...knowing that I have the Meh Fukubukuro, the Sumatran Rhino of daily deals, sitting successfully in my order history. Whatever's on deck for tonight, will have to wait until the morning.
The Ambivilanche starts tonight dude. I have it on good authority that there are going to be $5 flat screens, $10 laptops, and $1 iPads. Meh's way of "shock and awe" for it's first marathon. Something about making headlines in the press. Only a fool would go to sleep early tonight.
And risk missing double FuKu Thursday are you nuts?
The Ambivilanche starts tonight dude. I have it on good authority that there are going to be $5 flat screens, $10 laptops, and $1 iPads. Meh's way of "shock and awe" for it's first marathon. Something about making headlines in the press. Only a fool would go to sleep early tonight.
@phatmass and @Outofmymind you're both right... can't chance it... time to step my coffee game up another notch.
@jseay65 You will not be disappointed. I hear tonight's speaker dock works with Android.
@Outofmymind i hear speaker rocks are coming back
@Outofmymind Speaker docks rock. I have proof.
@lisaviolet @Outofmymind @jseay65 I thougt we were going to see the 30,000 order of speak ducks.
@cengland0 It is possible it is a 3 in 1 speaker dock rock. It is a speaker, with a dock and a rope attachment for anchor.
@lisaviolet how much do you get paid for that? :D
@Mavyn I think she's trying to force it to become a thing, like the @barney or @jrowfuga sayings
@Mavyn Speaker docks get a bad rap and I think they're great.
@dashcloud No, that would be "fetch".