@therealjrn I was buying my regular yogurt other day and they had a pumpkin spice one (which I generally only like in pumpkin pie and rolls and cider) but I got one just to see… and it was pretty good. Not overbearing.
@callow Window weather is what I calls it! I love window weather-as it were I won’t get any for a while-it’s still 95 degrees here as it has been every day since May.
I had to really cogitate on PSL. To me, PSL means Premium Seat License, but I thought that was an odd poll choice because you don’t have to pay those every year. (it was especially was reinforced with all the football answers) For the non-sporting types, a PSL is fee that you pay for the right to buy season tickets. Yes, you read that right. You pay a huge fee, and you still don’t have admission to the games. It’s often a way to fund a new stadium.
Yes, I finally figured out it was Pumpkin Spice Latte.
@DrWorm@lseeber Me too. I was coming up with all sorts of weird things trying to figure it out: Proper Sign Language/Pretty Seat Lace/Push Something Longer/Perfect Summer Leaving/
It means the impending doom of cold weather approaching and everyone around me getting excited about pumpkins and crap as though having to dress in layers and shivering all the time and not being able to wear dresses and go swimming and enjoy the sunshine is a good thing
Apparently it means it’s time for meh to sell these too-small & thin winter gear items.
Time for me to keep sweating because summer ain’t over.
@lljk Oh hell yeah! At least another month, probably 2, before any decent weather .
@lljk Yup… still running around 95 most days.
Hot donuts?
Pumpkin Spice all the things!
@therealjrn Pumpkin Spice is a not even made with pumpkins.
@therealjrn I was buying my regular yogurt other day and they had a pumpkin spice one (which I generally only like in pumpkin pie and rolls and cider) but I got one just to see… and it was pretty good. Not overbearing.
Cooler morning weather is coming soon for my morning run.
Shorter days, which sucks because I can’t drive after dark.
Time for me to start dodging hurricanes. For real.
Halloween is soon.
Fall is the best season to get things greasy with the ladies!
@edguyver14 I guess I’m getting older… does that mean out with the chicken and in with the Crisco? lol
Time to move from witbier to marzen.
This time of year means two more high electric bills.
@lordbowen Say it louder.
@2many2no Would, but don’t want to disturb the neighbors.

@lordbowen BAMA Football!
Mourning the loss of summer and its lingering evenings. And the bringing out of pants, shoes, and jackets. Ugh. But fall colors are nice.
The start of my favorite time of year, fall and winter!!!
/giphy football

The only reason I’m currently experiencing “crisp fall weather” is because my AC has been running for 12 days straight. SoCal Edison loves me.
@ZeroCharisma Dang. Mines been running every day since mid May.
The boat season starts slowing down
Windows open, no AC or heat. Lower power bills. Halloween and fall colors.
@callow Window weather is what I calls it! I love window weather-as it were I won’t get any for a while-it’s still 95 degrees here as it has been every day since May.
I had to really cogitate on PSL. To me, PSL means Premium Seat License, but I thought that was an odd poll choice because you don’t have to pay those every year. (it was especially was reinforced with all the football answers) For the non-sporting types, a PSL is fee that you pay for the right to buy season tickets. Yes, you read that right. You pay a huge fee, and you still don’t have admission to the games. It’s often a way to fund a new stadium.
Yes, I finally figured out it was Pumpkin Spice Latte.
@DrWorm Thanks… cuz I was a wondrin’.
@DrWorm @lseeber Me too. I was coming up with all sorts of weird things trying to figure it out: Proper Sign Language/Pretty Seat Lace/Push Something Longer/Perfect Summer Leaving/
This time of year means my commute takes twice as long (almost 20 minutes!) because of all the parents bringing their kids to school.
It was 103° here on Labor Day, so currently the season is Yelling At Anyone Who Talks About It Being Fall.
State Fair, MAYBE cooler weather, fall tornado season and time to dust off the gas logs and crockpot.
Time for me to relax a little because summer is on its way out and my summer-induced dread and despair are starting to abate.
2 things on my mind once Labor Day hits… Enjoyable weather… and HALLOWEEN IS COMING!!
nothing, i’m not in school and don’t have kids, and the temps are still on par with august, so. just another day.
although i am looking forward to eventually cooler weather, and hockey!
It means the impending doom of cold weather approaching and everyone around me getting excited about pumpkins and crap as though having to dress in layers and shivering all the time and not being able to wear dresses and go swimming and enjoy the sunshine is a good thing
@Kabn cracker barrel has had Halloween stuff since July. They also have Christmas stuff out.
More targets to avoid on the way to work in the morning.
Pumpkin spice Spam!
-Leave for going somewhere 15 minutes early because the stupid school bus never pulls over to let the 24 cars behind it go.
-FOOTBALL (as previously mentioned) (Go Hawks)
-Harvest. Right now, 3 apple trees are ready & the second crop of corn is ripe. Pretty soon, rototill the whole garden in and plant a cover crop.
-Go to the State Fair.
-Check rain gutters, put away sprinklers & hoses when rains start.
-Finish up the last of the Summer lagers and Helles, stock up on ambers, porters & stouts.