This or That, Day 20
4Well driving-themed choices definitely seem to have gotten people out of the house. And much like Clarkson, May and Hammond, whether or not you stayed within your lane was ultimately irrelevant.
Don’t worry, there will be more car-themed preferences coming up, but we have a lot of other things to get through and I planned a music theme for today, you know, because what can better get you over hump day than a good tune?
So as we think about what kind of music might be best for such a day, I tried to come up with something that might be fairly universally appealing. I mean, I might like 16th century pipe organ, or a good percussion ensemble, but that’s likely to get me a lot more Wonder Woman submissions, and we all know there will be plenty without giving you any help. And yes, I do know what is coming and thought she was surprisingly good (if that was actually her, that is). Here, I’ll get you started:
I also wanted it to be something that can be both soothing for a bad day and energizing for a good day and I think I found a couple good candidates.
Family of the Year
or Lord Huron
And I know, these groups may be outside your usual playlist, but take the opportunity to expand the soundtrack to your life, whether that includes anyone named Ashley or not.
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Another one I have no idea about. It’s like people have whole other lives, full of stuff that doesn’t revolve around me?!
/giphy Wonder Woman spinning

@UncleVinny Hard to believe isn’t it?
Know what you mean…
@UncleVinny lol That gif is amazing.

So, let me get this straight…
She has super human strength and speed, magical powers bestowed upon her by the gods (or something), including the power to change her outfit by twirling, she can block bullets with her bracelets, but when she puts on roller-skates, she needs a full set of pads and a helmet?
Oh '70s, I love you so much. Don’t ever change.
@DennisG2014 I guess they didn’t want to set a bad example for the kids?
I would be remiss if I did not post these videos
But for my real vote, not sure who your choices are, so…
@tinamarie1974 That first one was the one I was referring to. And U2 is a great choice. Not as good as mine… but
@ybmuG watched both videos below (TYVM). Both were excellent! If I have to choose, Hero and not because of the cowboy…although cowboys are never a bad thing
Is there a song you recommend to listen to from these bands?
@RiotDemon Sure, see above for Lord Huron. For FOTY, I like Hero, but I really like their acoustic work like Carry Me (and yes, I know they did Hero acoustic).
OK, so for you who are not feeling so pensive (I think @therealjrn calls it whiny, whatever…) how about a Star Wars themed sub-contest?
Dubstep Bagpipe
or The Last Shredi!
Hey, if you can take a detour, so can I!
@ybmuG Hey! Check out the set of lungs on that dubstepping bagpipe lady!
@therealjrn @ybmuG Quite the gnarly bag on her too!
@ybmuG Can’t get into either of those…one is too shiny (popstep), the other isn’t shiny enough. My flavor of dubstep is more grimy-filthy, but kudos to them for bagpiping it up!
@gregormehndel not really into dubstep myself, so I wouldn’t be able to tell shiny from matte, but thanks for listening!
@ybmuG Matte. Love it. By ‘shiny,’ I’m just referring to the level of production. Music is a texture thing for me. If the weave of a band’s cloth is too fine, I’m probably out, but who cares… Thanks for the fun!
@gregormehndel that’s interesting. To me, music is visual, though I completely understand your texture reference. Maybe I’m just visualizing the texture.
@ybmuG Agreed; it’s one of those hear-see-touch experiences.
@mike808 I have those EXACT cuffs!
Ok, I listened. They play Hero at work, so not that one.
Not the other one either.
I’ll pass. Not for me.
@RiotDemon I agree, except for anything to do with any of these songs being played at work.
Way too much singing, imo.
@RiotDemon not for everyone. All I can ask is that you listened. I could do some organ and precision ensemble if you thought that would be more appealing…
@ybmuG I like some pipe organ type stuff. Not sure what precision ensemble is. Maybe you can educate me?
@RiotDemon Ha! Stupid autocorrect. Percussion ensemble. I’ll dig something out.
@RiotDemon So for organ, I hate to post the obvious, but it’s probably obvious for good reason. Bach’s Toccata & Fugue, played by arguably the best to ever interpret Bach, E. Power Biggs. This is how I imagine it.
And for percussion ensemble, perhaps I’m prejudiced, but I have to give a nod to my hometown, Eastman Percussion Ensemble
This one is fantastic as well:
@ybmuG toccata is a great song. So that’s a yes from me. Percussion, got it, haha. I love percussion stuff, just not a huge fan of xylophones being so forward. Except in this opening scene from Akira.
@RiotDemon Well, now that I can finally listen to it, I get what you mean. Much more percussive. I have some truly percussive vs. melodic stuff hanging around somewhere you might like. Might take a while, though!
@miko1 Take a listen to the youtube videos I posted above. They each have their own youtube channels as well as Spotify
@miko1 Here’s another good one from FOTY
@miko1 And another great one from Lord Huron
Oh, I guess they’re OK @ybmuG.
They both seem kind of whiny.
They might be OK to put on while doing some writing or something. That Noir thing piqued my interest but then that guy started singing and ruined it. His voice didn’t match the noir mood of the melody was my impression.
But what do I know?
I’ll give them another try tomorrow.
@therealjrn Maybe I’m just feeling whiny. Who knows?
How about some youtubes to help us out of obscurity, Goat?
Like this (curtesy of moles of the Green Grotto)
/youtube Pigface - ASPHOLE
@therealjrn Well, OK, I’ll give you one. If you watch TMC at the end of the year you’ll recognize Lord Huron “When the Night is Over”
@therealjrn Good stuff. You’ll laugh, but that song reminds me of this classic…
might make an awesome mashup.
@gregormehndel I did laugh.
Good beats.
So where are the bands to choose from? I mean not some regional band but real bands.
@Mehrocco_Mole Well, Lord Huron is LA based and is on Republic Records and FOTY is also LA based and is on Warner Records. Not sure I would call them regional, and certainly not for me as I am in Upstate NY and I know about them. I know Lord Huron has been on Kimmel and Late Night. FOTY has been on at least Leno, Kimmel & Conan. And both have toured, just not right now.
But these days, a good band can get on a forum like Spotify and become international almost instantly (yes, I know I’m over-stating it, but you know what I mean).
And in the end, if they are good and you like the music, what does it matter?
Lord Huron. The Night We Met is one of my favorites.
I know it’s a little obvious and predictable, but still surprised no one posted this before me.
Of course, the '70s theme song has to mention her ‘satin tights’ in the first verse.