VMP Sneak Peek: Slash Commands


Sometimes, before we roll out new site features, we try them out on our guinea pi- er, VMP friends first.

We recently upgraded our forums with Mehdown 2.0 and @medz said:

Wasn’t there some way to search and insert gifs in-line? (as you are typing the post) Maybe it was VMP preview only. Maybe I dreamt it…

Must have dreamt it since we never had this feature before, but it did get us thinking maybe we could implement something similar to old IRC commands for our forums here.

We’ll be rolling out some slash commands with help from our VMP friends over the next few days. Same VMP Sneak Peek thing we’ve done before with Emoji, profile pages and other forum updates. We’ll release updates every day and respond to feedback along the way.

Today’s update allows VMP members to start comments and replies with /giphy [text] which will post a random GIF to the topic.