Aw is the awareness quotient of Wyle E Coyote
t is the amount of time until he is aware of his impending doom
S is the spitefulness level of Road Runner at time t-2
@blaineg@narfcake@ybmuG Acme may make a lot of duds, but that harpoon launcher is amazing!
I can’t figure out how that harpoon is able to shoot under all those large boulders and still have the momentum to carry Wyle that entire distance.
Oops. My fault. I was cleaning up some things today and must have pushed through some old commands that got stuck a long, long time ago.
@shawn I was feeling for @ticklescratch getting constant reminders of their failure. Then again, that does seem a very Meh thing…
@shawn Cool. An informal “Oh Shit” report. LOL
@shawn Speaking of old commands can we get the any back?
@Kidsandliz @shawn surely a bot can generate a real ohshit report? I miss the real thing.
@yakkoTDI Darn it! That should say ANT!!!
@shawn @ybmuG yeah…really rubbing in that missed case of Rosé
@shawn @ticklescratch @ybmuG
/8ball Hey now, the 'bot still knows a few of its old tricks, right?
Reply hazy try again
you’re an all-star
@narfcake I always wondered how George got wrapped around it instead of being spit off into space.
/giphy cartoon physics
@blaineg @narfcake So what would that equation look like? Hmmmm
Aw is the awareness quotient of Wyle E Coyote
t is the amount of time until he is aware of his impending doom
S is the spitefulness level of Road Runner at time t-2
@narfcake @ybmuG Not always spiteful.
@blaineg @narfcake @ybmuG Acme may make a lot of duds, but that harpoon launcher is amazing!
I can’t figure out how that harpoon is able to shoot under all those large boulders and still have the momentum to carry Wyle that entire distance.
@xobzoo It’s another facet of Cartoon Physics, a topic addressed much later in Tiny Toons.
/showme What the heck is wrong with the bot
/showme a case of Rose from 2021
I think for all the badgering, the bot owes @ticklescratch a case of Rosé