I’ve never understood the nyc vs chicago pizza debate. They’re not even the same dish. It’s like comparing lasagna to spaghetti. Basically the same ingredients, completely different dish.
@evilstan60@melonscoop spaghetti is the lazy man’s pasta. Just dump it in water and wait til it sticks to the wall. Lasagna requires skill, a mastery over not just noodles, but all the ingredients. And the flavor actually pays off.
I don’t have a controversial opinion, but I will say, the best thing for leftover pizza is to put it in a waffle iron. Two pieces, topping sides together, and waffle it. So good.
Both NY and Chicago can be good, but NY is the more traditional and generally is done better, IMHO. They are, as mentioned above, pretty much completely different pizzas. When in the NY area, be sure to take Scott Wiener’s Pizza Tour. They are interesting, fun and delicious. He knows great pizza places in many other cities, also, for when you go home.
I’ll let you in on a little secret about Chicago. We have a lot of different kinds of pizza here. And I think it’s fair to say that most of us don’t eat Chicago-style pizza very often. I’d say 10% of my pizza eating is Chicago style. Mainly when entertaining out-of-town guests.
I mean, I love Chicago-style pizza, but it’s a bit indulgent for every day.
Thin crust. Put most all ingredients on it except fish, chicken or pineapple.
Putting pineapple on a pizza should be a felony.
Bake on pizza stone preheated to at least 450 degrees.
My favorite pizza of all time - 35 years! - is Papa Del’s American Thin (Champaign, IL). I had some last weekend on our way back home to TX from Chicago.
My understanding is that it’s St. Louis-style; however, I lived in StL for 7yrs and never found a place as good as Papa Del’s.
/image Papa Del’s American Thin
Pacific northwest style pizza is the best. I never knew we had a type of pizza until my brother was stationed elsewhere… he said you cant find the same elsewhere.
@aetris i wish i knew exactly how to describe it… very thin crust, crunchy yet with a chew to it. Thin layer of sauce, normal toppings. I think its mostly the crust. Most crusts are spread on cornmeal and baked hot.
I turn on the oven, then put the slices in the microwave for ~30 seconds while the oven heats, then put them on the low oven rack directly over the element for a couple minutes. The crust is crisp and the cheese is melted.
Dessert pizza is a valid dessert. It’s not pie and while it was probably created as a way for pizza places to offer an after meal alternative, it should now be considered a valid option not just after having pizza, but after any light meal that needs something sweet at the end. In fact, dessert pizza is probably the absolute worst after pizza dessert option since it’s just too much bread.
While deep dish pizza is from Chicago, and there are a few places famous for it, I bet a survey of pizzas sold in the city would show that real Chicago-style pizza is thin and crispy and cut into squares.
That’s what Chicagoans eat. Going to Malnati’s and getting one of those casseroles is for suburban special occasions and tourists.
If you must include the city name, at least call it “Chicago style deep dish pizza” and not just “Chicago style pizza”.
@craigthom Malnati’s is an offshoot of Uno’s/Due’s (a guy ran off to the suburbs with the recipe/process and made his own chain). It definitely still originates in the city proper, although Malnati’s is associated with far more authentic quality on a national scale, probably because they didn’t decide to make a national franchise like Uno’s did. Then you also have Giordano’s, although I never considered that the same as Uno’s, Malnati’s or Pequod’s (my fave of the three). The crust is deep, but not as short as the others. I want to say they started in the city, too, but I’m not as sure.
Hands down the best pizza is pepperoni and pineapple. All you haters are thinking Hawaiian when you dis pineapple. Ham with pineapple is nasty, but pairing the spicy, greasy goodness of pepperoni with the sweetness of pineapple is heavenly.
@scooter550 It is not pizza if there is pineapple on it. Doesn’t matter if its good or bad, its not pizza. Don’t devalue the word by calling such things pizza.
I don’t think pineapple on pizza is an abomination, but I grew up around Chicago/lived in the city, and butter crust deep dish will always be the best pizza to me. NY style is tasty, and good in its own way, and yes, as many have said, they’re two very different things, but the answer to the question “what’s your favorite style pizza?” will always be Chicago Style deep dish.
I live in Chicago, I don’t hate deep dish, just prefer thin crust. Now for the controversial, I love anchovies. Last pizza order, large BBQ, sausage, onion, bacon, BBQ sauce instead of pizza sauce, with anchovies. They put the uncooked bacon on top of the pizza, when it cooked it flooded the pizza with bacon grease. Disgusting and delicious.
I live in St. Louis and people choke when I tell them I find our style of pizza to be awful. It’s basically just cardboard with sauce and some boring cheese on it. Chicago-style FTW
thin crust, thick crust Detroit style, philly style, Chicago style, fancy weird style, I love it all. Cold pizza, hot pizza, reheated, whatever. Except for pineapple on it. Because grossness. And chicken. That always seems weird to me.
/giphy pizza is love
Pizza steels are better than pizza stones.
I’ve never understood the nyc vs chicago pizza debate. They’re not even the same dish. It’s like comparing lasagna to spaghetti. Basically the same ingredients, completely different dish.
@evilstan60 lasagna is better
@evilstan60 @simplersimon Spaghetti, you fools!
@evilstan60 @melonscoop spaghetti is the lazy man’s pasta. Just dump it in water and wait til it sticks to the wall. Lasagna requires skill, a mastery over not just noodles, but all the ingredients. And the flavor actually pays off.
@melonscoop Yasss! Fresh picked from the orchard is the best!

@evilstan60 @melonscoop @simplersimon

/giphy ravioli?
@evilstan60 @melonscoop @Oneroundrobb I don’t even know where to start to tell you what is wrong with this.
@evilstan60 @melonscoop @Oneroundrobb @simplersimon baked ziti FTW
I don’t have a controversial opinion, but I will say, the best thing for leftover pizza is to put it in a waffle iron. Two pieces, topping sides together, and waffle it. So good.

/image what has science done!?
“artisan” pizzarias taste bad and are overpriced.
@tonylegrone it said “controversial pizza opinion.” You’re just stating facts.
@simplersimon you’re right. My bad
Both NY and Chicago can be good, but NY is the more traditional and generally is done better, IMHO. They are, as mentioned above, pretty much completely different pizzas. When in the NY area, be sure to take Scott Wiener’s Pizza Tour. They are interesting, fun and delicious. He knows great pizza places in many other cities, also, for when you go home.
Stromboli! There, I said it.
Pizza reheated over low heat in a frying pan is better than fresh.
Last pizza I ordered was pineapple and pepperoni.
I don’t like Hawaiian.
I’ll let you in on a little secret about Chicago. We have a lot of different kinds of pizza here. And I think it’s fair to say that most of us don’t eat Chicago-style pizza very often. I’d say 10% of my pizza eating is Chicago style. Mainly when entertaining out-of-town guests.
I mean, I love Chicago-style pizza, but it’s a bit indulgent for every day.
New York Pizza is the best Pizza. Chicago Style is tomato- cheese- pie, not pizza.
@davidwr99 all pizza is tomato cheese pie
Thin crust. Put most all ingredients on it except fish, chicken or pineapple.
Putting pineapple on a pizza should be a felony.
Bake on pizza stone preheated to at least 450 degrees.
If it has pineapple on it it ain’t a pizza.
@duodec exactly!!

/giphy pineapple pizza is so wrong
Cracker-thin crust, Provel, bacon, & cut into squares. Tis truly “The square beyond compare!”
Love my za with sliced green olives and the occasional anchovy salt bomb.
And WTF is wrong with you people and STL style pizza is merely “good”? As Tony says, “It’s grrrrrrrrreat!”
Besides, it’s keto-pizza!
@mike808 Some of these folks just haven’t been to the Hill.
@2many2no @mike808

My favorite pizza of all time - 35 years! - is Papa Del’s American Thin (Champaign, IL). I had some last weekend on our way back home to TX from Chicago.
My understanding is that it’s St. Louis-style; however, I lived in StL for 7yrs and never found a place as good as Papa Del’s.
/image Papa Del’s American Thin
Pepperoni is hot garbage. I’ll eat it, but I eat a lot of bad things.
Pacific northwest style pizza is the best. I never knew we had a type of pizza until my brother was stationed elsewhere… he said you cant find the same elsewhere.
@jnicholson0619 - OK, I’ll bite: what is Pacific northwest style pizza? A pole of toppings served cold?
@aetris @jnicholson0619
In the rain.
@aetris i wish i knew exactly how to describe it… very thin crust, crunchy yet with a chew to it. Thin layer of sauce, normal toppings. I think its mostly the crust. Most crusts are spread on cornmeal and baked hot.
@aetris @jnicholson0619 I’m a big fan of the baking cold technique
Bacon is the best pizza topping.
@katbyter I’m eating bacon on pizza RIGHT NOW! (also eggs)
Leftover pizza does NOT go in the microwave. It is either eaten cold or it goes in the toaster oven with butter and garlic on the crust.
@katbyter It’s fine in the microwave, just don’t eat the crust.
@katbyter see my waffling remarks above
I turn on the oven, then put the slices in the microwave for ~30 seconds while the oven heats, then put them on the low oven rack directly over the element for a couple minutes. The crust is crisp and the cheese is melted.
All pizzas go to Heaven.
Not a pizza hater, just not a fan. Can take it or leave it, usually the latter.
Not controversial, but:
Anchovies were put on pizza to punish all mankind.
Dessert pizza is a valid dessert. It’s not pie and while it was probably created as a way for pizza places to offer an after meal alternative, it should now be considered a valid option not just after having pizza, but after any light meal that needs something sweet at the end. In fact, dessert pizza is probably the absolute worst after pizza dessert option since it’s just too much bread.
While deep dish pizza is from Chicago, and there are a few places famous for it, I bet a survey of pizzas sold in the city would show that real Chicago-style pizza is thin and crispy and cut into squares.
That’s what Chicagoans eat. Going to Malnati’s and getting one of those casseroles is for suburban special occasions and tourists.
If you must include the city name, at least call it “Chicago style deep dish pizza” and not just “Chicago style pizza”.
@craigthom This makes me happy. I don’t have to have icky corrupt chicago association with really good deep dish pizzas.
@craigthom Malnati’s is an offshoot of Uno’s/Due’s (a guy ran off to the suburbs with the recipe/process and made his own chain). It definitely still originates in the city proper, although Malnati’s is associated with far more authentic quality on a national scale, probably because they didn’t decide to make a national franchise like Uno’s did. Then you also have Giordano’s, although I never considered that the same as Uno’s, Malnati’s or Pequod’s (my fave of the three). The crust is deep, but not as short as the others. I want to say they started in the city, too, but I’m not as sure.
@jitc Giordano’s has a second crust over the cheese, right? So it’s more of a stuffed pizza, and, yes, the crust is lighter and more like bread.
I still maintain that the premier Chicago dish is the Italian beef sandwich.
Philly-style tomato pie is the 2nd-worst pizza (after Midwestern.)
Calzones are better than pizzas
@ashwasp Stromboli is better than Calzone, therefore Stromboli is much better than Pizza

/giphy ben wyatt calzone
I admit it, sometimes I just want Pizza Hut.
@cinoclav pan pizza 4 lyfe!
@cinoclav i miss their Italian subs. No longer sold in FL
Hands down the best pizza is pepperoni and pineapple. All you haters are thinking Hawaiian when you dis pineapple. Ham with pineapple is nasty, but pairing the spicy, greasy goodness of pepperoni with the sweetness of pineapple is heavenly.
@scooter550 it is delicious!
@scooter550 It is not pizza if there is pineapple on it. Doesn’t matter if its good or bad, its not pizza. Don’t devalue the word by calling such things pizza.
@scooter550 I don’t like pineapple really (I don’t get the hate, but it’s really not that bad), but ham has no place on any pizza.
Pizza is gross
@CaptAmehrican someone must have fed you one with grotesqueries like pineapple on it
@CaptAmehrican that sentence makes me sad
I don’t think pineapple on pizza is an abomination, but I grew up around Chicago/lived in the city, and butter crust deep dish will always be the best pizza to me. NY style is tasty, and good in its own way, and yes, as many have said, they’re two very different things, but the answer to the question “what’s your favorite style pizza?” will always be Chicago Style deep dish.
Detroit style is where it’s at.
Anchovies FTW!
I disagree with all of these, so the closest I come is that yes, pizza DOES taste good cold…but it’s still better fresh and warm.
I live in Chicago, I don’t hate deep dish, just prefer thin crust. Now for the controversial, I love anchovies. Last pizza order, large BBQ, sausage, onion, bacon, BBQ sauce instead of pizza sauce, with anchovies. They put the uncooked bacon on top of the pizza, when it cooked it flooded the pizza with bacon grease. Disgusting and delicious.
I live in St. Louis and people choke when I tell them I find our style of pizza to be awful. It’s basically just cardboard with sauce and some boring cheese on it. Chicago-style FTW
Tomatoes as a pizza topping are redundant.
/giphy too many tomatoes

thin crust, thick crust Detroit style, philly style, Chicago style, fancy weird style, I love it all. Cold pizza, hot pizza, reheated, whatever. Except for pineapple on it. Because grossness. And chicken. That always seems weird to me.

/giphy pizza is love
