Today is National Chocolate Day! Yea!!!
9Today is national chocolate day. My favorite junk food (along with good ice cream). I want some Pound Plus Trader Joe milk chocolate bars!!! Listen up Meh. You need to sell them as the nearest to me Trader Joes is about 7.5 hours away which sucks.
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Nearest on is about 2 miles away. Might have to park 7 hours away though. Parking lot is a postage stamp and serves about 6 other stores
@Cerridwyn This is one of the great TJ Traditions! Many of their locations feature this exercise-facilitation service! (But the one in Reno was in a strip center which was otherwise close to empty when I last was there, so it’s apparently not 100% guaranteed to be a feature at every store.)
@Cerridwyn That sounds about right. The one I go to in Houston when I am there is next to a Whole Earth Provisions (camping store) which is also a stop and a couple of other things (strip mall). Fortunately they have parking behind the store not just in front of it. I pay my cat feeder while I am there with their chocolate too. Far cheaper than paying her cash but OMG it is so hard to keep out of hers when driving back home. I always think I didn’t buy enough maybe I should lie and tell her they were out of stock and keep hers. But then I remember it would cost me more to pay her cash.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz You need to buy a whole case, I think.
@Kidsandliz On one of your trips, if you have the time, spare bucks, and gas, perhaps you might visit the temple of temptations known as Phoenicia out on Westheimer past the Beltway. Chocolates from many countries, teas ditto, loads of other things that make for a hole on the budget. More kinds of fresh baklava than you thought existed. Pita bread baked on the premises. OBTW, it’s right down the street from another TJ…
@werehatrack Thanks for the info. Before I’d buy expensive chocolate though I’d need a sample to taste. Do they do that? Isn’t Westheimer the street that big shopping center is on that is immediately west of 610 that always have the traffic jams and backups from hell?
@werehatrack too late to edit. OK I found the two in Houston on the map. The one near downtown is closer to MD Anderson Cancer Center. The other one is way past (well and south of) Ikea which is as far west as I venture to window shop but don’t always have time (although at one point I could stay for free in Katy but since I don’t have a “caretaker” for that housing now - their new rule for medical patients - I can’t so I don’t head that far west anymore. Sigh). Someday if the sky rains money I might blow some there… actually I am not sure I want to covet yet another brand of chocolate I won’t have regular access to
I’ve been prepping for this for weeks.
Grab your favourite brand of bakers chocolate and chow down!!
I celebrated by eating chocolate lava cake from Aldi

Let’s hope my favorite chocolate covered anything store, Nuts dot com, is celebrating with some great specials!

Essential reading.
(Semi-) Sweet!

fresh roasted
(Too lazy too start a new topic. So … here.)
Calling @PoolToyWolf or any other train enthusiast, you might be interested in these railroad train route simulators:
I’ve bought stuff from this site and they are legit. I usually adjust my donation. My son has used Steam for downloads, and no complaints.
Wish they also had Chocolate bundles …
@phendrick I think I remember hearing about this, or something very similar, before!
@phendrick Looks like everything is virtual, though? Virtual chocolate just doesn’t do it for me.
@Kyeh @phendrick
Virtual choc is a message from the universe to go visit ALDIs or TJ and get some non-virtual choc.
/giphy chocolate

@f00l @Kyeh @phendrick So wish I could. Neither are in this area.
Chocolate truffle bomb