@sammydog01 Maybe luck counts more than know-how in getting that appointment.
Image stolen borrowed from the book “Head First Statistics”
Maybe they won’t prosecute me if I plug the book: It’s great for learning & understanding what goes on with statistics and probability. My only nit is that it kinda moves slow – maybe that’s a good thing?
Yeah…I was lucky last year that I got an appt as soon as I did. Once I explained the whole “Ink for IRKs” concept and the timeline, they squeezed me in. Good luck future inked club folks!
So… you ask a question, you get all the words from me. It’s part of the deal.
I have no tattoos… I’ve thought about it, and if I ever did it, it would likely be my wife’s name and my daughter’s name on my right arm.
But I have the scars. I have all the scars. They help tell my story.
My favorite scar is on my left forearm. It actually didn’t happen during my thing, but rather when I was learning how to walk again.
I had a fall.
It was humpty dumpty level. I had a great fall. Thankfully it was my only one. In the process, I took a good bit of skin off my left arm. It healed fairly quickly, and left a good story… I mean scar.
I think it looks like a dragon. This isn’t a great photo… sorry. I have some colleagues with really amazing ink and the one artist they both use specializes in phoenixes.
Kind of prophetic I think
This scar is much larger than is pictured, but I think after my thing, a phoenix would be a fitting bit of art for me. Still contemplating
@ybmuG It means you can be bought to be a walking advertisement for life for meh.
Maybe in my case they’d accept a magic marker one since I am not sure my oncologist would OK even a microscopic on on the underside of a toe or something.
@Kidsandliz@ybmuG Gee, you think maybe there’s a reason that blood banks generally won’t accept a donation from anyone who’s had a tattoo or piercing within the last year?
@phendrick@ybmuG Ok so this is a surprise. I decided to ask, just for the entertainment value, and his team responded that while it isn’t recommended, doing a tiny one with little detail and few colors is likely reasonably low risk since most of my counts are decent right now (blood cancer). It was suggested to get it somewhere that also does breast cancer nipple tattoos since they are generally more careful. Considering I haven’t done that (nipples tattooed on - after those cancers and reconstructions as the blood cancer problems put that off enough years and I have sort of have gotten used to that not being done) I was surprised at their answer.
Still not sure I’d do it though on the bottom of a toe where no one would see it as that is a place where it would hurt a lot. I wonder how small they can go with a flask.
The question is can I be bought by irks since I can’t seem to get them anymore with a such a large ping.
@Barney You are on a roll today and yesterday attacking people. Took you a while to start attacking me again once you were back. You need to step it up. You are losing your touch. Or don’t you want your posts removed again?
@Kidsandliz You are such a lying hypocrite. After all of the shit that you’ve given people about tattoos, it is suddenly okay for you to get one? BALONEY.
It makes me wonder how many other things you have lied about.
@Barney Hey - as I said I might be able to be bought. LOL I still wouldn’t put one where it was visible (eg thus the bottom of a toe would be where I’d put one) or do one larger than about 1/2 inch max and smaller would be better. And I haven’t given people shit about that. All I have done is state my personal opinion for tattoos on ME. I’d never decorate myself the way my kid has done (she has a number of them) or many other people have. Their choice their bodies. I am allowed to state my personal opinion about them on me whether or not you like it/agree with it.
You are certainly on a roll trashing/attacking people on a number of threads. You having a tough time in your life right now (that is a serious question as I know you have had some tough times in the past)? If you are it might work better to ask for support rather than attack others. Sure attacking others may make you feel better momentarily, but in the end you don’t come out looking good for doing that.
“Gee, you think maybe there’s a reason that blood banks generally won’t accept a donation from anyone who’s had a tattoo or piercing within the last year?”
Not remotely true if you get it at a legit parlor. It just needs to be healed. Tattoos at quality places are extremely safe.
If you pay a wooter with a tattoo gun twenty bucks that’s on you.
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01@ybmuG
I stand corrected. American Red Cross agrees with you. https://www.redcrossblood.org/faq.html#eligibility
i used to give fairly regularly, until I was permanently placed on heart medication.
Whenever I gave, I had to fill out forms. One question always was whether I had had any tattoos or piercings in the last year.
Apparently they have rethought that.
@Kidsandliz@phendrick@ybmuG I’m planning top of my second toe (if there’s space) because then it’s discreet, but people who routinely see me barefoot can still peep it. Plus easy to photograph and you can all coo in amazement/ recoil in utter horror at my hoofikins every Mehrathon.
@ladyhawke001 tattoos behind your ears don’t hurt it is a dead spot I have one only thing to clue you in is the noise don’t let him get away with even a minute of whining haha or tell him that doing dishes dulls the pain of any tattoos.
@flourlover@Kyeh nah, he was doing it for me I think because medically I can’t get one - though I would in a heartbeat. Told him he probably wouldn’t qualify bc of the initial discouraging forum talks. The My Ear Hurts = MEH was him being funny. He’s a good kid but doesn’t doesn’t do dishes .
It’s gone now, due to redevelopment, but there used to be a tattoo joint close to the corner, intersection of the busiest streets running by the University.
They used to have a marquee sign with a message that frequently changed. I wish I had taken a picture of it when it said, “Tattoo – permanent proof of temporary insanity”
No coincidence, I think: They used to stay open until about an hour after the nearby bars closed.
@wahya4519 ChadP is one of the Meh employees, this IS the advertisement for Inks for IRKs. If you’re considering it, get yourself an appointment for the end of the week.
@wahya4519 Once you have the tattoo, every time an IRK is offered there will be an Ink for IRK thread. Just post a picture of the tattoo with an indication of the current date.
I actually have a tattoo gun and ink and was considering doing it myself. Even filming it if necessary. How dost one go about taking part in such IRK madness? (new to Meh but veteran of Woot)
@wahya4519 I expect there will be further instructions but since you don’t need an appointment, you can just wait and see. And start charging $20 a pop for cracked flasks.
Never mind. My brain cells kicked in finally. I get it. I’m not a professional tattooist so I would end up having to pay people $20 a pop instead.
@wahya4519 I was saying it can be hard to get a tattoo on short notice and you could tattoo meh people out who want to participate. The cracked flask tattoo seems to be the most popular. (Please don’t actually do that, I’m not even sure if it’s legal.)
@djslack The only problem with that statement is that Meh allowed Flourlover’s tattoo and it was DIY. It was supposed to look like the Meh logo, but it didn’t even come close to it. Meh doesn’t seem to care anymore.
@Barney Not that Meh doesn’t care. Just that it was hand drawn in a notoriously hard place to work and we can’t exactly measure the skill level of the artist. Might have come closer if they were told “It has to be exact,” but it’s not like don’t say “meh.”
@Barney Same reason no one added to the list that day showed receipts. We didn’t ask. I wasn’t here when the inks thing started, so I didn’t know we had even done that in the past, but none of the new tattoos in that event had to show anything other than their ink. Also, unless instructed specifically, I have no plans on checking receipts next week either. Not sure how we’d check wahya4519’s receipt if he did his own.
Well I definitely don’t want to be a source of contention anyway. This is supposed to be fun and if doing it myself caused issues in the fandom, I wouldn’t go that route then.
I originally bought the kit from Woot to do a touch-up on an existing tattoo I have, instead of paying the minimum fee the shops around me charge regardless of tattoo size (avg. $125-150). It would only be about $50 of work & I paid around $38 for the kit.
In the end I decided to not do the ink for IRK. I actually don’t need/don’t have room for the extra stuff. Also I’m trying to cut down on materialism anyway (religious reasons), So that & with not wanting to add any possible drama to the “Meh.” community with doing it myself, it was best to bow out.
@brainmist At least I went out and got my tattoo and didn’t whine about missing the deadline and then plead for an extension like some people did. And I was very surprised that someone even decided to notify you that the offer was up again.
I also need to cut down on cruft (especially broken cruft) and yet still, I find myself going for IRKs. (and then having to rehome cruft). We’ll see if a tat pans out.
There is that minimum cost; I may have to add a second tat to meet it. I’m thinking golden spiral.
@Kyeh Imma gonna try, and I’m definitely in a better place now! (Metaphorically;
physically I’m still in the same place that let a building collapse and kill people, not me, but people, and jiminy fucks, how can we claim to be first world?)
@brainmist@ExtraMedium My guess, not being an expert, is that you can get the cracked one in a smaller size. Unless you want to go big.
/giphy the bigger the better
@ExtraMedium Oh, perfect! Thank you! Yes, I think that’s my favorite. Probably the bubbles will be dots, but I like the idea that things are percolating.
@brainmist Couldn’t agree more. This is the design I’ve most considered getting tattooed even though I can’t get IRKs. Just one of my favorite meh-adjacent images.
I just tell people it is a lightning bolt and represents the power of science. As a teacher who has been involved in a lot of science trainings, no one bats an eye. Many automatically assume that’s what it is anyway. I’m just waiting for someone familiar with Meh to call me out on it someday.
@sammydog01 Good point. I went with the sticker design that I saw previously on one of the Irk for Ink threads, and he’s light purpleish grey. I was torn between him and Glen.
@die13lda I went back and watched a few videos- he’s more purple that I remember. Matthew usually filmed him on a dark purple background which is why I thought he was gray. Sorry, I was wrong.
@brainmist It looks good and only took about an hour total. My tattooist took a couple artistic liberties, which I was okay with. Makes him look a little different from the other Irk I’ve seen. But man, tattoos are getting expensive.
I considered the VMP badge… but also felt like it was less Mediocre. If I could have done the toe (too small), I’d have added a goat toe, because it is cool.
@f00l I’d be surprised if no one needs some touch ups a few months from now. I had to get mine touched twice(and could probably use once more) because the edge of my foot really did not want to take.
Better get those appointments, guys.
@sammydog01 Do I need an appt to yell, “De plane, de plane!” ??
@phendrick That’s between you and your neighbors.
@sammydog01 Maybe luck counts more than know-how in getting that appointment.
stolenborrowed from the book “Head First Statistics”Maybe they won’t prosecute me if I plug the book: It’s great for learning & understanding what goes on with statistics and probability. My only nit is that it kinda moves slow – maybe that’s a good thing?
Yeah…I was lucky last year that I got an appt as soon as I did. Once I explained the whole “Ink for IRKs” concept and the timeline, they squeezed me in. Good luck future inked club folks!
So… you ask a question, you get all the words from me. It’s part of the deal.
I have no tattoos… I’ve thought about it, and if I ever did it, it would likely be my wife’s name and my daughter’s name on my right arm.
But I have the scars. I have all the scars. They help tell my story.
My favorite scar is on my left forearm. It actually didn’t happen during my thing, but rather when I was learning how to walk again.
I had a fall.
It was humpty dumpty level. I had a great fall. Thankfully it was my only one. In the process, I took a good bit of skin off my left arm. It healed fairly quickly, and left a good story… I mean scar.
I think it looks like a dragon. This isn’t a great photo… sorry. I have some colleagues with really amazing ink and the one artist they both use specializes in phoenixes.
Kind of prophetic I think
This scar is much larger than is pictured, but I think after my thing, a phoenix would be a fitting bit of art for me. Still contemplating
Something to think about.
Told araT, “Hey, they reopened the ink for IRKs.”
One word answer
Not really considering it, but now I kinda want to do it just because she said no
Does that make me a rebel? A tattoo rebel?
@ybmuG It means you can be bought to be a walking advertisement for life for meh.
Maybe in my case they’d accept a magic marker one since I am not sure my oncologist would OK even a microscopic on on the underside of a toe or something.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG Gee, you think maybe there’s a reason that blood banks generally won’t accept a donation from anyone who’s had a tattoo or piercing within the last year?
@phendrick @ybmuG There was some warning out recently about some tattoo ink brands with a high level of bacteria.
@ybmuG A rebel who sleeps on the couch?

/giphy do it
@ybmuG Well, I guess an IRK is all about regret.
@phendrick @ybmuG Ok so this is a surprise. I decided to ask, just for the entertainment value, and his team responded that while it isn’t recommended, doing a tiny one with little detail and few colors is likely reasonably low risk since most of my counts are decent right now (blood cancer). It was suggested to get it somewhere that also does breast cancer nipple tattoos since they are generally more careful. Considering I haven’t done that (nipples tattooed on - after those cancers and reconstructions as the blood cancer problems put that off enough years and I have sort of have gotten used to that not being done) I was surprised at their answer.
Still not sure I’d do it though on the bottom of a toe where no one would see it as that is a place where it would hurt a lot. I wonder how small they can go with a flask.
The question is can I be bought by irks since I can’t seem to get them anymore with a such a large ping.


Yeah, right…
@Barney You are on a roll today and yesterday attacking people. Took you a while to start attacking me again once you were back. You need to step it up. You are losing your touch. Or don’t you want your posts removed again?

@Kidsandliz You are such a lying hypocrite. After all of the shit that you’ve given people about tattoos, it is suddenly okay for you to get one? BALONEY.
It makes me wonder how many other things you have lied about.
@Barney Hey - as I said I might be able to be bought. LOL I still wouldn’t put one where it was visible (eg thus the bottom of a toe would be where I’d put one) or do one larger than about 1/2 inch max and smaller would be better. And I haven’t given people shit about that. All I have done is state my personal opinion for tattoos on ME. I’d never decorate myself the way my kid has done (she has a number of them) or many other people have. Their choice their bodies. I am allowed to state my personal opinion about them on me whether or not you like it/agree with it.
You are certainly on a roll trashing/attacking people on a number of threads. You having a tough time in your life right now (that is a serious question as I know you have had some tough times in the past)? If you are it might work better to ask for support rather than attack others. Sure attacking others may make you feel better momentarily, but in the end you don’t come out looking good for doing that.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @ybmuG
“Gee, you think maybe there’s a reason that blood banks generally won’t accept a donation from anyone who’s had a tattoo or piercing within the last year?”
Not remotely true if you get it at a legit parlor. It just needs to be healed. Tattoos at quality places are extremely safe.
If you pay a wooter with a tattoo gun twenty bucks that’s on you.
@sammydog01 told her what you said. She laughed, and then said “two words…”
Didn’t need an interpreter for that one
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01 @ybmuG
I stand corrected. American Red Cross agrees with you. https://www.redcrossblood.org/faq.html#eligibility
i used to give fairly regularly, until I was permanently placed on heart medication.
Whenever I gave, I had to fill out forms. One question always was whether I had had any tattoos or piercings in the last year.
Apparently they have rethought that.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @ybmuG I’m planning top of my second toe (if there’s space) because then it’s discreet, but people who routinely see me barefoot can still peep it. Plus easy to photograph and you can all coo in amazement/ recoil in utter horror at my hoofikins every Mehrathon.
@brainmist @phendrick @ybmuG Well be sure to do your toe nails in appropriate meh colors or paint Glen or Irk on them.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @ybmuG hah! I’ll try!
Does it have to be a pre-approved design or just obviously “meh” related?
@die13lda for inks for irks they have to be meh related.
@die13lda @Kidsandliz Would a tattoo of a price ending in .99 work?
My kid is going to get meh. behind his ear - will stand for my ear hurts for a minute
@ladyhawke001 tattoos behind your ears don’t hurt it is a dead spot I have one only thing to clue you in is the noise don’t let him get away with even a minute of whining haha or tell him that doing dishes dulls the pain of any tattoos.

@flourlover haha I love this advice thanks!
@flourlover @ladyhawke001
So did he get one?
@flourlover @Kyeh nah, he was doing it for me I think because medically I can’t get one - though I would in a heartbeat. Told him he probably wouldn’t qualify bc of the initial discouraging forum talks. The My Ear Hurts = MEH was him being funny. He’s a good kid but doesn’t doesn’t do dishes
@flourlover @ladyhawke001 Aww.
That’s very clever - “my ear hurts”!
It’s gone now, due to redevelopment, but there used to be a tattoo joint close to the corner, intersection of the busiest streets running by the University.
They used to have a marquee sign with a message that frequently changed. I wish I had taken a picture of it when it said,
“Tattoo – permanent proof of temporary insanity”
No coincidence, I think: They used to stay open until about an hour after the nearby bars closed.
@phendrick a connection between bars and tattoos?
@pmarin prolly
I need another tattoo in my life
Are the inks for irks back open again.
I always seemed to miss the open windows when you’re taking new fools.
Although, a year ago I would have got an Irk tattoo no questions… Would think twice now, I’ve grown older and wiser.
Ok… Just older.
@OnionSoup Their birthday is coming up so that’s the implication.

/giphy maybe
@sammydog01 lol, I definitely wouldn’t ink myself for “maybe”
@OnionSoup You could get an appointment for maybe.
@sammydog01 I probably maybe might consider pondering the issue to perhaps decide.
You could vacation in Russia for a while. Putin’s ex-supporters don’t seem to miss the open windows.
@OnionSoup You probably know by now (see the pinned thread) but yes it is back open. Need to get it by Friday.
Of course I’m blind. Where is this advertisement or entry form, etc.
@wahya4519 ChadP is one of the Meh employees, this IS the advertisement for Inks for IRKs. If you’re considering it, get yourself an appointment for the end of the week.
@wahya4519 Once you have the tattoo, every time an IRK is offered there will be an Ink for IRK thread. Just post a picture of the tattoo with an indication of the current date.
@ChadP thanks for the heads up on the upcoming 'thon. My ink has brought on many wonderful conversations and great IRKs, too
I actually have a tattoo gun and ink and was considering doing it myself. Even filming it if necessary. How dost one go about taking part in such IRK madness? (new to Meh but veteran of Woot)
@wahya4519 I expect there will be further instructions but since you don’t need an appointment, you can just wait and see. And start charging $20 a pop for cracked flasks.
I can definitely do that.
Okay, I blame it on the heat/humidity… I didn’t catch your “charging for cracked flasks” reference.
Never mind. My brain cells kicked in finally. I get it. I’m not a professional tattooist so I would end up having to pay people $20 a pop instead.
@wahya4519 I was saying it can be hard to get a tattoo on short notice and you could tattoo meh people out who want to participate. The cracked flask tattoo seems to be the most popular. (Please don’t actually do that, I’m not even sure if it’s legal.)
Lol. No probably not legal at all.
@wahya4519 DIY ink might get you DIY IRKs.
@djslack The only problem with that statement is that Meh allowed Flourlover’s tattoo and it was DIY. It was supposed to look like the Meh logo, but it didn’t even come close to it. Meh doesn’t seem to care anymore.
@Barney Not that Meh doesn’t care. Just that it was hand drawn in a notoriously hard place to work and we can’t exactly measure the skill level of the artist. Might have come closer if they were told “It has to be exact,” but it’s not like don’t say “meh.”
@ExtraMedium Previously, others had to prove their tattoo purchases with a receipt. Why didn’t she?
@Barney Same reason no one added to the list that day showed receipts. We didn’t ask. I wasn’t here when the inks thing started, so I didn’t know we had even done that in the past, but none of the new tattoos in that event had to show anything other than their ink. Also, unless instructed specifically, I have no plans on checking receipts next week either. Not sure how we’d check wahya4519’s receipt if he did his own.
@ExtraMedium As I said, Meh doesn’t care anymore.
@Barney @ExtraMedium 'twas a joke… Sorry to foment strife.
@Barney /shrug
Seems like unnecessarily gatekeeping who should and shouldn’t be allowed to get bags of our trash in the mail.
@Barney @ExtraMedium
Well I definitely don’t want to be a source of contention anyway. This is supposed to be fun and if doing it myself caused issues in the fandom, I wouldn’t go that route then.
@Barney @ExtraMedium @wahya4519 I don’t see why DIY wouldn’t count if it’s an actual tattoo.
Did you get poked with a needle a bunch? Yes.
Are you now a permanent advertisement for this chaos? Also yes.
@Barney @brainmist @ExtraMedium
I originally bought the kit from Woot to do a touch-up on an existing tattoo I have, instead of paying the minimum fee the shops around me charge regardless of tattoo size (avg. $125-150). It would only be about $50 of work & I paid around $38 for the kit.
In the end I decided to not do the ink for IRK. I actually don’t need/don’t have room for the extra stuff. Also I’m trying to cut down on materialism anyway (religious reasons), So that & with not wanting to add any possible drama to the “Meh.” community with doing it myself, it was best to bow out.
@brainmist At least I went out and got my tattoo and didn’t whine about missing the deadline and then plead for an extension like some people did. And I was very surprised that someone even decided to notify you that the offer was up again.
@Barney @ExtraMedium @wahya4519 wait, there was a KIT??
I also need to cut down on cruft (especially broken cruft) and yet still, I find myself going for IRKs. (and then having to rehome cruft). We’ll see if a tat pans out.
There is that minimum cost; I may have to add a second tat to meet it. I’m thinking golden spiral.
If you are thinking…
“Maybe I’ll do this someday…”
This year needs to be your someday. Trust me.
@Brainmist? @F00l?
@f00l @Kyeh Thanks for the heads’ up! I may have to miss because again, a difficult week… but this helps. A lot.
@brainmist I’m sorry to hear about the difficult week.
@Kyeh Imma gonna try, and I’m definitely in a better place now! (Metaphorically;
physically I’m still in the same place that let a building collapse and kill people, not me, but people, and jiminy fucks, how can we claim to be first world?)
@ChadP foreshadowing…you have my attention
@ChadP Thanks for so much notice! The deed is done!
Hypothetical: Would a GOAT count?
@brainmist oooh, I can see myself getting an upside-down goat tattoo on my bum-cheek.
@brainmist @OnionSoup I like it!
OK, I think I can get this done! Goat? Or flask? And anyone have a good flask image?
@brainmist I’m team flask. Here is the image I used…

@gogrrl Perfect! Thank you!
Question, @chadp: would a non-cracked flask work? I’m trying to be more positive. yes, I know, this is Meh, but still.
@brainmist A non-cracked flask was one of our shirt designs:
@brainmist @ExtraMedium My guess, not being an expert, is that you can get the cracked one in a smaller size. Unless you want to go big.

/giphy the bigger the better
@ExtraMedium Oh, perfect! Thank you! Yes, I think that’s my favorite. Probably the bubbles will be dots, but I like the idea that things are percolating.
@brainmist Couldn’t agree more. This is the design I’ve most considered getting tattooed even though I can’t get IRKs. Just one of my favorite meh-adjacent images.
@brainmist @ExtraMedium @sammydog01
I just tell people it is a lightning bolt and represents the power of science. As a teacher who has been involved in a lot of science trainings, no one bats an eye. Many automatically assume that’s what it is anyway. I’m just waiting for someone familiar with Meh to call me out on it someday.
@brainmist @ExtraMedium @gogrrl I’ll steal that idea, thanks very much. The bubbles just don’t look like bubbles in liquid to me.
@brainmist @ExtraMedium @sammydog01
Let me double check:
You’re saying having a bigger crack is better than a smaller one?
Nah. Regret is hotter when you have to pay for it
Well I have my appointment for Friday night. I’m going full meh and getting a happy little Irk on my lower calf.
@die13lda Hope you get a very happy big IRK to follow that.
@die13lda @phendrick IRKs for inks are no better or worse than the IRKs people pay for.
@die13lda I can’t wait to see how it turns out!
@die13lda In color? He’s kind of a weird color.
@die13lda I’m scheduled for tomorrow morning! And I know I should be all meh, but I’m feeling a tad more woot!
@sammydog01 Yep. My appointment was booked as purple alien guy, so we’ll see what color choices they suggest.
@die13lda Isn’t he supposed to be gray? Purple is cool although I suppose any color would work.
@sammydog01 Good point. I went with the sticker design that I saw previously on one of the Irk for Ink threads, and he’s light purpleish grey. I was torn between him and Glen.
@die13lda I went back and watched a few videos- he’s more purple that I remember. Matthew usually filmed him on a dark purple background which is why I thought he was gray. Sorry, I was wrong.
@die13lda How did it turn out??
@brainmist It looks good and only took about an hour total. My tattooist took a couple artistic liberties, which I was okay with. Makes him look a little different from the other Irk I’ve seen. But man, tattoos are getting expensive.
Is the retired goat symbol acceptable? Or VMP?
I considered the VMP badge… but also felt like it was less Mediocre. If I could have done the toe (too small), I’d have added a goat toe, because it is cool.
@OldCatLady @brainmist The staff hasn’t said that goat or VMP symbols are approved, though, so that would be risky.
@Kyeh @OldCatLady I feel like a very accurate goat from an actual GOAT should qualify, but yes, I think it’s be better as an add on.
Having my first 3 tattoos, I’m now considering related concepts and positions. Meanwhile, my tatted friends are cheering.
@brainmist @OldCatLady
It was the gateway tat, huh? All downhill from here on out …
I read that tattoos fade faster w sun exposure and/or friction.
Also a person’s individual skin particularities matter.
There are supposedly ways to keep them fresh. I prob won’t both with anything beyond recommended aftercare, and after that, normal skin care.
My flask is really bright now.
I’m trying to decide it I love it this way or if I want a little fading.
The octopus is perfect.
Depending on where people got their tattoos, some might have to get touch ups in a decade.
May the IRK boxes ever be willing to be shipped afresh from their lairs.
/image Meh IRK

@f00l photo of the flask now?
@f00l I’d be surprised if no one needs some touch ups a few months from now. I had to get mine touched twice(and could probably use once more) because the edge of my foot really did not want to take.
@f00l glad that none of that loose ink soaked in anything unscabbed.