A friend just alerted me to the fact that Z Nation will be shooting fairly nearby again starting tomorrow. Who wants to clean house when Keith Allen is that close by?! I will see him....Oh yes.
Maybe you can be an extra? Wonder how you would get that job - Stand around looking brain-dead?
@KDemo Hey now! :) At this rate, with how tired I am from lack of sleep, that wouldn't be hard to pull off.
I love this show, to a ridiculous degree.
@jaremelz, you are tailor made to be an extra for this.
@mfladd What I wouldn't give! But I'd probably get thrown off set for being unable to stop trying to touch Murphy.
And thanks, you get me...sniff.
oh shit. you mean those weren't real zombies i was shooting at?
@carl669 Just keep my Keith Allen out of your sight! And collateral damage is to be expected. Aim for zombies that look like hipsters, just in case.
Is that show really any good? I think I heard about it once, but never put any effort into seeing it. How does it differ from walking dead? Why should I watch?
I love post apocalyptic stuff, but zombies are probably my least favorite scenario (I still like them, they're just over done lately). Post nuclear is my favorite (Fallout games, Jehrico, etc).
@kadagan I had serious concerns that it would be just a weak attempt to copy TWD. I adore that show, but don't need a copy. It is completely different, and really fun. Remember the good old days of Syfy when things were campy, but also slightly serious and with just enough effort on effects to make you both laugh and still enjoy the action? This show returns to that.
And I'm in Fallout hell right now. My 14 year old son is quite possibly going to die from anticipation before the release.
@jaremelz Haha, I'm looking forward to trying out the new game, but I liked the older Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, along with the new Wasteland 2.. I like that style a little more than the first person shooter feel. I still enjoy them all though!
@kadagan He loves New Vegas, but never got to play the others. We got him the collector's edition for his birthday. At least after the first couple months after the announcement, he stopped coming up and saying to me, "And do you know what else I love about Fallout 4?" five times a day.
@jaremelz Have you been watching Fear the Walking Dead?
@cinoclav Absolutely. I've enjoyed it, very much. I have friends who are really unhappy with it, and I like to call those people, wrong.
I get the impression that they dislike the fact it isn't TWD. But the point is to give us something is different along the same theme. The first season of TWD was very similar to this, only with fewer people, as it should be because this chronicles the beginning. But the pace is on par with the first show. I don't want to rush into just having zombies everywhere, and think that they are doing a great job.
I am hoping the daughter gets eaten soon.
@jaremelz What do you think of the drug-addicted son?
Also, will we see any of the people who got sent to the camp again?
@jaremelz I guess you're quite familiar with this song then?
@dashcloud I think that once he cleans up, he'll be very important to their survival. I liked him in the first episode, but right now I'm more than annoyed with him, but I suspect that's how we're supposed to feel Did you know that's the actor who played Tom Riddle in Harry Potter?
I think that the ex wife only went with to see what's going on and keep an eye on the others. She'll help get them back.
Funny you should post that song. When I clicked play, the teenager threw off his own headphones and ran over to me, crashing into my chair in the process.
@jaremelz I completely agree. I'm really enjoying the gradual build up though I get the feeling we may never know what exactly is the actual cause. As for Nick, I think you're right and he's going to be an integral character. Which of course means he'll probably overdose in the next episode or two.
So now for something completely cool... When you see the fellow in the picture you can think just how cool it is that he's an old friend of 'cinoclav from meh'. His name is Colman Domingo. I've known him for about 25 years. Haven't seen him in ages since he moved and hit the big time but I've followed his career and we're Facebook friends. Awesome guy, amazing actor. He was nominated for a Tony Award last year and had big roles in The Butler and Selma. I'm so excited to see him on FtWD.
@cinoclav That's amazing! You must get a real kick out of seeing him on the screen. If I yell, "cinoclav!" at my tv, I might have some splainin' to do.
@jaremelz Aww, go ahead and yell my name! Just explain that it's some sort of Yiddish word for 'walker.' And then try to explain why you suddenly know Yiddish. Yeah, it's really cool to see him and just how well he's done. He was the typical waiter trying to make it as an actor. He won't give away any information about his character (Strand) which makes it all the more interesting.
@cinoclav I'll bet they lock those guys down tight about spoilers. Threat of death (or worse, career-ending bad reputation).
I'm willing to bet he'll just give me a confused side glance as he normally does. I get more than a few of those. Deservedly so.
@jaremelz and let's get back to Z Nation. While I like Murphy I can't past the point when he stole all the food from the mother and daughter and then let the Zombie dad back in to eat them. I think this alone says he must suffer.
@mfladd Murphy wasn't a good guy before all this started, and I don't think he ever had a group of people who took him in. At one point, they tell him he's their friend, and I think in a way he was both choosing his new friends over everyone else, and being fatalistic towards anyone else he ran into.
I fucking love Murphy. Like his actions or not, he's endlessly enjoyable.
@cinoclav I wanted to let you know that A. I yelled your name tonight
B. Your friend just delivered a couple minutes of the most amazing tv I've seen. Damn.
@jaremelz uuuummmmm..........concerning A. - TMI
@mfladd He knows what the hell I mean! And my husband didn't even look at me funny, this time!
@jaremelz Well, it's not like you yelled out my real name (Craig) which more than likely would have garnered at least the aforementioned glance. I just wouldn't suggest calling it 'Cinoclav' in the bedroom...
As for B - Great, isn't he?! I love the aura about the character and Colman has such the perfect air about him to make it even more intriguing.
@cinoclav. He's got one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard, and the cadence of his speech made him one creepy cool guy. I don't think I blinked in the opening scene. I can't wait to see his character unfold, but he's my new favorite by far.
@jaremelz Totally agree. Even if I didn't know him, his character stands out. Definitely a needed speed bump in the story line.
@cinoclav I love how this group is assembling, though. Between your friend and Daniel (I love Ruben Blades), we've got some potential here.
@jaremelz Even Alicia's character became a little more interesting. Btw, what is it with Australian/English actors and TWD?!
@cinoclav I'm not complaining, they are excellent actors. Although I will complain about the distinct lack of Maggie lately on TWD.
The one character I can see zero purpose for is Chris.
@jaremelz I'll never argue against more Maggie. :) I think Chris is also one of those characters that appears pathetic and weak, which of course would have us assume he'll also step up and play some important role. Or, maybe they'll all just die and we can simply hope that Strand makes it across the country and joins TWD.
@cinoclav The one thing I always miss whenever we get to know a new group is time with our regular characters. And yeah, you're not alone on the Maggie front.
I hope he becomes useful. Right now, he's just a weepy brat. I think Madison is going to be one tough bitch.
@cinoclav @jaremelz great. now i have another show i have to watch. thanks you two for making my evenings even less productive.
@carl669 That's what we're here for!
@cinoclav Our work here is done. :)
@jaremelz @carl669 http://www.mtv.com/news/2283890/fear-the-walking-dead-strand/
@cinoclav I agree with all of it. He's possibly one of the best characters between both series, and like they pointed out, that was less than 10 minutes screen time. I'm so excited about next season.
@jaremelz I am too, now. It was looking a bit lackluster there for a bit. Crazy that it's only 6 episodes.
@cinoclav I think without the initial shock that TWD gave us the first time we saw the show, this was bound to not measure up. But they are laying out the relationships and characters and getting ready to turn them loose from their neighborhood. I actually really liked everything up until the military fenced them off. It was great seeing the city and the tons of people and zombies crammed in together. But then we went to the neighborhood, and it lost its edge.
And the 6 episode first season is how TWD went as well, only Fear got a second season before they even aired.
@jaremelz @cinoclav count me on board as loving this character as well. i'm excited for this next episode and for season 2.
@carl669 Gooble gobble, baby. One of us.
@carl669 What did you do, binge watch the first 5 episodes? We're such good influences @jaremelz!
@cinoclav i was talking about how i have to watch Z Nation now. i'm already a fan of TWD and FTWD. but it's very cool that you know the person playing the new character.
@cinoclav I'll save all the episodes and watch them all in one gloriously unproductive day once the season is over.
I agree, we are awesome.
@jaremelz @carl669 Have either of you watched The Knick? I haven't but I've heard good things. Plus there's extra incentive since Colman just posted this:
@cinoclav I haven't, but it's on my list to check out, now. Thanks.
@jaremelz I see way too much binge watching in my future.
@cinoclav As if I didn't have enough already!
@jaremelz Sooo... Listening to the radio on my way to work this morning. The local #1 morning show is two guys, Preston & Steve. They ask a 'stupid question' every day which is almost impossible to get through to the station if you know the answer. Prizes vary but they're generally something worth less than $50. Today it was simply the Blu-Ray of Jurassic World. They asked today's question, "What was the name of Daryl's older brother that he eventually had to kill?" I immediately called and managed to get through. They picked my line. Thanks Merle for my copy of Jurassic World...
@cinoclav That's amazing! I'm raising my glass to you.
@jaremelz Lol, thanks. Not exactly amazing but it was pretty funny that they asked an easy TWD question. I won once before, last year. Got tix to an MMA bout in Atlantic City. I'm not into it but took a friend and a had a good time.
@cinoclav Well, I hope you don't mind if I keep raising my glass anyway.
@jaremelz As long as you refill it once in a while. Cheers!
@cinoclav Second one, thanks! Vodka, cranberry, and cherry sparkling water. Want some?
@jaremelz I did want some. Hold the water.
@cinoclav It's cherry flavored, a splash. I promise you'll thank me for it, now drink your medicine.
I saw this subject line on the forum index and thought, "Whoa! Skills! One day in, @jaremelz has already found @JonT's new gig!" Waah waah.