Today's PSA - Shingles

transplant went on a bit of a rant said

Nope, not the ones on the roof but the virus that attacks your body.

I thought I had a spider bite, so kept telling myself “suck it up, Transplant! Quit being a baby!” but after 7 days of intense back and hip pain, getting maybe 2-3 hours of sleep, I went to the doctor. Yeah, I know, should have gone sooner but hey! I’m tough! [And an idiot.]

I was amazed by the number of people who when I told them I had Shingles get a look of horror on their face and says “I had shingles!”. I thought it was usually in older people, but talked to a 20 year old who had them.

Everyone agrees it’s the most excruciating pain. I thought when I broke my leg it was bad, but not even close to the pain level…

I’m now on med for the shingles and have some others. Yay sleeping pills! Yay pain killers!

Typical recovery time is 3-5 weeks but my doc said longer for me due to me waiting so long and my immune system. (See note above about sleeping pills and pain meds. )

So, here’s the Public Service Annoucement portion of this post. Ask your doctor if you should get the shingles shot. Mine said no due to my compromised immune system (I’m a mess!) but hopefully, it will be a one time occurrence for me.