What ever happened to coolhandjoe??
5Out of curiosity I did a search for @coolhandjoe and was presented with the infamous “Something went terribly wrong” error page! Did they kick that infamous macabre artistic genius to the curb??
My search result: https://meh.com/@coolhandjoe
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@narfcake It would still be nice to know how and what he’s doing, though.
@narfcake Oops!! Would’ve helped if I had his moniker spelled correctly! Thanks for the correction!
I am still around… just in the background… I just have not had time to interact or finish any of my extracurricular “art” projects over the last year… but hopefully I can get back to it this year!
So that’s what the blurry spot in all my photos is.
/giphy lurk-much?
@Koolhandjoe glad you are still around. I may have some more dolls to send you if you need a larger “to do” pile sitting around your house.
I am waiting to see what you manage to do with that creepy clown doll. And that
devilangel doll. And of course mutilated baby dolls are always interesting. Maybe with one you can give meh a new “baby arm” to use after the last one seems to have vanished.@Koolhandjoe Yea! Good to know you’re still there!
/giphy he’s alive
@IndifferentDude @Koolhandjoe Unless one or more of those creations has taken over.
@Koolhandjoe yay! I’m not the only one MIA. Good to see you weren’t murdered in a shed. I have projects I want to finish for a few people in here, you included. I think it will blow your adorable squishy brain matter bits! All the gory hugs my friend!
@Kidsandliz @Koolhandjoe The baby arm is an actual magnetic mannequin baby arm that I own, acquired legally, that I took with me when I was discharged in January of 2020. No doll arm could technically replace it! It was used by me daily like a mail box red flag to determine my existence whilst magnetically attached to the wall of my cubicle - “up” when I was “in”, “down” when my cube was vacant… until we moved into the open floorplan new digs. Our photogs were always welcomed to borrow it, and they did on a regular basis. I, too miss some of those good old days. But not enough to give that much of a shit after about 20 years of my contributions to the success of the current and predecessor business. Joe, I’m happy for you still being a key part of the team - I was worried about you when I first saw this thread, and am happy that you are still there. And wondering if you are still helping the local dumpster divers that you used to leave some stuff out for!