or have they switched to Amazon? I never understood why Acme didn’t have a bigger customer base: they’ve had <two hour delivery since I was a kid. Sometime Wiley got 2 deliveries in the same half-hour!
@mollama Nope. Never seen the coyote chasing anything, although they are responsible for keeping the feral cat population explosion partly in check. One drought summer folks were on close lookout as the coyotes and mountain lions were taking pets out of back yards in my neighborhood. Living next to an enormous state park has a few downsides.
Raccoons by a hair. Also lots of squirrels, possums, bats, and the occasional buzzard, fox, hawk, coyote (we hear them a lot, but only rarely see one out during the day), or deer. Other birds are the standard North American assortment.
If insects count, though, then it’s mosquitoes by a pretty huge margin.
plenty of birds, but squirrels are the nuisance. i never see the skunk, but i smell them all the time, i think there are some living under the back three season porch thing by the trash.
also seen rats, possums, raccoons…basically, i don’t take the trash out if it’s dark.
have a friend who lives a bit north from us who feeds a groundhog in her backyard daily. this thing probably eats better than most people and it’s probably going to be hogzilla by christmas. i keep trying to see if she can get him a little pair of overalls to wear but so far no dice.
Portland, OR area. Squirrels and birds, and they don’t come in too often as the yard is fenced in and two of our cats are out there most of the day. One of those cats has taken to hunting some kind of grass/garter snakes in the neighbors’ yards and bringing them home (no idea where he finds them). I found a lizard once too, one of those little gecko-like things; he was cute. But the most unusual thing in the neighborhood is the family of peacocks that wander around. They don’t come our way often, but you can usually see them if you drive around long enough.
There’s 3 tom turkeys who’ve been coming through my yard almost everyday for 3 years now (first year one was a jake). They come by mostly to eat seeds, grapes, cherry tomatoes, or blackberries.
Ducks and Geese.
/giphy wabbit

@hems79 Lots and lots of wascally wabbits.

/image Purple Wabbit
@hems79 same here. They are a serious problem. Especially at my work, where they keep finding their way in and damaging electronics.
@hems79 shame they left rabbits off the poll… Curious how they would stack up against squirrels
@Barney Me too! I was going to click on deer but I definitely see more rabbits. They are my little friends in the evenings, evenings when I can keep my dogs distracted enough to keep from running them off. We have babies right now and they play in the evening after they finish eating, so cute.
@mehbee Lady likes to chase rabbits, but the other day, I saw a BIG one chasing her.
@hems79 I love purple wabbits.
@Barney That’s hilarious. I have a small chihuahua mix who has suddenly gotten the idea he’s a rabbit hunter. Him and his fat butt runs with the other dogs to try to catch bunnies when they see them. He gets there about the time the other dogs have snifted all around and given up and are moving on to something else. It’s cute and really funny to watch him try though. I don’t think I could stand it if one of the bunnies turned around and headed toward him…I’d be rolling around on the ground, probably peeing my pants laughing.
The locals.
possum and snakes. Once there was a pig wandering around but I considered that an oddity. Oh yeah and the Great White Heron. Sometimes the guy up the street has cows, but prices must be off because he hasn’t been feeding any lately.
Rabbits times ten… no wait, now times twelve… fifteen… twenty-six…
Rabbits. Too many rabbits!
I said squirrels, but we have a lot of rabbits too…
I see tons of squirrels and multiple types of birds. The cool wild animals are the red foxes and the dangerous ones are the gators. There are at least 7 gators in my condo complex. They like to chill in the water hazards of the golf course.
Throw in some turtles, deer, racoons, possums, rabbits and armadillos to complete the mix.
Front yard, rabbits.
Back yard, squirrels.
Caught a rat in a trap yesterday and saw a possum tonight, so things are looking up?
@RiotDemon Dinner!
@Barney sorry, I didn’t eat the rat.
@RiotDemon I hear rat tastes like chicken.
Texas forum and no armadillers in the list.
@cranky1950 Oh I see them sometimes, but in Georgia!
I forgot squirrels an ocean of them. It’s almost fall flat squirrel season.
@cranky1950 They’re just tired, and retired.
@OldCatLady yup, after it rains you can see the tire marks on them.
Doves mostly.
But the grackles are trying to move in and take over.
from the broken record department:
Shoulda been check boxes instead of radiobuttons.
A moose on occasion.
All of the above… I’ll add Fisher cats to the list and skunks… caught 2 mice in my cabinet last night fuckers! Oh and those pesky bats that try and live in the attic… gutta love NH!
At the new house, frogs. A few toads, but mostly frogs! And couple rabbits, for now.
Lizards, lizards everywhere!
@toddnet I didn’t think about lizards. That number might give the number of squirrels a run for its money.
A mountain lion and a bear were both spotted in our neighborhood in the last week.
A couple weeks ago I had a big, healthy-looking coyote run alongside my car before it hung back, crossed the street, and ran up the hill. We frequently hear a pack howling in the night.
We live in a city of about 25,000. IN the city. Our back porch overlooks the river and downtown. In our backyard we’ve had: birds, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, mice, toads, woodchucks, deer, ducks, turkeys, a skunk, a possum, and probably more stuff we just haven’t actually seen.
@SpenceMan01 You have the best of both worlds then!
Your list sounds like the Tasmanian Devil’s dinner menu.
A roadrunner lives on my block and I see him frequently. I hear coyotes every couple of night, never get used to their blood chilling cackle. But pigeons are pretty common.
@moondrake do you get to see the coyote chase the roadrunner? Do they still use Acme or have they switched to Amazon? I never understood why Acme didn’t have a bigger customer base: they’ve had <two hour delivery since I was a kid. Sometime Wiley got 2 deliveries in the same half-hour!
@mollama That’s going to preoccupy me all day. Does Wiley use Amazon, and if so, has he got fat and lazy since he doesn’t have to chase Roadrunner?
@mollama Nope. Never seen the coyote chasing anything, although they are responsible for keeping the feral cat population explosion partly in check. One drought summer folks were on close lookout as the coyotes and mountain lions were taking pets out of back yards in my neighborhood. Living next to an enormous state park has a few downsides.
It’s damn near impossible to look out and not see some sort of finch or sparrow 'round here.
Usually rabbits. Yesterday I thought I saw a dragon, but then I woke up and was incredibly disappointed.
@Durago just remember the first rule of encountering dragons in the wild: You’re more scared of them than they are of you.
we been gettin nutria round town. theyre lumpy lookin
@SOUP_TO_GO And they have orange teeth. And they’re an invasive species, very destructive, but good to eat. http://www.nutria.com/site14.php
A kittycat outside my office window:
And this couple comes to visit once in a while:
This morning it’s a covey of Gambels.
The kids exiting the elementary and middle schools across the street are pretty wild every afternoon.
/giphy bats

We have a ton of feral cats.
Raccoons by a hair. Also lots of squirrels, possums, bats, and the occasional buzzard, fox, hawk, coyote (we hear them a lot, but only rarely see one out during the day), or deer. Other birds are the standard North American assortment.
If insects count, though, then it’s mosquitoes by a pretty huge margin.
I have at least one squirrel at home(degu)
And wanna buy a raccoon ^^
We’ve got bunnies & squirrels
I have a large Red Fox that I feed all the leftover scraps ever night… < cue the Sanford and son gifs >
Kids whose “parents” don’t want to parent.
If you insist on animals, abandoned cats.
Squirrels for sure. But, we’re getting more and more skunks and coyotes. Much prefer the squirrels.
@pitamuffin My previous place was at an apartment complex that got skunks all the time. They even outnumbered the dumpster raccoons.
Gators and geese
plenty of birds, but squirrels are the nuisance. i never see the skunk, but i smell them all the time, i think there are some living under the back three season porch thing by the trash.
also seen rats, possums, raccoons…basically, i don’t take the trash out if it’s dark.
have a friend who lives a bit north from us who feeds a groundhog in her backyard daily. this thing probably eats better than most people and it’s probably going to be hogzilla by christmas. i keep trying to see if she can get him a little pair of overalls to wear but so far no dice.
Freaking rabbits, LOTS and LOTS of freaking rabbits.
@Couraged why are the rabbits freaking? Do you think someone spiked their food supply? Has anyone looked into the matter further?
@ThomasF Not the bees…
Fucking hipsters.

Portland, OR area. Squirrels and birds, and they don’t come in too often as the yard is fenced in and two of our cats are out there most of the day. One of those cats has taken to hunting some kind of grass/garter snakes in the neighbors’ yards and bringing them home (no idea where he finds them). I found a lizard once too, one of those little gecko-like things; he was cute. But the most unusual thing in the neighborhood is the family of peacocks that wander around. They don’t come our way often, but you can usually see them if you drive around long enough.
/giphy republicans

There’s 3 tom turkeys who’ve been coming through my yard almost everyday for 3 years now (first year one was a jake). They come by mostly to eat seeds, grapes, cherry tomatoes, or blackberries.
Raccoons, in my living area there are many.
By living area do you mean like your bedroom, or just your neighborhood?
One is a lot more concerning than the other.
Birds, Squirrels, and bunnies, of course, but the more interesting ones are
raptors (hawks, owls and the occasional eagle)