Ugh. Not again...
6Skunk smell is drowning the backyard and is slowly permeating through the house starting with the rooms at the back despite having all windows closed and the AC on.
One dog may have been sprayed indirectly. I went outside to get him and I feel like I smell like skunk now.
I really wish we didn’t have this problem in the city where we live.
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Step 1. But a two pack of crkt tactical knives, such as those offered here tonight.
Step 2. Go in back yard with knives, and explain to skunks how it would be real awful if something should happen to their little scent glands while innocently brandishing knives from step 1. Make sure you get the lighting just right so they get an ominous glint off the sharp edge of the 8Cr13MoV steel.
Step 3. Suggest that if the skunks don’t want to
pay for protectionstop spraying that maybe the neighbor’s yard down the street is a safer place for them to go deal their scents.Bonus step: join up as a Scentsy rep and take over the skunks’ turf. Extra points if you can be a Scentsy rep and stay away from Pinterest and mommy blogs. More extra points if it goes all Breaking Bad on you.
Wonderful suggestions if I could find the skunk. I can just smell them.
Also, what do you mean by it going “Breaking Bad” on me. I know that it is a reference to a show I’ve never seen.
@jst1ofknd oh, you must see the show. Just imagine every turn you would think life as a drug kingpin dealing with the cartels could take and multiply it by at least ten. It’s a roller coaster and some years later still a great show.
I may get to it. I’m currently in the middle of two Star Trek shows.
I have a similar problem where I live, but in my case it’s my neighbor smoking skunk week. I can smell it with the windows closed, so it’s really strong when they’re open.
Have them switch to Shark Week. It’s less stinky and gives you more of an adrenaline rush.
I live in Oklahoma… The days where we can just open windows as opposed to using the heater or air conditioning are very limited.
@djslack Hmmm, I guess I missed my opportunity to edit week to weed. Oopsie. I would image skunk week would be binge watching Pepé Le Pew cartoons.
If it makes you feel better, I didn’t catch it either.
@heartny No worries, I’m just a smartass tonight. Perhaps only entertaining myself.
@djslack @heartny
/giphy Skunk Week

/giphy Skunk Weed

@djslack It entertained me when I realized what you meant
@jst1ofknd And now I’m looking forward to Skunknado.
I might watch that movie… Just as long as I can’t smell it.
When I lived in the shed the people kept a shotgun by the back door and shot the things (this is the same place I accidentally knocked the gun over - didn’t know it was there - and it shot a hole in the roof. Why on earth leave a loaded and cocked shotgun by the door and not tell someone I do not know). Stunk like skunk a lot.
Had my raincoat sprayed once that was hanging outside (when I lived in northern Canada as I only had one room and didn’t want to get the floor wet). While it faintly smelled for ages the worst of it went away after a week.
Like most odors you finally get used to it. Wet dog will smell worse if it actually got sprayed by a skunk. Buy something meant to get rid of the odor on a dog to use when washing it.
My brother kept having a problem with skunks and his dog getting sprayed, then he found out they were living under his house. He went thru a tiny hell getting rid of them… twice. There were 8 the last time. I think he had a lot of stuff redone in his crawlspace so they couldn’t get in anymore. It’s been a few yrs now.
Luckily our house is on a slab foundation. I think they may be under the shed, but they may be anywhere.
@jst1ofknd Yes, they can.
Skunks can carry rabies.
Talk to the city animal control Dept? They may have some suggestions.
We used to live in a suburban neighborhood near a creek. Lots of skunks roaming around. My dork of a Doberman managed to get sprayed not just once, but twice (didn’t learn the first time, I guess). Anyway, the traditional remedy of washing in tomato juice really does work.
We now live way out in the woods (also not far from a creek), and I haven’t seen (or smelled) a skunk here in 20 years. Go figure.
That’s the way it is here. My neighborhood is riddled with ineffective drainage ditches and the skunks, possums, raccoons, etc. love it.
Ha! I wonder if we’re neighbors?
I hate skunks.
Do you live in the greater OKC area? If so, it’s a slight possibility. If not, then no.
@jst1ofknd @pitamuffin
“Slight neighbors” means closer than 3000 miles, doesn’t it?