Two great bundles at currently

dashcloud went on a bit of a rant said

Hi, just wanted to let my fellow Mehricans know about two really awesome bundles happening now at
Both are pay-what-you-want, with different tiers of products available to you depending on how much you pay, and also help a variety of charities.
One is the Joy of Coding bundle.
The other is Humble Indie Bundle 17.

The first one is the Joy of Coding bundle in partnership with No Starch Press, whose books make up the bundle.
Folks, if you have any interest in programming, or would like to learn some new languages, get this bundle- normally, you can’t even get one of these ebooks for the price you can get all of these at.
Here’s the list:
Pay $1 or more for Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, The Linux Command Line, Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!, Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!, and The Book of F#.

Pay $8 or more and you’ll also receive Eloquent JavaScript, 2nd Edition; The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript; Land of Lisp; Realm of Racket; If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript; and Write Great Code, Volume 1.

Pay $15 or more to receive all of that plus Python Playground, Think Like a Programmer, The Art of R Programming, Clojure for the Brave and True, and Write Great Code, Volume 2.

The second bundle is Humble Indie Bundle 17.
This features a collection of indie games that are available on PC, Mac, and Linux, with Steam keys & DRM free downloads.
Here’s the title list:
Pay what you want for Lethal League, The Beginner’s Guide, and Galak-Z.

Pay $1 or more to receive a coupon for 10% off Humble Monthly for new subscribers.

Pay more than the average price and you’ll also get Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, and SUPER TIME FORCE ULTRA.

Pay $10 or more for all of that plus Nuclear Throne.