VMP member for 10 years? What’s the free gift?
26Next year I’ll be a VMP member for 10 years. How about a “million mile reward” like a free toaster or $600 giving me back all my money I gave to you guys? Maybe a free trip to Spain or a free pass to get an instant regret kit that I have never been able to time? After 20 years…a free Elon Musk trip to space?
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HAHAHAHAHAHA likely you won’t even get a gold star. None of us will. Oh wait, if everyone who isn’t VMP joins as a member they might give us all a participation star.
VIP benefits have dropped by the wayside one by one over the years which is sad, especially since now the company can afford them more now than they could in the past when we were a valued customer, not just one with a free shipping benefit, some of whom have not “gotten back” all they paid into VMP with free shipping.
If you complete the entire test, there will be delicious cake.
@blaineg @werehatrack I have that shirt!
(Get compliments on it every once-in-a-while…)
The only “perk” I have received from a mediocre-labs-whatever parent company subsidiary are free bottles of wine at casemates to review as a labrat.
That, of course, has nothing to do with VMP, member, or anything as you can sign up to get in the drawing by simply having an account.
It would be nice now that they have a brick-and-mortar store, multiple sites, and success for a thanks.
@KNmeh7 well I didn’t get any free wine to taste at casemates and I was kick starter over there to boot. The funny part is I don’t even drink so guess that’s why I wasn’t chosen.
You’re in luck! I just spoke with the Meh Overlord @ChadP and he said between noon and midnight you will receive a kick to your nether regions and a $5 coupon.
Which will be lost and forgotten in the email Box and remember the day after it expired
@Cerridwyn @yakkoTDI facts.
@Cerridwyn @yakkoTDI Thus the memory-jogging kick to your nether regions. (And you probably thought it was gratuitous.
Free wallet lightening services.
If you’re gonna give me a free $5 coupon, at least make it worth my wild and let me use it on morningsave please. I find it hard to buy stuff on sidedeal as not as much is available.
I love that

/giphy participation trophy

/giphy Gold Star

I gave them money before they even sold anything, and I expect nothing in return. Meh.
You get to be Goat for a year !!!
@detailer Oh shit, I’m out! Nobody wants Thanksgoating Day 277.
Just an irk once in awhile would be cool
“You’ve been a VMP member since March 2016.”
I have a ways to go.
Now it says I’ve been a member for a month. A MONTH??? Guys, I’ve been here since day one! I came over on the first day from Woot! Heck, I worked for free for you guys on woot! (moderator, at least it gave me something to say for a job when I was on jury duty) I would do it again.
Did you have a lapse in your credit card? You’re a Mehmber now instead of a VMP.
@dontwantaname Member is different than join date -
dontwantaname joined us Fri, Oct 28th 2016 at 3:02pm ET.
@speediedelivery Thank you
10 years and all you spent is $600? And you want them to give you something for that?

@jnicholson0619 Hey that could be a lot for some people. Not everybody buys stuff just because it’s for sale.
@jnicholson0619 Pretty sure he’s just (jokingly) asking for his VMP back. $5/mo X 12 months/year X 10 years =$600
@Enigma @jnicholson0619 Not everyone wipes that ass after they shit either.
@jnicholson0619 @whomeyesu That’s what you took from that? What a life you lead
How are you VMP for 10 years if you joined on Dec 2014? Did we jump from 2023 to 2024 and then from Jan to Dec without me noticing? Intriguing.
@hammi99 check out the first sentence in their post

@tinamarie1974 haha thanks. My reading comprehension skills need some work . . .
@hammi99 me too!!! I read it like you the first time.
I’d just like some new Mediocre socks please. Mine now have holes and have gone from Mediocre to Lousy.

@curtise I want mediocre socks that come close to fitting me. Not everyone has adult man sized feet!
@curtise @gt0163c Yeah me too. I gave mine away in the unofficial meh exchange when I got what I figured out was a guy.
@curtise @gt0163c SAME!! Signed, 5.5-shoe-sized female.
How about a small box of Chocolates & a thank you card.
And that caused my warped mind to barf up the concept of ChocoDrop; the opportunity to have a random implausibly large box of chocolate delivered to a person of your choice…
@mycya4me @werehatrack ChocoDrop would be great for my friends here in Florida.
@mycya4me @werehatrack @yakkoTDI

Im imagining choco-drop in Florida:
@mycya4me @werehatrack Implausibly large is a relative term when it comes to chocolate.
Congrats! you’re still allowed to be a VMP after 10years. That offer doesn’t come around often I hear.
You retain the honor of not having your icon changed to a poop emoji. VMP isn’t about presents. Maybe, perhaps… It means a little bit more.
/image whoville fa who dores

I’d accept an email filled with name calling & expletives.
Something to remind me what a sucker I had been for 10 whole years.
Holy shit. My first VMP payment was November 8th 2014. $60 plus tax a year and for what? Now I’m sad. Thanks a lot.
Yep! That’s all I wanted from this post…some other VMPs bragging about how long they’ve been a part of this nutty place. Where else can we buy stuff that has the copywriting of a drunk J Peterman. Cheers!
It’s all about the math and bad decisions.
I’ve been a VMP at Meh for 84 months. Cost $420.
I’ve ordered 78 items over that time. Free shipping vs $5 per = savings of $390. So we’re looking at a loss of about $30, or one large Starbucks Lamprey Spritzer.
Now… here is where the money starts rolling in. I Kick started Casemates and after at least 20 cases with free shipping (at typically $1/bottle) I’ve now made over $200 by being a VMP.
You have to spend money to make money my friend
@capnjb What if I told you that they give members free shipping at casemates too. I am salty about that, being a kickstarter myself, but I have long stopped bitching about it.
@KNmeh7 But we’ve got that cool T-shirt, right?
@capnjb @KNmeh7 About $440 spent on my VMP with 162 orders. That is $370 in savings. This does not include my orders from the other sites and shipping savings there.
@KNmeh7 @yakkoTDI Whatever, Rockefeller
/showme starbucks lamprey spritzer
@capnjb Lamprey?!?
Do they make it with eels?
@Kyeh In my mind they do
Welcome to my brain zone
Honestly, it was just a few random words I threw together. My brain and I shouldn’t be allowed to talk very often
@capnjb @Kyeh Hovercraft eels, to be specific.
Actually they should - it’s very … creative!
@Kyeh I appreciate how polite you are
Don’t hold your breathe but meh certainly has held your money