I didn't know what 4/20 was until I was in college freshman year and 4/20 fell on Easter Sunday. A Christian group on campus started wearing t-shirts about how they were going to reclaim 4/20. Asking a few people I found out what it meant. So thanks Christians for advertising the drug holiday?
I'm in Colorado, but not partaking. I'm not against it, I just never really have the time to sit around and be high. I would never drive high and most days require I go out, even if only to the post office. Plus it just really isn't my cup of tea anymore. Not specifically pot, but anything that makes it so I can't think clearly. I can't function when I'm not completely sober and I hate wasted days, especially when I can't fully remember them.
Like I said though, I'm not against it. If that's your thing, go for it.
The only thing pot ever did for me was make me puke. The irony is a family member grows some awesome crops (so I'm told) and I probably also qualify for a medical marijuana prescription. Instead, I'll be going for a radiation treatment today. Ummm…..woohoo??
Gods damn but I wish I had some weed today. Even though most strains make me fall asleep within an hour of partaking. (Insert story about an Over The Rainbow themed costume party--I was Ozma--with a Magic Rainbow Cake and I didn't know and had three slices and ended up as That Person with the party raging around my passed-out princess self on the futon.) I do have the day off but I'm just self-pityingly playing Pillars of Eternity and watching soppy Brit costume dramas (Poldark, Banished, Indian Summers) to distract myself from family drama/heartbreak. Deeeefinitely avoiding email, blaargh. I'd really enjoy some giggly munchied blazed-out stupidity right now. Apropos of nothing, lemme tell you 'bout my Friday eve stroll. I was walking alone through a quiet neighbourhood at twilight, the sky a Romantic's pastel wetdream, the air comfortable and lightly breezy, no people nor cars present nor passing, city sounds distant and muffled and the only life little black birds swooping and calling in the trees above. It was that magic hour where everything is ideally blurred by soft purple darkness and curtain-diffused windowlight. And all I could smell as I walked was laundry--nothing but laundry. Every other house on those blocks must have been doing it, because walking was a constant nose-hug of warm, sweet laundry, like right when you open the drier door and there's that blast of heat and scent and comfort, but never-ending and all-consuming. It was surreal and humbling and beautiful. I felt like I was in a dreamy long shot from a Terrence Malick pic. I enjoyed Friday.
@goldenthorn How are you liking Pillars? Still haven't gotten around to downloading my reward, but I'm looking forward to some old-fashioned nostalgia!
@mikey It's... it's good. I have praises and I have serious criticisms, but I'm enjoying myself. There's so much fantastic and fucked about it... Check back with me once you've played it, because I have a lot I could say but I don't want to colour your own experience of it. I will say that as good as it is, there's a... well, there's people who make Avellone (the head writer) out to be this messianic Tolkien-Twain-Milton game writer, and this game just ain't pickin' up what that circlejerk is droppin'. It's awesome and immersive and holy hells have I missed games with this breadth and depth, but it's def no planescape torment, kotor2, or bg2.
50% the "Just another Monday" bullet, but I'm also getting together with some friends for some barbecue this evening. We're hoping the rest of the world is more about the takeout tonight.
Well, ARS is almost over. Watched both episodes. Still awake. Guess I'll watch Castle. Might find out why he disappeared for 2 months. Meh, think I'll have another beer too. Happy Monday / 4-20 to all..
It's my step-son's birthday today. So, we'll be having cake and stuff.
@jsh139 With pot frosting?
@jsh139 "and stuff." Uh-huh.
@mcanavino Maybe in another 8 years :)
@joelmw LOL
Dentist and a Riitz concert at the fine line in MN. Pumped (not about the dentist ;))
I didn't know what 4/20 was until I was in college freshman year and 4/20 fell on Easter Sunday. A Christian group on campus started wearing t-shirts about how they were going to reclaim 4/20. Asking a few people I found out what it meant. So thanks Christians for advertising the drug holiday?
@wisenekt Thank you so much for this! I didn't know there was such a thing! Didn't think to look it up. You learn so much on here.
I'm in Colorado, but not partaking. I'm not against it, I just never really have the time to sit around and be high. I would never drive high and most days require I go out, even if only to the post office. Plus it just really isn't my cup of tea anymore. Not specifically pot, but anything that makes it so I can't think clearly. I can't function when I'm not completely sober and I hate wasted days, especially when I can't fully remember them.
Like I said though, I'm not against it. If that's your thing, go for it.
It's like you're in my brainpan, Meh!

I decline to answer on grounds that I may incinerate one.
Same damn thing answer/choice: frightening how close that is to reality.
I was intending to make a marble tonight, but I might just try to make my first pipe instead. It's always good to try new things.
@Necoras Are you a glassblower? I started a couple of years ago and love it.
The only thing pot ever did for me was make me puke. The irony is a family member grows some awesome crops (so I'm told) and I probably also qualify for a medical marijuana prescription. Instead, I'll be going for a radiation treatment today. Ummm…..woohoo??
Gods damn but I wish I had some weed today. Even though most strains make me fall asleep within an hour of partaking. (Insert story about an Over The Rainbow themed costume party--I was Ozma--with a Magic Rainbow Cake and I didn't know and had three slices and ended up as That Person with the party raging around my passed-out princess self on the futon.)
I do have the day off but I'm just self-pityingly playing Pillars of Eternity and watching soppy Brit costume dramas (Poldark, Banished, Indian Summers) to distract myself from family drama/heartbreak. Deeeefinitely avoiding email, blaargh. I'd really enjoy some giggly munchied blazed-out stupidity right now.
Apropos of nothing, lemme tell you 'bout my Friday eve stroll. I was walking alone through a quiet neighbourhood at twilight, the sky a Romantic's pastel wetdream, the air comfortable and lightly breezy, no people nor cars present nor passing, city sounds distant and muffled and the only life little black birds swooping and calling in the trees above. It was that magic hour where everything is ideally blurred by soft purple darkness and curtain-diffused windowlight. And all I could smell as I walked was laundry--nothing but laundry. Every other house on those blocks must have been doing it, because walking was a constant nose-hug of warm, sweet laundry, like right when you open the drier door and there's that blast of heat and scent and comfort, but never-ending and all-consuming. It was surreal and humbling and beautiful. I felt like I was in a dreamy long shot from a Terrence Malick pic. I enjoyed Friday.
@goldenthorn How are you liking Pillars? Still haven't gotten around to downloading my reward, but I'm looking forward to some old-fashioned nostalgia!
@mikey It's... it's good. I have praises and I have serious criticisms, but I'm enjoying myself. There's so much fantastic and fucked about it... Check back with me once you've played it, because I have a lot I could say but I don't want to colour your own experience of it. I will say that as good as it is, there's a... well, there's people who make Avellone (the head writer) out to be this messianic Tolkien-Twain-Milton game writer, and this game just ain't pickin' up what that circlejerk is droppin'. It's awesome and immersive and holy hells have I missed games with this breadth and depth, but it's def no planescape torment, kotor2, or bg2.
@goldenthorn Beautiful description! I quite enjoyed reading it
Listening to Doug Benson albums and podcasts.
@ChadP I would imagine he enjoys today. Hell, I imagine he enjoys pretty much every day.
@Bingo He does. He certainly does.
Going to rehearsal to sing Queen music with 250 other men. (Damn do I love this chorus.)
@brumagem Well then. You win this thread. One might say... you are the champion. My friend.
@Bingo I can't say it's been easy, I've had my share of sand kicked in my face but I've come through.
@Bingo @brumagem
@MrMark Don't stop me now! I'm havin' such a good time, I'm havin' a ball!
@MrMark This thing. Called memes. I must get round to it.
50% the "Just another Monday" bullet, but I'm also getting together with some friends for some barbecue this evening. We're hoping the rest of the world is more about the takeout tonight.
Baking brownies.
Considering taking them to the PTA meeting tonight.
Well, ARS is almost over. Watched both episodes. Still awake. Guess I'll watch Castle. Might find out why he disappeared for 2 months. Meh, think I'll have another beer too. Happy Monday / 4-20 to all..
Ballroom dancing class. Rumba, cha cha, tango. I'm not that good, but it's great exercise.
Waiting for 4/21, at which date my Foscam camera should be here from when I ordered it back on 4/02.
Busted...I'm watching Antiques Roadshow right now.