@stinks ?!? I can agree that we can get carried away on sub 11" displays but it is pretty much unacceptable for 13"+. I think we can all agree on that.
@Hanky As an IT professional, the difference for me is huge. The difference is how much information I can get on the screen at once. Especially when I’m using remote access to my servers. So, not an opinion.
@mehdaf Freaked me out too until I realized 1. It’s not a vampire bat (luckily, that “insight” came pretty quickly), and 2. It’s probably a really cute puppy when the fan stops.
Sometimes giphy comes up with some disturbing stuff, LOTS worse than a slightly mad wookie. Real hit or miss.
You’ll have to remove 10 screws on the back, then apply a spudger along the seam. (You’ll start at the right rear edge of the seam between the keyboard deck and the back cover.) The work is worth it, though: The battery, hard drive, and memory are in plain view once you get the back cover off. Just remember that performing such an upgrade typically voids your warranty.
and thats why there is confusion. most laptops take only 4 or 5 screws to remove the backplate and upgrading doesn’t void the warrenty on most laptops
I rode Fast Attack Submarines through the mid 80s while this was happening. The Fleet didn’t know why the Soviet subs were getting soooo quiet soooo fast until this came out. I still won’t knowingly buy anything Toshiba. Grudge much? Yepperz.
@mike808 actually no. Bulk price of 240 gb SSDs is close to price of 500 gb hdds nowadays. 20-30 bucks of difference in price, lightyears of difference in speed.
@wishod Walmart has proven that US consumers care about one thing - price. A storage drive that costs 2x or even $20-30 more than a perfectly good alternative will be a failure in the market and in the boardroom.
After the boardroom scandal last year, Toshiba is in the toilet, so every penny of profit is critical, and a $20-30 price difference is DOA in the razor-thin margins of hardware market.
Toshiba also owns Fujitsu drives and makes HGST drives as a second source for Western Digital. So SSD vs a HDD is like picking which child gets to live, and OCZ is not the eldest son, in Japanese cultural terms.
So its not at all surprising to see it have a HDD. As a consumer, I won’t be buying HDDs builtin and voting with my money. So it’s a meh for me.
Let me preface that I am not a gamer or a computer genius. Just a normal person who wanted a nice little laptop that I could also use as a tablet occasionally. I bought this last time it was on Meh. I love it. I have a desktop at my desk for my work stuff, then this one and my google chromebook for all other stuff, recipes, carrying around the house, video with my daughter and grandson, out on the deck, etc. I put an SSD drive into this Toshiba and it is lightning fast. It’s my favorite computer in the house now. (The successful drive swap has also given me the courage to try to install an SSD into my desktop!) If you’re just a normal person who isn’t an audio/videofile, gamer, or computer snob, this is a nice little laptop. The fact that I can “tent” it to set on the counter for showing pics, reading or recipes and operate it with the touchscreen is fantastic. I would not hesitate to buy it again. Caveat…I never tried it with the old HDD, so I can’t say if it was fast or slow as it came out of the box.
I’m really torn here, I have an acer chromebook 13.3 with the Tegra k1. not bad, but I can easily overwhelm it and it has a horrible time with smooth video playback. Any chromebooks that are more powerful that might be worth it instead? This seems like a decent full computer that should do just about everything. Just can’t decide. I hate you MEH
Condition: Refurbished
Warranty: 90 Day Toshiba
Estimated Delivery: 7/19 - 7/22
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Toshiba Laptop
1x Power Adapter
Opening and closing
Flipped back
Sitting up
Set up like a keyboard
Front view
Back view
Price Comparison
$419 (new) at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
Meh laptop…does not compute oh wait it does
Double Meh
Triple Meh
Bald Irk is just wrong.
Triple Meh!
It’s 2016. IMHO, anything less than 1080 is garbage.
/giphy just your opinion man

@haydesigner I gotta’ switch to decaf this late at night.

@stinks ?!? I can agree that we can get carried away on sub 11" displays but it is pretty much unacceptable for 13"+. I think we can all agree on that.
@kus 1080P is not discernable from 720P at this size.
@kus That was just for haydesigner. You can’t let giphy get away with such a bad image choice for an obvious Lebowski reference.
Now the response I was fishing for… the “correct” response, as it were… was, “Your phone’s ringing, Dude.”
@Hanky it is in terms of workspace.
@haydesigner No, that’s a fact, not an opinion!
@Hanky Nice reference.
@Hanky that’s what she said!
@Hanky As an IT professional, the difference for me is huge. The difference is how much information I can get on the screen at once. Especially when I’m using remote access to my servers. So, not an opinion.
Has anybody located the youtube video of Satoshi Tsunakawa singing Love Power? Understand it was popular in Germany…
Quadrunkle meh.
I googled “Meh.” I found 63 images of this laptop.
No backlit keyboard? Meh…
@jmckinl The keyboard looks pretty backlit in the picture to me…
@GLaDOS Check out the specs and reviews on Amazon. Not backlit.
/giphy rabid bat

@stinks that angry baby Wooki will give me nightmares…
@mehdaf Freaked me out too until I realized 1. It’s not a vampire bat (luckily, that “insight” came pretty quickly), and 2. It’s probably a really cute puppy when the fan stops.
Sometimes giphy comes up with some disturbing stuff, LOTS worse than a slightly mad wookie. Real hit or miss.
@stinks cute puppy? Go ahead and take your chances…
Is the memory upgradeable?
@JT954 nope can’t upgrade the ram
I read it’s upgradeable to 16GB. : )
@JT954 great, after you upgrade the RAM, you can upgrade the screen, HD and processor then possibly you’ll have a good computer.
@ChrisG where? On Amazon it says ram is not upgradeable
@JT954 Yes, by adding a second computer.
@JT954 Yes.
a. the specs say “Number Of Memory Slots: 2” - if it’s soldered in, there’s no slots.
b. See the picture in this review http://www.pcworld.com/article/3028082/hardware/toshiba-satellite-radius-e45w-c4200x-review-an-affordable-fully-reversible-laptop.html
/giphy slots

@sligett @ChrisG
and thats why there is confusion. most laptops take only 4 or 5 screws to remove the backplate and upgrading doesn’t void the warrenty on most laptops
@communist Just a reviewer covering his ass, I’d say. I often remove little labels over screws that say “This may void your warranty.” <shrug>
Not full HD. No SSD. I3 processor and 5 effing pounds. What is good about this laptop?
1366x768. For that alone, meh.
@JazzyJosh High quality porn???
I rode Fast Attack Submarines through the mid 80s while this was happening. The Fleet didn’t know why the Soviet subs were getting soooo quiet soooo fast until this came out. I still won’t knowingly buy anything Toshiba. Grudge much? Yepperz.
Soviet subs, prewar Japan, Windows 10, this thing is a refurbished authoritarian dystopia.
@njd I giphy’d “refurbished authoritarian dystopia” and all I got was 42 images of Johnny Mnemehnic.
@mike808 ha, nice!
I still wait for 1080p sub $300
Infinity and beyond meh…
Why the hell are computers still made with platter drives. SSD or bust.
@manfrin because SSDs are still 10 times the price of HDDs?
@mike808 actually no. Bulk price of 240 gb SSDs is close to price of 500 gb hdds nowadays. 20-30 bucks of difference in price, lightyears of difference in speed.
@wishod and Toshiba owns SSD maker, the former OCZ.
@wishod Walmart has proven that US consumers care about one thing - price. A storage drive that costs 2x or even $20-30 more than a perfectly good alternative will be a failure in the market and in the boardroom.
After the boardroom scandal last year, Toshiba is in the toilet, so every penny of profit is critical, and a $20-30 price difference is DOA in the razor-thin margins of hardware market.
Toshiba also owns Fujitsu drives and makes HGST drives as a second source for Western Digital. So SSD vs a HDD is like picking which child gets to live, and OCZ is not the eldest son, in Japanese cultural terms.
So its not at all surprising to see it have a HDD. As a consumer, I won’t be buying HDDs builtin and voting with my money. So it’s a meh for me.
Let me preface that I am not a gamer or a computer genius. Just a normal person who wanted a nice little laptop that I could also use as a tablet occasionally. I bought this last time it was on Meh. I love it. I have a desktop at my desk for my work stuff, then this one and my google chromebook for all other stuff, recipes, carrying around the house, video with my daughter and grandson, out on the deck, etc. I put an SSD drive into this Toshiba and it is lightning fast. It’s my favorite computer in the house now. (The successful drive swap has also given me the courage to try to install an SSD into my desktop!) If you’re just a normal person who isn’t an audio/videofile, gamer, or computer snob, this is a nice little laptop. The fact that I can “tent” it to set on the counter for showing pics, reading or recipes and operate it with the touchscreen is fantastic. I would not hesitate to buy it again. Caveat…I never tried it with the old HDD, so I can’t say if it was fast or slow as it came out of the box.
Wouldn’t buy anything made by Toshiba after having to replace one of their tablets 3 times in 6 months.
Bought similar Toshiba refurbished (and more expensive) and died on first update, no warranty available
No Toshiba for me thks
I’m really torn here, I have an acer chromebook 13.3 with the Tegra k1. not bad, but I can easily overwhelm it and it has a horrible time with smooth video playback. Any chromebooks that are more powerful that might be worth it instead? This seems like a decent full computer that should do just about everything. Just can’t decide. I hate you MEH
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