@aetris@jouest No maybes here; several of my computers here at home are running either Mint (a 3rd gen i5 laptop, a 6th gen i3 desktop, and two mini computers with Celerons) or MX-Linux (an A6 non-upgradable laptop and the “desktop” with a laptop Pentium that I turned into a NAS).
@pakopako It’s actually a HP desktop computer in a case and all, but its original guts are all low-end laptop grade – the soldered down CPU is a J3710, which couldn’t even address more than 8GB of RAM, and it’s powered by an external power brick. I used a slimline optical-to-drive adapter for the boot disk, and the stock SATA port went to the data drive.
@jouest I do wonder how many times I’ve triggered keywords that flag a government employee to look at my file and say… “no, he’s not a threat, he’s just an idiot”.
“Kid, we don’t like your kind, and we’re gonna send you fingerprints off to Washington.”
And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, is a study in black and white of my fingerprints.
Any one know a cheap sniper
@Cerridwyn Have slingshot will work for food.
@Cerridwyn - try eBay.
@Cerridwyn I immediately regret my choice of topic.
/showme a laughing sniper
@mediocrebot That scope though, he must be the most accurate laughing sniper! I wonder if he has six or seven fingers per hand?
@Cerridwyn @kuoh I have some time on my hands. Is there a per diem?
@aetris @Cerridwyn
Hey now you mention it, since Bill Gates removed Wordpad from Win 11 I’ve been using LibreOffice! I’m stickin’ to da man!!! Next stop - Linux!
you’re an all-star
@aetris This is the kind of thing I was looking for.
@aetris @jouest No maybes here; several of my computers here at home are running either Mint (a 3rd gen i5 laptop, a 6th gen i3 desktop, and two mini computers with Celerons) or MX-Linux (an A6 non-upgradable laptop and the “desktop” with a laptop Pentium that I turned into a NAS).
@narfcake - the revolution begins…

@aetris @jouest @narfcake how did you turn a laptop into a NAS?
@pakopako It’s actually a HP desktop computer in a case and all, but its original guts are all low-end laptop grade – the soldered down CPU is a J3710, which couldn’t even address more than 8GB of RAM, and it’s powered by an external power brick. I used a slimline optical-to-drive adapter for the boot disk, and the stock SATA port went to the data drive.
I might overthrow the government but I’m not planning any other revolutions.
@OnionSoup It had really been too long since the FBI came by to discuss our forum servers.
@jouest I do wonder how many times I’ve triggered keywords that flag a government employee to look at my file and say… “no, he’s not a threat, he’s just an idiot”.
@jouest @OnionSoup
Arlo Guthrie - Alice’s Restaurant
I am going to make the wheels on the bus go 'round.
What about “and 'round”…?
@PhysAssist @yakkoTDI
All through the town?
Probably just going around in circles due to my squirrel-like attention span.
Well that’s just nuts…