What 2017 movie are you most excited about?
3There are a lot of interesting movies slated to come out between now and Christmas. I know a lot of people are hot to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I think Valerian, City of 1000 Planets may top my list. Luc Besson is a great director and the previews look very good. Hopefully the gorgeous effects won’t overwhelm the storytelling. We saw a 3D preview at Ghost in the Shell, and despite the fact that I’m not a fan of 3D it was pretty amazing.
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Well now that Han is dead I’m looking for Harrison to die in Blade Runner 2049. I wonder if there’s a way to bet on him dying there or irl as a pilot first.
/youtube blade runner 2049
If Harrison is a replicant, shouldn’t he off himself?
@f00l wouldn’t expect a replicant to look so old but for argument’s sake, let’s say he’s a special model. Then he should die in the rain after bringing much pain to Ryan Gosling as an ode to Rutger Haur and in the new Star Wars style of lacking story structure originality.
If the replicants are designed to appear to age, they’d be harder to spot.
@denboy Funny thing about his airplane crash; it was a trainer airplane with nobody in the other seat.
That’ right; Han can’t solo.
/giphy Harrison ford laugh
Because I have hardly got to see films in theaters for more than 20 years now, and have never seen most of the big releases, I have only seen Gosling in clips from La-La Land.
Even there he seemed completely detached. With my bare and minimal knowledge, he seems to to me the one Hollywood star most likely to actually be a replicant.
Curious choice of casting.
I’m still waiting for A Mediocre Documentary which takes a look at the rise of @snapster.
/youtube Official IT trailer
I am so excited and worried about this. IT is one of my favorite books and I didn’t care much for the tv miniseries version. They just left out so much stuff from the book. Granted, it’s over 1000 pages.
Tim Curry was great at Pennywise… But I love how creepy the new version is.
@RiotDemon and it will be 2 movies so there’s a much better chance of delivering a more book like experience
@denboy the mini series was just over 3 hours total. I’m hoping the movies are at least 2 hours each.
@denboy As far as I know there is still not a commitment to make the second movie, it will depend on the success of the first 1/2 of the story. The original was also done in 2 parts so it will more how in depth the script goes rather then time restrictions. Though this not being made for TV certainly will give more creative freedom.
This project both excites and scares me, I would love to see a very very well done movie, but I loved Tim Curry as Pennywise and somehow am not sure how I will react to a different version. We will see if my mind can get over the, seemingly, very different take on Pennywise.
@Raider did you read the book?
@RiotDemon I need to read the book again. It’s been a few (quite a few years). BTW, I watched the trailer you posted. One of the suggested youtube videos, afterwords, was Adult Wednesday Addams, Season 1. I love this series. Thanks again for posting it.
@Raider As hard as it will be to replace Tim Curry is as easy as it will be to replace John Ritter and Richard Thomas.
I’m betting on the second movie happening, King is in too deep on this project.
@RiotDemon It’s a book I had started and then life got busy and I have not had a chance to return. I do not remember exactly how far I got into it, but not very far. I have it on my kindle, hopefully come summer I will have a chance to return.
@RiotDemon Pretty creepy preview. My favorite King book is The Stand, but I enjoy pretty much all of his work. What I found most effective in It was the flashback decription of the fire in the Black Spot nightclub. One of the most vivid scenes in any of his books.
@moondrake I’m curious about the very controversial scene at the end of the kids portion. I wonder if they’ll leave it out, or create something else that’s bonding, (if you understand what I mean.)
@RiotDemon I’m sure they’ll sanitize it. Most of his work ends up with a lot of changes. I’m thinking of Dreamcatcher, where I didn’t like the changed ending, and The Mist, where the changed ending was just savage.
@moondrake I actually enjoyed the Dreamcatcher movie… But I watched it before I read the book. When I read the book, towards the end, I was like, “WTF is this shit?” I thought it was a boring ending, which is probably why they changed it.
The Mist… I’m not sure if I saw the tv show or the movie. I guess I’m going to have to go back and watch both after I read the novella again.
The Shining is a pretty big sore spot for King. Poor Shelley Duvall was essentially tortured during the shoot and a lot of her reactions were genuine… They were overwhelming. I enjoyed the tv mini series much better since it was much closer to the book.
1408, I enjoyed a lot. Towards the end though, when he was in the post office, I was pretty angry because I thought that was the ending. I felt pretty stupid because I had just assumed they fucked up the book ending completely.
I suppose I want some film someone talks a reluctant me into going to see, and I’m so moved or astonished or inspired or intrigued that I want to go back to some empty-theater afternoon showing and see it again by myself.
Valerian, City of 1000 Planets looks quite gorgeous. Based on the trailer, I don’t yet have great confidence in the plot ofrdialogue, but that’s often not what a trailer is cut to promote.
IT - the trailer looks great.
It would be nice if someone other than photogenic teenagers/young adults and/or superheros could save the galaxy for once.
@f00l I don’t thonk I’ve ever seen it, cause comedies aren’t my thing, but this fits the bill. If Lois McMaster Bujold’s multiple award winning Miles Naismith Vorkosigan series ever makes it to film it’ll qualify, the very likable lead character’s a hunchback with other physical failings in a galaxy of mostly perfect people.
I know it already came out, but I haven’t seen it yet. Beauty and the Beast is one I really want to see! I will probably end up buying it and watching it multiple times!
Valerian looks interesting. I do like Besson, but the last decent movie he made was Lockout, since then his output has been pretty bad. Other than that, Guardians of the Galaxy, Atomic Blonde looks pretty good. Movie I’m looking forward to most in the next few months, though:
That looks pretty good.
@f00l I am always there to promote the brothers McDonagh
@spitfire6006006 Excellent cast.
Alien: Covenant…because I love those guys.
@lordbowen Oh, fuck. The Spouse loves the Alien series, so I guess we’ll have to go see it. GAH!
@lordbowen ah yes. I’m super excited about this. I absolutely loved Michael Fassbender as David in Prometheus.
@RiotDemon Aliens is one of those films I’ve seen 20x or more. But 1x was more than enough for Prometheus. I love Michael Fassbender but Prometheus was a huge bore with a silly ending.
@moondrake Alien, and Aliens were both great fun. Then they started getting a little esoteric after that. And lord help us when Alien met Predator. Boo!
/giphy Alien vs. Predator
@moondrake the original Alien films were the best.
If you like Michael Fassbender… Have you seen Shame?
@ruouttaurmind I didn’t mind the first AvP… But the second one, eh.
@RiotDemon Nope, looks interesting. I’ll see if it’s on Netflix or Amazon.
@moondrake I ended up downloading it because I couldn’t find it. It’s a strange movie. You get to see, uhm, a LOT, of Michael. It’s also a pretty depressing look into the life of someone with a sex addiction.
Well, it WAS Ready Player One. But Spielberg was worried about that his precious, floundering, Disney franchise couldn’t take the heat, so he pushed RPO until March 2018.
I am so very far out of it.
What is Spielberg’s precious, floundering Disney franchise?
@f00l It all started A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…
@ruouttaurmind it’s floundering?
@RiotDemon Ever since Jar Jar…
Seriously though, as a child of the '80’s, I grew up with Episodes 4-6. Episode 1 was such a departure from the original style, I lost interest in the series. And as Galactic Goat, I speak to the universe on behalf of planet Earth when I say “Jar Jar has the blood of my childhood on his freaky three fingered paws”.
@ruouttaurmind but @PlacidPenguin loves JarJar!
I don’t get the resentment, I guess. And I think Spielberg has a sense of how to market and release his own films. And I don’t believe that SW is or ever was Spielberg’s baby, tho he does have some interest, and has contributed ideas. If he has held the release of a film in order to avoid competition with a SW film release, I imagine he’s not doing so as some sort of favor.
I fail to see anything floundering about the new SW releases. Derivative elements, yes. But these films have many virtues, and are quite entertaining to most of us, I believe, and need no special assistance to keep them afloat and beloved by the many, if not by the few (thx, Spock). And the visual design - esp the Triumph of the Will homages - were gorgeous. And these new films, unlike the prequels, have wit, visual wit, and they move.
I guess I don’t understand the point of conspiracy theories. Hollywood is as Hollywood does. It’s corrupt. It’s wildly irrational. It’s big bi, combined with big egos, combined with financial insanity, combined with either extreme or limited artistic vision, combined with talent and luck, or their lack, combined with “nobody knows nothing”.
I try to save my contempt for the aftermath of having watched a film and regretted the time I spent doing so.
@f00l I’m quite sure the series is not floundering. I was being ironic. A sarcastic comment RE: juggernaut vs underdog (with, of course, RPO being the underdog).
Resentment? There really isn’t any resentment per se. More like a mournful acceptance that “you can never go home”. Episode 1 massively changed the face of the franchise in breadth and depth.
As a child I was obsessed with all things Star Wars. For years. It was such a major part of my youth, the redirection of the series was, as I said, like the loss of an old friend.
Oh, and don’t get me started with the Indiana Jones series…
Was that to all of us, tho I and my peers were adults when Ep 1 hit. We all moaned our way thru Jar-Jar and the visually gorgeous dead plot-weights of the prequels, combined with the lifeless Christensen and lifeless dialogue, and a few points of extreme beauty and a few excellent fights.
I saw this coming, tho, a little. Too many Ewoks for too much screen time in what is now Ep 6 made me sense a possible future coming that might hit Lucas - akin to those moments when Spielberg blows it and notches a film from potentially great down to good or pretty good, because sometimes he can’t help being way over-sentimental, and sometimes can’t help making his points with a sledgehammer. An artist’s balance is a delicate thing.
I can understand how it might hurt much more if SW were your personal childhood focus of heroic adventure myth.
In your remark above, about RPO, I couldn’t tell that you were being ironic. My bad.
No worries. Hug it out?
/giphy hug it out
@RiotDemon @ruouttaurmind
Honestly though, I have never watched the real Star Wars movies.
/giphy face palm
@RiotDemon Attack of the Cloven Hooves: Goat looks just like Star Wars alien Jar Jar Binks
@ruouttaurmind now if someone would Photoshop his eyeballs with some more height, that would be creepy.