This or That, Day 17


As we crossed the half-way point (already??!!), I think we have learned a few things.

  1. Wonder Woman is better connected than Kevin Bacon
  2. You are more enamored of WWW, WCW and WTF
  3. Some of you can’t tell the difference between Andre the Giant and Andrea the Giant
  4. King Kong would make a really big bundt cake
  5. Looney Tunes is better than all of them
  6. The classics are always the best

I know some of you are finding these to be a lot of things you either don’t know or don’t care about, so I’m trying to bring in a variety of things to catch as many different tastes. You see, I’m listening!

So in that vein, we have another choice between he classic and the modern, hopefully one of which will strike a chord. Today is all about Chris Elliott and two of his characters:


or Guy Under the Seats