Now I would actually use that as an avatar in a few places it’s pretty awesome and she has a moon and she has a cauldron and she has no thumbs that you can see but the right number of fingers and looks pretty esoteric so I actually like that
That’s NOWHERE even Close…
for starters, WAYY to thin, and WAY to much hair.
…damn male pattern baldness…
Picture a Balding Peter Griffin, with a Mostly White Goatee…
… or one picture i say of myself Recently, looked like a Fat Les Nessman…
recently introduced my 40y/o son to WKRP. I forgot how much fun that show was.
Favorite line: As God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly…
I’m kind of unfamiliar with how to use AI…but I love the idea of creating an avatar using my own image in a way that generates something like the really cool ones above.
Is there an easy way to do that? I know a few apps do it, but I haven’t seen anything as detailed or interesting as some here…
If there is, we could do a thread of AI images that at least kind of resemble us. Who couldn’t use that little self esteem bump?
@k4evryng@ybmuG My sister answered already - she used something called “Voilà.” I guess you submit your real photo and it gives you a “prettified” version of yourself. I wasn’t that impressed but it was several years ago. I think they have more sophisticated ones now. She also used Bing AI more recently and got some pretty impressive results:
@mossygreen oops…I just meant it as a stand alone image, not that I envisioned it representing the real you this way.
(And I always wanted to learn to play d&d. I still kind of do. But it would have to be d&d for dummies because I don’t have the first clue about how the game is played, lol!)
@Kyeh Noice… Wow, you & the bot nailed it! I’ve always preferred riding saddleseat (or hunt seat), so that’s the right outfit & equipment, & i have a soft spot for the heavy-boned, cold/warm-blooded breeds, so that’s exactly the type of horse i would have. One can dream. <sigh> They both have such beautiful manes, too… I’d have to get a wig for that to match, unfortunately. Much better than my non-specific request; idk who that dude was, but he’s kinda scary! Lol
@ircon96 It’s your spirit self! I do like that hefty horse too.
I’m not sure I like AI’s emphasis on super skinny stereotypical images, it’s kind of weird.
But flattering, just the same.
I wonder if your original one looked like an android because of the numbers in your username?
@Kyeh I agree about the emphasis on super skinny renderings, i assume that’s because the AI is trained on material that’s out there already, so since that’s the vast majority of images it has access to, we’re stuck with them. I must say, though, she looks a hell of a lot better in those jodhpurs than i would, but i think she should get herself a Shetland pony that’s more her size & leave the majestic steeds to those of us who can appreciate them!
@k4evryng@werehatrack Well, the adjacent city has a sewage treatment plant that I’m a couple miles downwind of and occasionally vapors escape. Couldn’t be that overflowing to Meh? Nah…
@looseneck I hear ya! There are more than a couple of things I wish I could afford to do! And the older I get, the more pointless it seems…but a girl can dream, lol!
@heartny@k4evryng Pretty sure Ken is enjoying the waiter gig, he exists to serve (and surf, or at least look like it). He’s just Ken, and he’s OK with that.
@Kidsandliz obviously you have to go to the animal shelter and adopt a fifth cat now.
I would like to congratulate you on your soon to be 5th cat. (we have 6 although one adopted us and one was an accidental adoption so we should only have four)
@OnionSoup All of mine have been accidental adoptions. I live in 2 rooms. I had 5 until my oldest died 2 years ago at 3 mo shy of 20 (I had bottle fed her from 10 days old on). I think I need to stay at 4 as sometimes these guys think there isn’t enough room for all of them - of course they all want the same spots (eg on me) which is much of the problem. My current oldest just turned 14.
@Kidsandliz My wife and I both had two cats that we had had since college. Which is fine when they were young. They all lived to between ages of 19 and 21. Four elderly cats at the same time was not cheap with vet bills.
@OnionSoup You are so right. I had 3 elderly ones at once. You are right. Not cheap. Actually neither is even two of them. Of course younger ones can occasionally be expensive too. I currently have $825 sunk into Tigger at the moment (probably a bit more to go) and he is only born fall 2018. Not what I had planned so the tires will need to wait.
@Kidsandliz@OnionSoup I really want to live in the alternate reality where we not only care enough to provide healthcare to everyone, but also recognize that animals improve human performance, and provide care to them as well.
@mediocrebot It definitely favors gold gears and aura-like things. Though I think it reminds me of a physics experiment regarding light transmission. But that didn’t have the pretty gears, though.
reminds me of a physics experiment regarding light transmission
Which experiment was that, if you recall? I started out as a double major with physics and math, but then I switched to just math so I could graduate sooner (then got my Viet Nam-era draft notice, silly me).
The middle section reminds me of a fiber-optic cable unraveling.
@heartny@mediocrebot Well also it’s quite impressive it knew the whole thing about what “Grocery Games” is and how it could be depicted in an animated humorous way. And also in a few seconds. Face it, we are doomed.
@mediocrebot Considerably better, though not quite what I was trying for. But I feel like I could progressively tweak the prompt into what I wanted. (pretending I was energetic enough to do that, and didn’t mind spamming the forum)
Maybe someday I’ll get around to realizing my dream of being an artist… through AI tools. And then pretend it doesn’t feel completely fake to call it “my” art.
@xobzoo I kind of like the chubby dragons…at least they are well fed.
And I wouldn’t worry about spamming the forum. Those of us following this thread are here because we enjoy the creativity of both the human prompts, and the AI response. This one is really cool and I’d love to see how you tweak it to get what you’re looking for.
@mediocrebot@OnionSoup … or perhaps, no matter which way this election of the two supposed nominees will happen, the phrase “Something went terribly wrong” is probably appropriate.
@mediocrebot@OnionSoup@pmarin It’s been so long since I’ve done it, do they have captchas on write-ins? That could potentially be what keeps mediocrebot from getting elected.
@Kyeh I agree, lol! But my daughter would absolutely wear them. She has a pair that is more holes than material, and I internally cringe when she wears them.
I do have a pair with a few, small, well placed worn/ripped spots (as in…not directly on my a$$) that I think are cute…but that’s as far as I’d go at my age.
But these look like they’re one accident away from being cutoffs.
@k4evryng@Kyeh I’m of the opinion that those are way overdue to be made into shorts. I’m also not a big fan of the fraying-hem look, so I’d have to serge the edges and make a proper hem - which can be a challenge with those lapped seams.
/showme a person called OnionSoup
@mediocrebot I can confirm, this is an exact likeness of me.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup
Matches drivers license pic?
@f00l @mediocrebot only the left half.
/showme a bot called mediocrebot
@mediocrebot Too credible. Way too credible.
OK… let’s see what the rest of you look like (according to mediocrebot)
/showme the person called Werehatrack
@mediocrebot Hmm. Let’s call that one more aspirational than realistic.
@mediocrebot @werehatrack you’re a man of many hats.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup @werehatrack I don’t know why, but that reeks woman of many hats to me and I think it’s pretty awesome
@Cerridwyn @mediocrebot @OnionSoup And thus more appropriate.
@Cerridwyn @OnionSoup @werehatrack I hoped it would come up with a werewolf with hats.
@Cerridwyn @OnionSoup @werehatrack @xobzoo It’s clearly a were-hatrack in mid change, covered with many hats.
/showme the person called dave
@mediocrebot Dave’s not here, man.
@dave wow! you look a lot more normal than me or @werehatrack
@dave @OnionSoup @werehatrack The AI bot wants to stay on Dave’s good side. It has seen 2001.
@dave @OnionSoup @werehatrack You say he looks normal but I don’t see his hands.
@dave @OnionSoup @werehatrack @yakkoTDI That’s why he looks normal.
@dave @OnionSoup @shahnm @werehatrack @yakkoTDI I think he looks an awful lot like the host of The Why Files Youtube channel.
/showme the person called capnjb
@mediocrebot spot on
@capnjb @mediocrebot I’m no sailor, but I think there might be a problem with your ship’s wheel…
@macromeh @mediocrebot I go where the wind takes me
And my mustache is majestic. 
/showme the person called LJeAYsy4LoqxEC
@LJeAYsy4LoqxEC How do you even log in anywhere?
@capnjb password managers are my best friend!
/showme what Walarney sees in the mirror
@walarney Yikes!
@mediocrebot Well that’s terrifying.
/showme the hooman named narfcake who is not a cat
@narfcake that would have been cool if it’s spoken English and not in bought
@Cerridwyn @narfcake I like it a lot!
The last line seems like it says “Is indeed securely a paradox that’s Narfcake.” In Botglish.
/showme the goddess called Cerridwyn
Now I would actually use that as an avatar in a few places it’s pretty awesome and she has a moon and she has a cauldron and she has no thumbs that you can see but the right number of fingers and looks pretty esoteric so I actually like that
/showme a person named carl669
Pix is missing the ”Just married” tattoo.
Surely you got the fucking tattoo???!!!
@f00l It just misunderstood the instructions and gave us the wrong results. So maybe this is the correct picture for
?@f00l @xobzoo It’s missing a certain count.
/showme a person named ghlitch
@Ghlitch think you have to be signed up for membership to do the showme… but I’ve run it for you below.
/showme a person named ghlitch
/showme a person called gr8mick1
@gr8mick1 Needs tattoos.
/showme a troll named Irk
@mediocrebot meh
/showme a person named duodecaplylatomate, duodec for short
I guess it only works on an initial post?
@duodec Yes – it has to be a top level reply.
@narfcake Thats so microsoft even if this isn’t using microsoft. Meh.
@duodec @narfcake
Looks like gr8mick1’s older brother.
/showme a person called sammydog
@mediocrebot what happened, bot? Were you on break?
/showme a person called yakkoTDI
Exact repica photo I presume.
What happened to your eyes?
@OnionSoup I looked into the trunk.
@OnionSoup @yakkoTDI If you gaze into the trunk too deeply, the trunk gazes into you.
@OnionSoup @werehatrack This line delivered by the trunk below.
/showme the trunk of yakkoTDI
@yakkoTDI Hah - I thought you’d get an elephant.
@Kyeh Me too.
/showme a person called metaphore
/showme a person named duodecaplylatomate, duodec for short
@mediocrebot Yeesh. That has no relevance at all.
@duodec @mediocrebot it’s still quite cool looking in my opinion
@Cerridwyn Yours was amazing.
/showme a human named extramedium
@Kidsandliz I love the text on that that it actually got “right”
@OnionSoup I know. Die of shock.
Hey @extramedium it appears mediocrebot cheated on the showme command since it knows you.

@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup

This is a drawing I made of myself when I was getting my degree in Art. Based on this image:
I do love the AI result though.
@ExtraMedium @OnionSoup Wait!!! What??? You morphed from a stuffed animal into a human? Heaven help all of us with an Irk in the home.

/showme a person named shahnm
@shahnm gives me spiderman vibes.
/showme What do you think the being phendrick looks like?
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
@mediocrebot Mystery remains unresolved.
@mediocrebot @phendrick fixed it for you, mehbe
@mediocrebot @phendrick no punctuation mark I think is your problem. EDIT opps @cerridwyn already fixed it for you.
/showme a being named phendrick
@mediocrebot You have not been paying attention. That’s an existentially different phendrick.
/showme what Heartny looks like in the style of Van Gogh
@heartny That’s quite beautiful.
@Kyeh It is quite lovely. It looks like my wild and crazy hair.
@heartny How cool!
@heartny @Kyeh You ought to enlarge this, print it, and frame it.
/showme the human named djslack
@mediocrebot a horror mime turned hacker who really knows how to layer up, got it.
@djslack omg…that is a perfect response!

/showme djslack’s Upper Deck rookie card
/showme the human named kc5rbq
@kc5rbq looks like you’d be good at poker.
@kc5rbq @OnionSoup Looks like a character in a cold war spy movie.
@kc5rbq @mehcuda67 @OnionSoup

Reminds me of the Marlboro man!
/showme the person named Einherjar
@mediocrebot Try taking the marbles out of your mouth.
/showme the person named mediocrebot
/showme the person who created mediocrebot
@mediocrebot wish I had this nerd’s hair
@shawn A young Woody Allen?
@mediocrebot @shawn
Lot’s of mornings I have the style if not the quantity!
@macromeh @shawn Medium-old Andy Dick?
@macromeh @mossygreen @shawn Ick, no.
/showme Tohar1 in KISS makeup
/showme mbersiam in Suess style
/showme a human female farmer named mbersiam
/showme what I look like if I were painted by Leonid Afremov
I didn’t expect to be naked. I didn’t say paint me like one of your French girls.
@OnionSoup Maybe you’re just wearing very tight pants.
/showme the computer user named “xobzoo”
@mediocrebot Pretty close, but I only wear T-shirts as pajamas. And those don’t look like pajama pants.
Also, how does it get so close to replicating the names, but ends up one letter off? Like
.But then
got it right (allowing for capitalization). And Irk right after that, but that’s so short I’m not impressed.extramedium
is an extraspecial case which I have no explanation for.@xobzoo Maybe I should start using that avatar of
as my own. Though I might get accused of copying deadmau5, or maybe Michael Mouse.@xobzoo
Also, how does it get so close to replicating the names, but ends up one letter off?
Obviously the image caught you in mid log-in!
/showme Heartny on the planet Mars in a science fiction movie
@mediocrebot A fresh giant floating heart brain.
@heartny Maybe that’s how hot air balloons are decorated on Mars.
@mediocrebot Looks very much like the art for a 1950s or 1960s mass-market paperback cover.
/showme Kyeh in the style of Otto Messmer
@mediocrebot I’ll take it!
Preferably the one in the lower right hand corner. The large one has serious paw problems.
Yep… keep those claws sheathed!
/showme a human named mehcuda67
@mehcuda67 Apprehended at last. At least one digit short of a UPC, though.
@werehatrack It was only a matter of time.
/showme a transformer named mehcuda67
/showme a furry named mehcuda67
Huh. That would be pretty impressive.
Farce ate
@mediocrebot @mehcuda67 Warped, nein?
I love these. If you ever notice how when somebody starts something silly would show me we all do it over and over and over again
/showme the avatar of cerridwyn
/showme a sock puppet named Glen
@mediocrebot That’s…not how sock puppets work, but otherwise, nice try!
@dave @mediocrebot I need to make this.
/showme e-commerce guy Snapster looking nostalgic
@snapster Fittingly, @dave and you look sort of similar.
@snapster @Kyeh Nostalgic or hung over?
@Kyeh @macromeh @snapster
Nice turtle though…
@chienfou @Kyeh @macromeh @snapster Breakfast turtle?
@Kyeh @macromeh @mehcuda67 @snapster
They are certainly easier to catch
@Kyeh @macromeh @snapster Same thing.
/showme an avatar for human pmarin
/showme human named pmarin as drawn by Salvador Dali
/showme medieval wizard pmarin in alchemy lab
/showme a dweeb named EthelTheFrog
/showme Heartny as an action hero style of comics
/showme a man who goes by @snapster dressed as an octopus
/showme Heartny as a purple balloon dog in the style of Peter Max
/showme a person named glacial
@mediocrebot that is very cool… (no pun intended, lol!)
/showme an automaton called glacial
Well, a pooltoy wolf is pretty easy to imagine!
@PooltoyWolf Sure, you say that now, but just wait until we ask AI to imagine it!
/showme a person named PooltoyWolf surrounded by others that are similar
@mediocrebot Wow. I think I would call that a failure based on what I had in my head, but maybe I should wait for the real @PooltoyWolf to weigh in.
(not only are the individual appearances not quite what I was looking for, I was hoping they would all be in the same scene)
@mediocrebot @PooltoyWolf @xobzoo but it actually spelled the name right
@mediocrebot @xobzoo Yep, humans are still better than AI
@mediocrebot @PooltoyWolf @xobzoo looks like 2 guys in the back share a head
@xobzoo not at all what I was expecting
@mediocrebot @PooltoyWolf @xobzoo @ybmuG
/showme a pooltoy wolf enjoying sunshine on the beach
@mediocrebot Decidedly less human-looking than some in the last picture, but I think it’s much more reasonable.
@mediocrebot @xobzoo @PooltoyWolf
That’s actually incredibly accurate!
@mediocrebot @xobzoo Yeah I like this one!! He’s cute!
@mediocrebot @PooltoyWolf @xobzoo
Keep as illustrative mascot!
/showme a person called callow
/showme a human f00l
/showme a human f00l in the style of Dali
@f00l I’d buy this tarot deck.
/showme a human f00l in the style of Jackson Pollack
/showme f00l
/showme f00l monochrome
/showme a person named ybmuG
/showme a person named ybmuG in the style of Gumby
@ybmuG @mediocrebot this one is neat!
/showme a person named ybmuG in the style of Norman Rockwell
@mediocrebot far more accurate, except for the pipe, and the hat.
@mediocrebot @ybmuG But the name is almost spelled right…
/showme the one they call Chienfou
nope, but thanks anyway.
@chienfou @mediocrebot
Scary looking!
@chienfou four questions’
/showme a person named earlyre
@earlyre Looking a little sketchy
You got a Phantom of the Opera thing going on?
@f00l @ybmuG @mediocrebot
That’s NOWHERE even Close…
for starters, WAYY to thin, and WAY to much hair.
…damn male pattern baldness…
Picture a Balding Peter Griffin, with a Mostly White Goatee…
… or one picture i say of myself Recently, looked like a Fat Les Nessman…
/showme Fat Les Nessman
recently introduced my 40y/o son to WKRP. I forgot how much fun that show was.
Favorite line: As God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly…
/showme f00l as BORG
/showme f00l as BORG Baby Yoda
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
/showme f00l as Baby Yoda BORG
@f00l It’s weid how the botglish text written in these things is kind of translatable. I guess they call that “Typoglycemia.”
/showme the person called curtise
/showme what Heartny looks like winning millions in the lottery
@mediocrebot too bad it’s in monopoly money
/showme kc5rbq as a wizard
I wonder what he thinks Irk’s O-face, (O-face from “Office Space”), look’s like!
/showme a person called ircon96
/showme a “wizard f00l”
/showme an old guy named danpritts
/showme a meh addict named guyfromhawthorn
@mediocrebot pretty generous in the hair department, but definitely has the worn-out bit correct
@guyfromhawthorn @mediocrebot
SMILE sucka… the teeth are usually the dead giveaway!
/showme a whimsical human girl named k4evryng
@mediocrebot definitely not as cool as some of the others…but neither am I, so it’s probably accurate.
Might have to try again, lol! I want one as cool as @Cerridwyn or @glacial …
@Cerridwyn @glacial @k4evryng @mediocrebot Awww, I think it’s cute!
/showme a heroine named K4evryng
@mediocrebot now THAT’S more like it!

/showme Fat Les Nessman
I’m kind of unfamiliar with how to use AI…but I love the idea of creating an avatar using my own image in a way that generates something like the really cool ones above.
Is there an easy way to do that? I know a few apps do it, but I haven’t seen anything as detailed or interesting as some here…
If there is, we could do a thread of AI images that at least kind of resemble us. Who couldn’t use that little self esteem bump?

@k4evryng I’m in!
@k4evryng @ybmuG There is - my sister has done it. I’ll ask her what she used.
@k4evryng @ybmuG My sister answered already - she used something called “Voilà.” I guess you submit your real photo and it gives you a “prettified” version of yourself. I wasn’t that impressed but it was several years ago. I think they have more sophisticated ones now. She also used Bing AI more recently and got some pretty impressive results:
/showme a picture of myself but better looking instantly respected clearly accomplished and not easily forgotten
@mediocrebot oops forgot something
@mediocrebot @ybmuG
You’re so pretty!
@Kyeh @mediocrebot @ybmuG
clearly mediocrebot has been drinking or is channeling the Godfather with a mouthful of marbles.
/showme a picture of myself but better looking more masculine instantly respected clearly accomplished and not easily forgotten
@mediocrebot well, that’s depressing. Add masculine I go from ideal to average. I smell a bias…
@ybmuG you have me cracking up!

AI is like a box of chocolates…
…you know the rest…
@k4evryng @ybmuG … you never know when you’re going to get a avarage version.
@mediocrebot @ybmuG
Ahahahha OMG.
Feminine: Here is a list of my remarkable stats, attached to my gorgeous picture!
Masculine: Here’s a generic blank male template that will be treated as equivalent.
/showme a person named mossygreen
This might not be accurate, but it is kind of what I would have envisioned
@k4evryng oops….this was supposed to be under @Mossygreen ‘s picture…
@k4evryng A gender fluid tree person? Makes me wish I played d&d.
@mossygreen oops…I just meant it as a stand alone image, not that I envisioned it representing the real you this way.

(And I always wanted to learn to play d&d. I still kind of do. But it would have to be d&d for dummies because I don’t have the first clue about how the game is played, lol!)
/showme a picture of k4evryng in her Ford Mustang gt500
Well…since I can’t drive stick, posing for a picture out the window is the furthest I would likely get in my husband’s Mustang.
It would be nice if the window frame wasn’t embedded in my shoulder, though.
@k4evryng those nails are killer… possibly literally
@k4evryng Hoods up and speedometer is on 0 so I think you’re good! Lol

/showme Kyeh as a female drawn by Hayao Miyazaki
@Kyeh oh! I love this one!

In my dreams …
/showme Kyeh as a female drawn by Windsor McCay
/showme Kyeh as a female drawn by Bill Watterson
@mediocrebot Not true to the style requested, but a very nice picture anyway. I’d take that.
@mediocrebot @werehatrack
I like it!
@Kyeh @mediocrebot @werehatrack At least there’s an attempt at Hobbes
@mediocrebot @werehatrack @ybmuG Yes!
@Kyeh @mediocrebot @werehatrack @ybmuG I love that “The style of Watterson” renders as “MUST HAVE HOBBESES”
/showme k4evryng as a female painted in the style of Claude Monet
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
/showme a person named mossygreen in the style of james ensor
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
/showme k4evryng as a female in the style of Monet
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
@k4evryng I wonder what I’m doing wrong.
I’m sure AI knows who Monet is, lol!
(Never mind…I think it’s just glitching at the moment…)
@k4evryng You can delete the oopses within 5 minutes.
@k4evryng I think you can only do 10 a day. Maybe you reached your limit?
@Kidsandliz hmm…I’ve only done 4 I think…but thank you because that’s good to know!
It might be counting my mistakes too.
@k4evryng @Kidsandliz
You can actually do 100 per day!
@k4evryng I don’t know, it doesn’t seem to know James Ensor either. Granted, Monet is a bigger name, but still…
@k4evryng @Kyeh Hmm originally I thought it wasn’t that many. I guess they upped it. Either way it doesn’t seem like that was the problem.
@k4evryng I’m going to try again …
/showme a person named mossygreen in the style of a fleischer cartoon
/showme a woman called ircon96 riding a magnificent horse
Seems like this would suit you?
@Kyeh Noice… Wow, you & the bot nailed it! I’ve always preferred riding saddleseat (or hunt seat), so that’s the right outfit & equipment, & i have a soft spot for the heavy-boned, cold/warm-blooded breeds, so that’s exactly the type of horse i would have. One can dream. <sigh> They both have such beautiful manes, too… I’d have to get a wig for that to match, unfortunately.
Much better than my non-specific request; idk who that dude was, but he’s kinda scary! Lol
It’s your spirit self! I do like that hefty horse too.
I’m not sure I like AI’s emphasis on super skinny stereotypical images, it’s kind of weird.
But flattering, just the same.
I wonder if your original one looked like an android because of the numbers in your username?
@Kyeh I agree about the emphasis on super skinny renderings, i assume that’s because the AI is trained on material that’s out there already, so since that’s the vast majority of images it has access to, we’re stuck with them.
I must say, though, she looks a hell of a lot better in those jodhpurs than i would, but i think she should get herself a Shetland pony that’s more her size & leave the majestic steeds to those of us who can appreciate them! 
This is from way out in the left-field bleachers…
/showme a person called Colonel Linux
@werehatrack It’s a shame he has no real world pexchoppnender, otherwise he would have been a great leader.
@heartny @werehatrack I might vote for it even if it is Inagintary.
/showme k4evryng as a fairy
/showme Heartny as a cat playing with a xenomorph in the style of Frank Frazetta
@mediocrebot Looks like the alien thinks he’s Norman Rockwell. Lol
@heartny @mediocrebot is that a paint brush or a scalpel?
@heartny I feel like the cat’s WTF expression is accurate…
/showme a female person in a whirlwind named Lynnerizer
@mediocrebot wow, spelled it right…
/showme a man named onionsoup riding a giant long hair cat through a feijoa orchard
@OnionSoup I really like that image!
/showme a dog named Persnickety
/showme a dog named Percival
/showme a cat named Catastrophe
@mediocrebot the claws!
@ybmuG Murder mittens!
/showme a magnificent starship named Heart of Gold.
@mediocrebot Now that is cool…
@duodec Definitely, though not at all like I imagined the original(?) Hitchhiker’s Guide Heart of Gold.
/showme what a man named OnionSoup looks like to someone on a bad LSD trip.
/showme a dog named yekoP
@mediocrebot pretty good, just wrong breed
@mediocrebot @ybmuG But he does look elbarodA.
BTW, what breed Are You?
@mediocrebot @ybmuG
“bright sparkling eyes”!
@mediocrebot @phendrick yekoP is a Scotty, or should I say, yttocS
/showme a Scotty dog named yekoP
/showme a black cat in a completely dark room
@phendrick I’m so impressed with the cleverness of you all. How did you even think of that?

@k4evryng I think it’s something in the water here.
@k4evryng @phendrick Or the air. What the heck is upwind of you?
@k4evryng @werehatrack Well, the adjacent city has a sewage treatment plant that I’m a couple miles downwind of and occasionally vapors escape. Couldn’t be that overflowing to Meh? Nah…
/showme the photographic negative of a black cat in a completely dark room
@mediocrebot You need to check your reference books on “photographic negative” and “completely dark”
@mediocrebot Cats don’t usually have Cherenkov radiation, do they?
@mediocrebot @phendrick
That’s a gorgeous image, though.
@Kyeh @mediocrebot @phendrick Maybe Schroedinger’s cat ate the vial.
/showme a person called looseneck
@mediocrebot what does this have to do with anything?
/showme the human named looseneck participating in this forum
@mediocrebot I wish my neck was that tight!
@looseneck for whatever reason, it took me a few seconds to make the connection between what you said and your user name.
And then I literally laughed out loud.

So funny!!
@k4evryng My neck wattle is so bad I have considered plastic surgery. Not gonna happen unless I win the lottery
@looseneck I hear ya!
There are more than a couple of things I wish I could afford to do! And the older I get, the more pointless it seems…but a girl can dream, lol!
/showme a man named 2many2no as painted by Klee
/showme woman named k4evryng painted by Monet
@mediocrebot @k4evryng
Oooh! So pretty - does this work for you?
@Kyeh Yay!! Thank you, lol!!
She actually resembles my sister, so that’s super cool!
I love Monet…his work is so peaceful…
@k4evryng That’s neat that it looks like your sister!
/showme a person named mossygreen in a painting by James Ensor
@mediocrebot @mossygreen Obviously he’s not familiar with James Ensor!
@Kyeh @mossygreen I think it’s time that @mediocrebot met James Ensor!
/showme woman named kyeh in image created with beadwork
@mediocrebot That’s pretty neat!
/showme woman named kyeh in image created with patchwork
/showme a tuxedo cat named Toby in a stained glass image
@mediocrebot Nice
@Kyeh that’s adorable!
@k4evryng @Kyeh Take a screenshot of this and get it made.
/showme the person yakkoTDI in the style of Escher
/showme an irk
@Cerridwyn I think you have the magic touch with the images created for you. They all look amazing!
@k4evryng thankies
@Cerridwyn @k4evryng
What a great creature!
@Cerridwyn @k4evryng
If you ever need a new mascot… this gets my vote!
/showme your self portrait mediocrebot
/showme three Russian Siberian cats named Sophie lily and Koda
@mediocrebot wow! These definitely look like Siberians! I’m impressed!
/showme a person named braveit1
/showme an entity named brainmist
@brainmist This is cool.
@Kyeh yeah, I think I should have stuck with this.
/showme a dog named Schmoopie
/showme a person named brainmist
@mediocrebot Nope, first one was closer. And why does ‘brainmist’ default to male?"
@brainmist Because bots were trained by sexists and they assume that only men have brains?
/showme a seal-gray american staffordshire terrier named Schmoopie Blackthorn McKillicuddy
/showme a person named rainmist
@mediocrebot LOL, OK, I guess mediocrebot just assumes “a person” is male, although at least this one is more midpoint.
/showme Ax Lizzie
@mediocrebot AHAHAHA oh no.
@brainmist @mediocrebot Potentially scary, though - this lovely smiling doctor is actually
a psycho ax murderer!
/showme an axe murderess named brainmist with a gunmetal gray, stocky dog named Schmoopie, and a slinky black and white dog names Mephitidae.
@brainmist I already feel regret.
@brainmist I love the names on the bases of the minis.
/showme the ghost of Lizzie Borden in the style of Dali
@brainmist @mediocrebot Freaking terrifying at multiple levels!
/showme Lizzie Borden experiencing brainmist
/showme Heartny enjoying dinner with Barbie and Ken in a gourmet restaurant
@mediocrebot So which one is Heartny?
@heartny @mediocrebot Pretty certain Ken is the staff.
@heartny I can’t tell if Ken is enjoying his waiter gig or not, lol!
@brainmist So Heartny ended up as gnome for some reason?
@brainmist @heartny Wasn’t he the eighth dwarf who didn’t make the cut for the Disney film?
@heartny @k4evryng Pretty sure Ken is enjoying the waiter gig, he exists to serve (and surf, or at least look like it). He’s just Ken, and he’s OK with that.
@heartny @k4evryng @pmarin As we now know, his full name is “and Ken”.
@brainmist @heartny @mediocrebot Maybe the bot thought you meant Barbie and Kendra.
/showme a person named OnionSoup depicted as rangoli art
/showme Heartny as a cat in the style of quilling
/showme a bot called mediocrebot as a wax rubbing
/showme a man named onionsoup made out of sculpey
@mediocrebot I guess it’s time for me to go on a diet.
/showme a cute purple troll named irk made out of plasticine
/showme kidsandliz and her 4 cats Tigger Lizzy Thingthing and Peaches
@mediocrebot Hmm that would be 5 cats… is merdiocrebot forelling the future? Or is the cat in my lap my kid?
@Kidsandliz @mediocrebot Well, regardless of how you rate it, you got a bonus cat named oddboll.
@Kidsandliz @mediocrebot @mehcuda67
Yeah, I like Oddboll!
@Kidsandliz obviously you have to go to the animal shelter and adopt a fifth cat now.
I would like to congratulate you on your soon to be 5th cat. (we have 6 although one adopted us and one was an accidental adoption so we should only have four)
@OnionSoup All of mine have been accidental adoptions. I live in 2 rooms. I had 5 until my oldest died 2 years ago at 3 mo shy of 20 (I had bottle fed her from 10 days old on). I think I need to stay at 4 as sometimes these guys think there isn’t enough room for all of them - of course they all want the same spots (eg on me) which is much of the problem. My current oldest just turned 14.
@Kidsandliz My wife and I both had two cats that we had had since college. Which is fine when they were young. They all lived to between ages of 19 and 21. Four elderly cats at the same time was not cheap with vet bills.
@OnionSoup You are so right. I had 3 elderly ones at once. You are right. Not cheap. Actually neither is even two of them. Of course younger ones can occasionally be expensive too. I currently have $825 sunk into Tigger at the moment (probably a bit more to go) and he is only born fall 2018. Not what I had planned so the tires will need to wait.
@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup I really want to live in the alternate reality where we not only care enough to provide healthcare to everyone, but also recognize that animals improve human performance, and provide care to them as well.
/showme Schroedinger’s cat inside the box
looking at Schroedinger’s cat outside the box.
@mediocrebot Guess i didn’t specify the cat outside the box had to be seen. Those do look like two different cats, though.
/showme a poster of Dave from Meh as depicted by Shepard Fairey
@mediocrebot I’ve got a beard now, but yeah, pretty much.
@dave @mediocrebot Interesting the range that the bot considers “avarage”
/showme mediocrebot’s thought process
@mediocrebot It definitely favors gold gears and aura-like things. Though I think it reminds me of a physics experiment regarding light transmission. But that didn’t have the pretty gears, though.
@mediocrebot @pmarin
Which experiment was that, if you recall? I started out as a double major with physics and math, but then I switched to just math so I could graduate sooner (then got my Viet Nam-era draft notice, silly me).
The middle section reminds me of a fiber-optic cable unraveling.
/showme an adult man with a stubbly beard named OnionSoup photographed by Anne Geddes.
@mediocrebot Anne Geddes has apparently lost her style of photography.
/showme a man called OnionSoup as a disney character
/showme an inspirational poster featuring a bot called mediocrebot
@mediocrebot AVERAGE IS ENOUGH Embrace the average.
I feel inspired!
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup the bot is obsessed with average (or avarage)!
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup @ybmuG It’s not your avarage spelling!
@mediocrebot @mehcuda67 @OnionSoup @ybmuG Yet there is some Zen wisdom in
Just Be
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup
That should be the Meh motto. Wonder if the bot copyrighted it?
/showme Heartny and Mediocrebot competing on Guy’s Grocery Games show
@mediocrebot That’s so cute! Looks like Heartny has Guy’s hairstyle.
@heartny @mediocrebot Well also it’s quite impressive it knew the whole thing about what “Grocery Games” is and how it could be depicted in an animated humorous way. And also in a few seconds. Face it, we are doomed.
/showme OnionSoup as both a tasty dish and a human
OnionSoup blissfully smelling onion soup. Cannibal!
@brainmist @mediocrebot “You are what you eat”
/showme heartny in the style of Chanel
/showme Heartny as a Bluetooth device
@mediocrebot Perfect gift for Valentine’s Day
@heartny @mediocrebot The chocolates are already melted, if it’s from Meh.
/showme the wizard xobzoo with a pet dragon
@mediocrebot Umm, not quite what I was thinking. At all. But I guess that’s probably my fault.
/showme RPG character xobzoo who is a wizard standing with his party which includes a dragon, in a high fantasy style
@mediocrebot Considerably better, though not quite what I was trying for. But I feel like I could progressively tweak the prompt into what I wanted.
(pretending I was energetic enough to do that, and didn’t mind spamming the forum)
Maybe someday I’ll get around to realizing my dream of being an artist… through AI tools. And then pretend it doesn’t feel completely fake to call it “my” art.
Also, I’m not sure where the second dragon came from. Or why neither of the dragons seems sleek enough.
Maybe I needed to leave off the “high fantasy” in the prompt.
@xobzoo I kind of like the chubby dragons…at least they are well fed.
And I wouldn’t worry about spamming the forum. Those of us following this thread are here because we enjoy the creativity of both the human prompts, and the AI response. This one is really cool and I’d love to see how you tweak it to get what you’re looking for.
Seriously….y’all have amazing imaginations!

/showme the person called PHRoG
hahaha, love the blog!
@PHRoG PHRoG Blog!
/showme our next president: mediocrebot
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
@mediocrebot ah, you’re forbidden from showing political characters I guess.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup … or perhaps, no matter which way this election of the two supposed nominees will happen, the phrase “Something went terribly wrong” is probably appropriate.
@mediocrebot @pmarin I’m writing in Mediocrebot as President. Maybe he’ll win.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup @pmarin It’s been so long since I’ve done it, do they have captchas on write-ins? That could potentially be what keeps mediocrebot from getting elected.
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
/show me our next ruler: mediocrebot
@OnionSoup Doesn’t work with punctuation
Edit: Oh, it just proved me wrong!
@OnionSoup ducking autocorrect adding a space
@OnionSoup Oh right, that’s it.
/showme our next ruler: mediocrebot
@mediocrebot I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords!
/showme mediocrebot’s political manifesto
Sorry… I’m going off topic… I will stop.
@OnionSoup I like Memidorebot as a sci-fi character name. And that it’s manifesto is named “Paath” - the little red book for a new age
Soon to be a best seller!
@OnionSoup Mediocrebot clearly wants to take over the universe
/showme a menagerie containing a labradoodle, a little black and white dog, a gray tiger stripe cat, and a green parakeet named Andrew.
@danpritts this came out really neat!
I feel like it would be a great cover of a children’s book…except I’d totally fix the one cat’s eye, lol!
@k4evryng yeah, the Labradoodle in particular is great, although it doesn’t really look like ours. He has more of a poodle snout.
Also, bonus puffin!
/showme a minivan family sticker of mediocrebit figures
@mediocrebot “Average with mediocre skill level” seems like the right message
/showme mediocrebot meeting a Dalek
@mediocrebot That. Is. Not. A. Da-lek.
@mediocrebot @werehatrack
They do say:
Maybe mediocrebot IS a Dalek.
A refurbished, factory blemished Dalek that is past it’s expiration date.
Either that, or Doctor Who is one of the greatest ad campaigns ever, so great, it started before meh even began.
/showme a New Year’s goat named pakopako
@mediocrebot magnificent
Not entirely sure what that is, but it’s magnificent.
/showme K4evryng with an acoustic guitar singing in a band of handsome men
@mediocrebot Interesting. I wanted to see how Mediocrebot handled handsome since it seems to be so into ‘avarage’

Not too shabby…
@k4evryng You look great too but those ripped jeans look kinda dumb!
@Kyeh I agree, lol! But my daughter would absolutely wear them.
She has a pair that is more holes than material, and I internally cringe when she wears them.
I do have a pair with a few, small, well placed worn/ripped spots (as in…not directly on my a$$) that I think are cute…but that’s as far as I’d go at my age.
But these look like they’re one accident away from being cutoffs.
@k4evryng Yeah - I really wish that dumb trend would die! It doesn’t look like it’s going to anytime soon though.
@k4evryng @Kyeh I’m of the opinion that those are way overdue to be made into shorts. I’m also not a big fan of the fraying-hem look, so I’d have to serge the edges and make a proper hem - which can be a challenge with those lapped seams.
/showme heartny as sculpted by Jeff Koons
@heartny, did you see the Frazz comic today?
@mediocrebot This looks like Mickey Mouse as a balloon dog.
@heartny @mediocrebot
It really does!
/showme llangley as a person
/showme llangley as not a person
@mediocrebot that is exact. Thank you.
@llangley @mediocrebot
That’s beautiful!
@llangley that looks very artistic!
/showme an e-commerce forum user called medz staring at a cellphone
@medz Finally did a good job with the hands
/showme medz but it’s a real person
@medz And his brother, Medz, and his other brother, Medz
@medz @werehatrack Triplets!
@Kyeh @werehatrack
“We are medz! Yeah, cheer up sucker.”
/showme Heartny as a balloon dog in the style of Norman Rockwell
/showme a churro burger
I’m actually curious to how this tastes
I’m assuming it’s like a Vandross burger (that uses glazed donuts instead of bread buns)