It depends a lot on the setting/situation/whatever. If I have the vision of what needs to be done, one big task is usually fine. If it’s more than I can hold in my head at once, it needs to be recorded in smaller pieces. If it’s somebody else’s crap that I’m supposed to do, then it better be in smaller pieces. If… well, that’s probably all.
There are two ways you can complete any task, we’ll take moving for example and putting boxes in the truck. You can make many small trips with one box each, or you can do far fewer trips by carrying more boxes at once. I would rather make fewer trips and maximize the amount of work I’m doing each trip. So, my personal preference is always to do larger tasks. If I take a larger task and break it down into smaller ones, it feels onerous to me and I hate it.
Same thing really. Always break one big task down into manageable smaller tasks.
Well if you take a big task and you break it down to smaller tasks it usually makes it easier. However not all small stuff bigger tasks
If I have a big task, I break it down into smaller ones, otherwise I’d never get anything done
You’re not the boss of me!!
Smaller tasks. I have this attention span problem…
Smaller tasks have a better chance of not getting Squirrel!
/showme Squirrel doing several smaller tasks
Can I choose “one smaller task”?
It depends a lot on the setting/situation/whatever. If I have the vision of what needs to be done, one big task is usually fine. If it’s more than I can hold in my head at once, it needs to be recorded in smaller pieces. If it’s somebody else’s crap that I’m supposed to do, then it better be in smaller pieces. If… well, that’s probably all.
I prefer no tasks.
My ADHD needs to be feed with small tasks. I tried a large tas… squirrel!
@qmracer01 I almost didn’t make it to the end of that abbreviation.
I feel like I’m accomplishing more things with smaller tasks that I complete. This way I don’t lose focus as fast!
There are two ways you can complete any task, we’ll take moving for example and putting boxes in the truck. You can make many small trips with one box each, or you can do far fewer trips by carrying more boxes at once. I would rather make fewer trips and maximize the amount of work I’m doing each trip. So, my personal preference is always to do larger tasks. If I take a larger task and break it down into smaller ones, it feels onerous to me and I hate it.
It is easier to do smaller tasks, you see progress.
If the small tasks are pleasurable and the large task is not, I prefer the small tasks. If vice versa, I prefer the large task.
Small pieces of large tasks.
I find that
I get more done
If I break things
Up into smaller
Then I get to
Check off
More boxes