This or That, Day 24


It was close, but it seems once again the classic has beaten out the modern with preferences for DeLorean beating out Tesla. Well, for those of you with a desire to go back to the future (or is it forward to the past?), the classic DeLorean may in fact be resurrected again:

And we found out that Wonder Woman has been both a DeLorean car show girl and an awkward Tesla YouTuber. Sorry Mike, I’m going with DeLorean FTW. Besides, the new concept is far more appealing than the rolling block of cheese Tesla truck with the shatter armor glass.

Well, enough of maverick car companies led by people with drug issues. As we begin the Thanksgiving holiday week (and the last week of the unavoidable imposition of my particular brand of derangement), we want to focus on more family-friendly things, and what is more family friendly than cartoons?

So for today we think cartoon families and who better than


And for anyone hoping to get a legit vote in before WW makes an appearance, you better hurry, because there are hundreds to choose from. Just anticipating which way she goes…