Walterbird is an unknowable enigma having placed 0 orders and voted in 0 polls.
In the forum, Walterbird is a stranger in these parts with 0 topics created, 0 comments, and 0 replies.
Walterbird is just as inert when it comes to handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 0 likes (for an altruism score of 0.0). Walterbird’s posts have received 0 likes.
You will have to excuse the fact that not only do I have limited access to a computer, but that I am a slow typist because I use the hunt and peck system of typing.
@narfcake@Walterbird my cats were good till twixy. They walk around the laptop. She gets in there at night and flops and rolls around on it.
If I forget to close the lid it takes me 30 minutes to figure out how to turn off all the windows accessibility features and other crap she’s turned on. Screen zoomed in I don’t know the keyboard commands to turn off. Keyboard doesn’t work.
Sometimes she manages to send an IM or change my status and I don’t see it till someone asks…
@mike808@Walterbird@werehatrack I’ve bought him that mixture before, but really the only bird food he really likes and eats is safflower seeds and the shells on almonds-rest is people food-fried eggs, melons of any sort, green beans, bananas, chick peas, chicken legs, pizza, blue crab legs claws and he basically tries anything we are eating. Don’t even put a water dish in his cage anymore-just make sure the melon is ripe and has a lot of juice-gets his daily liquid from that.
@Felton10@mike808@Walterbird@werehatrack What your dad said about that huge bag of food or your current diet. What is your favorite human treat? Who feeds you, mom or dad? Etc…
@Felton10@mike808@tinamarie1974@werehatrack You got that right. They told me they saw people with dogs at the restaurant and they never take me anywhere out to eat. Mean parents.
@Felton10@phendrick@Walterbird Well if you resent it then maybe you are picking your feathers one by one to fill a pillow to sell to pay your bills? Or do you have your pets trained to do “tricks” to bring in money to pay your bills?
@Kidsandliz@phendrick@replicacobra You forgot the blood he can draw if the tip of his beak actually penetrates the skin-has happened on several occasions especially to my wife.
@Kidsandliz@phendrick@replicacobra I disagree-lots of people avoid parrots due to the damage they can do with their beaks so this is good information.
Regardless of his inclination to bite-he knows when to bite soft and hard to make his feelings and wishes known and this doesn’t keep us from keeping him out of the cage all day long or interacting with him.
So @Walterbird - tell us some juicy gossip about life with Felton10 and Mrs. F10 and Ashley!
@Kyeh Well all I can tell you is that Mrs. Felton wore this to bed last night.
That’s terrific!
I bet Mr. F liked it a lot!
@Walterbird P.S. Is that the anniversary bracelet there above her watch?
How about @Walterbird post for themselves?
Walterbird joined us 6 hours ago.
Walterbird is an unknowable enigma having placed 0 orders and voted in 0 polls.
In the forum, Walterbird is a stranger in these parts with 0 topics created, 0 comments, and 0 replies.
Walterbird is just as inert when it comes to handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 0 likes (for an altruism score of 0.0). Walterbird’s posts have received 0 likes.
You will have to excuse the fact that not only do I have limited access to a computer, but that I am a slow typist because I use the hunt and peck system of typing.
@Walterbird Pretty impressive, I’d say!
@Walterbird ah walter, your syntax is perfect. How have you been?
@Walterbird Slower, sure, but no typos and good grammar.
Cats, OTOH:

@narfcake @Walterbird my cats were good till twixy. They walk around the laptop. She gets in there at night and flops and rolls around on it.
If I forget to close the lid it takes me 30 minutes to figure out how to turn off all the windows accessibility features and other crap she’s turned on. Screen zoomed in I don’t know the keyboard commands to turn off. Keyboard doesn’t work.
Sometimes she manages to send an IM or change my status and I don’t see it till someone asks…
So, what would constitute parrot booty that might perhaps arrive in an IRK? (It’s probably too late to get in on the Fruit For IRK exchange…)
@werehatrack @walterbird

Something like this?
@mike808 @Walterbird @werehatrack Wait, your parrot has to weigh 25 lbs in order to qualify for this food?
@mike808 @Walterbird @werehatrack I’ve bought him that mixture before, but really the only bird food he really likes and eats is safflower seeds and the shells on almonds-rest is people food-fried eggs, melons of any sort, green beans, bananas, chick peas, chicken legs, pizza, blue crab legs claws and he basically tries anything we are eating. Don’t even put a water dish in his cage anymore-just make sure the melon is ripe and has a lot of juice-gets his daily liquid from that.
@Felton10 @mike808 @Walterbird @werehatrack
Hey @walterbird what is your take on all this?
@Felton10 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack My take on what?
@Felton10 @mike808 @Walterbird @werehatrack What your dad said about that huge bag of food or your current diet. What is your favorite human treat? Who feeds you, mom or dad? Etc…
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 @Walterbird @werehatrack
Cut @Walterbird some slack today. He’s taking care of business behind the scenes while Mr. & Mrs. @Felton10 are out celebrating their 50th Anniversary.
He’s probably pissed that he didn’t get any of that delicious Bananas Foster from the Anniversary Breakfast, Part 1.

@Felton10 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 @Walterbird @werehatrack Just guessing here, but I would imagine Walter considers them not “parents” but “staff”.
@Felton10 @mike808 @Walterbird @werehatrack just throwing it out there. He can answer if and when he wants or he can ignore the post
Hopefully his parents, or servants are having a good day
@Felton10 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack I like lamp chops, blue crab claws and dessert when they will give it to me. My dad feeds me all the time.
@Felton10 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack You got that right. They told me they saw people with dogs at the restaurant and they never take me anywhere out to eat. Mean parents.
@Felton10 @macromeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack I call them my parents even though they don’t look anything like me.
@Felton10 @mike808 @tinamari@Walterbird @werehatrack " I like lamp chops"
@Felton10 @mike808 @unksol @werehatrack I am betting it is hard to type with ones beak
@tinamarie1974 @unksol I know you are going to find this hard to believe but I taught Walterbird how to type and spell.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 I’m not fact checking just protecting my lamps
Get your human to help you register at, and “borrow” a credit card when you can:
Once you get that card registered, you won’t actually need the plastic any longer!
@phendrick earlier @felton10 posted that@Walterbird already has a credit card.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz Ah, OK, missed that during my scanning. Curious how he pays the statements. (He’s kinda small to donate blood.)
@Felton10 @phendrick Well as a bird he is probably a bit “seedy” and so it’s probably best that we don’t know the answer to that. (snicker)
@phendrick Felton10 bought those and gave me a taste of one-yuck-too much chocolate and not enough seeds.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @phendrick I resent that insinuation.
@Felton10 @phendrick @Walterbird Well if you resent it then maybe you are picking your feathers one by one to fill a pillow to sell to pay your bills? Or do you have your pets trained to do “tricks” to bring in money to pay your bills?
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @phendrick @Walterbird
All of that flapping
A beak designed to break nuts
I’ll take a hard pass
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @replicacobra You forgot the blood he can draw if the tip of his beak actually penetrates the skin-has happened on several occasions especially to my wife.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @phendrick
Golly gee my friend
That might be too much info
Yes definitely
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @replicacobra I disagree-lots of people avoid parrots due to the damage they can do with their beaks so this is good information.
Regardless of his inclination to bite-he knows when to bite soft and hard to make his feelings and wishes known and this doesn’t keep us from keeping him out of the cage all day long or interacting with him.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @phendric
Trouble with the form
Constraining haiku can’t send
A wink and a nudge
Hey, @Walterbird - here’s an article I thought you’d like (not that you’ll be surprised by it, probably.)
Grey parrot outperforms Harvard undergrads.
Harvard undergrads
Lauded academically
Subpar fliers though