Reminds me of the one who misunderstood how to dry out their smartphone and ended up sticking the rice inside the phone instead of the other way round.
Someone went to Texas A&M! lol
How do you get an Aggie out of a tree?
You wave to them.
How does an Aggie correct their spelling on a computer?
They use white-out.
Why can’t an Aggie raise chickens?
They plant the eggs too deep.
How do you keep an Aggie busy?
Write ‘Please turn over’ on both sides of a piece of paper.
Why did the Aggie get excited when he finished the jigsaw puzzle in 6 months?
Because on the box it said, ‘2-4 years’.
Ok…I’ll stop now…
I mean at least she let go of the brakes? Steering and breaking on ice/snow do not go together. The southerners who make most wrecks do not comprehend.
What concerns me most is you seem to want to mock her for salt on her tires… You do realize she “put salt on her tiers”. Not tires. Tiers. Tiers of what idk.
Her job might not be critical. Her employer could just be a greedy fuck taking advantage of her economic desperation to justify extortion of the workforce.
By forcing her to be physically at work, under threat of firing, her employer is recklessly putting not just theur employees in harm’s way, but also the public sharing the road with her driving around on those unsafe salted tiers.
@mike808 Yeah but we don’t know that is the case. She should have a critical job. And just not have ever had a reason to drive in snow/ice before. Since most of texas is shutdown and primary energy has been directed to homes. There is no reason for a greedy employer to need or want her in.
The lack of punctuation just annoys me in general. Idk why that’s become an acceptable thing. If there is a rash of businesses forcing employees on the roads in unsafe emergency conditions that should be advocated against and put in law with the rest of the corrective action that texas should have.
Just at a thought. workers should not be worried about trying to ship my mehrathon orders. Fuck that. Non critical.
People with shipped drugs should be able to get a short term supply by calling their doctor if shipping is delayed.
No one should be moving in an emergency unless critical.
There should be better designations of who is critical. And short term vs long term.
Grocery store workers and diner waitresses are not critical for a few day issue. Usually. It takes a month to starve. But grocery stores and hungry people and perishable food makes it more complicated. But no good with no power. Pharmacist though… That found be critical. I guess hospitals should have short term supplies since they already have drugs and backup generators
If you are classified as critical (ems police fire critical infrastructure) and in an emergency I think “work” should start the clock when you step out the door and workman’s comp should cover you unless there is negligence/fraud. If you need to stay at work to cover till reinforcement gets there overtime.
What’s interesting is this is only a full on emergency in texas because of choices they made. Every other state is mostly fine. If texas had been on one of the grids they might have caused more rolling blackouts in that grid but it could have helped.
My wife grew up in eastern South Dakota and has many relatives and friends there. The Facebook snow-snark has been strong lately.
If you black out the names but then you leave them tagged in the reply, are they saved from the shame of their salted tires?
@djslack I like the British notion of “name & shame”.
@blaineg @djslack So you support doxxing? Because mob justice on social platforms is a beacon of accuracy, truth, fairness, and reasoned thought?
@djslack @mike808 Wow, you are amazingly perceptive, because that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike what I meant.
@blaineg @djslack Great minds think alike.
hey now we know that Gloria Elizabeth Lopez is your sister and she lives in San Antonio!!
you’re an all-star
@mbersiam Nope, you don’t know that. I have no idea who Ms. Lopez is.
Reminds me of the one who misunderstood how to dry out their smartphone and ended up sticking the rice inside the phone instead of the other way round.
Someone went to Texas A&M! lol
How do you get an Aggie out of a tree?
You wave to them.
How does an Aggie correct their spelling on a computer?
They use white-out.
Why can’t an Aggie raise chickens?
They plant the eggs too deep.
How do you keep an Aggie busy?
Write ‘Please turn over’ on both sides of a piece of paper.
Why did the Aggie get excited when he finished the jigsaw puzzle in 6 months?
Because on the box it said, ‘2-4 years’.
Ok…I’ll stop now…
@Tadlem43 these were all originally blonde jokes.
@haydesigner Or Polish jokes, or Irish jokes…which is why they are perfect Aggie jokes. lol
I mean at least she let go of the brakes? Steering and breaking on ice/snow do not go together. The southerners who make most wrecks do not comprehend.
What concerns me most is you seem to want to mock her for salt on her tires… You do realize she “put salt on her tiers”. Not tires. Tiers. Tiers of what idk.
Idk which is worse.
@unksol That’s so silly - everyone knows tiers already have salt in them. I have a couple of them rolling down my cheeks now.
@mehcuda67 idk. The complete lack of grammer/punctuation annoys me in general.
Then I don’t know what teirs of what she needed to salt? Not tires or tears. Did she have a cake to salt?
This post concerns me that she works at a critical job that she needs to go in.
@mehcuda67 @unksol
Her dangerous employer concerns me more.
Her job might not be critical. Her employer could just be a greedy fuck taking advantage of her economic desperation to justify extortion of the workforce.
By forcing her to be physically at work, under threat of firing, her employer is recklessly putting not just theur employees in harm’s way, but also the public sharing the road with her driving around on those unsafe salted tiers.
@mike808 Yeah but we don’t know that is the case. She should have a critical job. And just not have ever had a reason to drive in snow/ice before. Since most of texas is shutdown and primary energy has been directed to homes. There is no reason for a greedy employer to need or want her in.
The lack of punctuation just annoys me in general. Idk why that’s become an acceptable thing. If there is a rash of businesses forcing employees on the roads in unsafe emergency conditions that should be advocated against and put in law with the rest of the corrective action that texas should have.
Just at a thought. workers should not be worried about trying to ship my mehrathon orders. Fuck that. Non critical.
People with shipped drugs should be able to get a short term supply by calling their doctor if shipping is delayed.
No one should be moving in an emergency unless critical.
There should be better designations of who is critical. And short term vs long term.
Grocery store workers and diner waitresses are not critical for a few day issue. Usually. It takes a month to starve. But grocery stores and hungry people and perishable food makes it more complicated. But no good with no power. Pharmacist though… That found be critical. I guess hospitals should have short term supplies since they already have drugs and backup generators
If you are classified as critical (ems police fire critical infrastructure) and in an emergency I think “work” should start the clock when you step out the door and workman’s comp should cover you unless there is negligence/fraud. If you need to stay at work to cover till reinforcement gets there overtime.
What’s interesting is this is only a full on emergency in texas because of choices they made. Every other state is mostly fine. If texas had been on one of the grids they might have caused more rolling blackouts in that grid but it could have helped.