I want(ed) for my parents to listen and to understand me.
So far, nothing.
I also want a 3ds, and I think it is more plausible than making my parents understand. : |
To travel, or should I say, to have the money to travel the way I want to and to the places I want to go.
To be happy and by that I mean emotional and physically happy.
I’ve found how to be content in life and not need to have things define me but being happy with my life is another story. I’m not starving, I’m not poor (although I do live like 150% below the poverty line), I’m not dying. I have a partner who lives and supports me. There are so many people way father off worse than I am, but right now finding happiness is very hard.
“Happiness is not getting what you want but wanting what you have”
I am now presently healing from the surgery that will bring me closer to what I always wanted than I ever thought I would get, and I spent 65 years denying that this was the case. That said, everybody has their own list. I wouldn’t wish this one on anyone.
Lola and her longhaired dachshund brother Louie. They are the same age, their birthdays are January 25 and 30, 2024. This is my boyfriend’s third longhaired dachshund.
@Fuzzalini They’re both BEAUTIFUL! Growing up we had a miniature short haired dachshund named Hildegard. My mom brought her home and said it’s a German dog and she’ll have a German name. My sister and I were just grateful to have such a cute little puppy, we called her Hildi. She barely fit in my 6 year old hands! Throughout the years we bread/breeded her several times, that was fun!
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pups!
My health, I want my health to be where it was before Covid came around and before I got the vaccine that caused blood clots, and shortness of breath that never went away. To walk 5 feet without huffing and puffing, or even just standing up, is that really too much to ask for…?
To have no physical pain would be nice but honestly, I can deal with that, pain meds are a good thing.
I’ve definitely learned to be extremely grateful and appreciate for everything else I do have and maybe that’s why I was slowed down. I’m super thankful for finally seeing that there is ALWAYS A BRIGHT SIDE to everything!
Many years ago when I was in the USAF…
My friend: I wish I had enough money to buy an elephant.
Me: Why do you want an elephant???
My friend: I don’t. I just wish I had enough money to buy one.
More time
Would you be surprised to learn that your parents probably had the same wants, even today? Well except maybe a Gameboy instead of a 3DS.
@kuoh when my parents were kids, “portable game” either meant something with a turnkey, pull-cord, or was a ball.
@pakopako You may have missed the point and/or I was being too subtle.

/youtube all i want for christmas is my sanity
To travel, or should I say, to have the money to travel the way I want to and to the places I want to go.
To be happy and by that I mean emotional and physically happy.
I’ve found how to be content in life and not need to have things define me but being happy with my life is another story. I’m not starving, I’m not poor (although I do live like 150% below the poverty line), I’m not dying. I have a partner who lives and supports me. There are so many people way father off worse than I am, but right now finding happiness is very hard.
“Happiness is not getting what you want but wanting what you have”
I am now presently healing from the surgery that will bring me closer to what I always wanted than I ever thought I would get, and I spent 65 years denying that this was the case. That said, everybody has their own list. I wouldn’t wish this one on anyone.
A Badgers statue.
Meh, you know what you need to do. Sell Badger Statues.
@OnionSoup Just think! Someday it could be yours!
@dijit27 Perfect!
MEH! Get on the phone and call this company and place an order for 20,000 Badger statues to sell on Meh.
69 Chevelle SS and an inground pool. That is all
@tinamarie1974 Excellent choice
A Pomeranian, wanted one for 30 years, just got one last year and she’s just now a year old. Sweetest, cutest thing ever!
@Fuzzalini Where are the pictures, we want to see your cutie pie fur baby!
@Lynnerizer The option to do it from my phone isn’t there. I’ll have to wait until I’m at my computer.
Lola and her longhaired dachshund brother Louie. They are the same age, their birthdays are January 25 and 30, 2024. This is my boyfriend’s third longhaired dachshund.
@Fuzzalini They’re both BEAUTIFUL!
Growing up we had a miniature short haired dachshund named Hildegard. My mom brought her home and said it’s a German dog and she’ll have a German name. My sister and I were just grateful to have such a cute little puppy, we called her Hildi. She barely fit in my 6 year old hands! Throughout the years we bread/breeded her several times, that was fun! 
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pups!
My health, I want my health to be where it was before Covid came around and before I got the vaccine that caused blood clots, and shortness of breath that never went away. To walk 5 feet without huffing and puffing, or even just standing up, is that really too much to ask for…?

To have no physical pain would be nice but honestly, I can deal with that, pain meds are a good thing.
I’ve definitely learned to be extremely grateful and appreciate for everything else I do have and maybe that’s why I was slowed down. I’m super thankful for finally seeing that there is ALWAYS A BRIGHT SIDE to everything!
I want to stop the violins, so that we can finally have whirled peas.
@shahnm No whey.
Peace and sanity… The ability to say no I can’t like others and not beat myself up over it… On a funny note since I’m a kid I wanted wide open spaces.
Ps coffe lots of good tasting coffe always.
Many years ago when I was in the USAF…
My friend: I wish I had enough money to buy an elephant.
Me: Why do you want an elephant???
My friend: I don’t. I just wish I had enough money to buy one.