UPDATE: Severely Serious (from 9/23)

nhbillups went on a bit of a rant said

Sorry for the lack of information; things have gotten worse than ever. My husband has surgery on 11/13 (Friday the 13th...he's (NOT) thrilled about that) for his cancer to be removed. We scheduled that on Monday morning (10/26). That afternoon, we heard that my stepdaughter had a likely match for a donor heart, so we rushed back up to the hospital. Surgery was scheduled for around midnight Monday night. Every report during surgery was great. They brought her back up to the pediatric ICU and then we waited awhile to see her, but then it was almost 5 am and we'd been up since the previous morning so DH and I headed home to sleep. While we were driving home, her heart suddenly stopped. The doctors performed CPR and reopened her chest in the PICU room. Turns out her aorta tore and then the new heart was damaged by the chest compressions. She was put on ECMO (life support) to be kept alive but after neurological tests were done, she was found to have no brain activity at all because her brain hadn't had enough blood supply during the emergency to sustain itself. She was unhooked from machines yesterday and passed away at 12:02 PM EST. we are all going today to make final arrangements for her.