More ultrasonic toothbrushes would be typical, but maybe they’ll surprise us with a thing that you’d use in the shower. Or not surprise us, with an insulated coffee mug that fits in a car cup holder, probably with the name and logo of a famous chef I’ve never heard of. Or they might appall us with ground roast coffee in goofy won’t-please-many uncoffee-like flavors that even the folks running the free-coffee tents at Interstate rest areas on a busy travel weekend wouldn’t have tried to foist off. But who knows, it could also be vac-packed really-smoked sliced bacon that doesn’t need refrigeration until you open it. That would get my attention, yes indeed.
@xobzoo I keep expecting one of those “sunrise” clocks that keep getting brighter. I find the idea of a sunrise taking place inside my bedroom to be a bit disturbing. However, it would probably be effective since my brain would think something had removed the roof or the east wall of my house, and that would definitely wake me up.
@xobzoo Once I thought I could have the perfect single alarm clock. Something that had a thinking element so my hands would find the snooze while my brain was off.
It never worked out that way.
My hands would find a way, once to the point I woke up and couldn’t turn on my desk lamp… Because I must have turned off the power strip powering the lamp, phone charger, and alarm clock.
I’ve since gone back to the multiple clocks route: one by the nightstand, one on my phone (that may sometimes stay with me in bed), and the especially loud one by the door across the room.
@xobzoo I used to have an alarm clock that had wheels and would roll around when it went off so I would have to get up, find it, and shut it off. Ultimately, I opted to keep it near me on my bed so that, when it went off and rolled around, it would run into me and wake me up. I loved that alarm clock so much. The only reason I don’t have it anymore is because my (now) ex-boyfriend threw it away when I was out of town because he hated it so much. Too bad for him because I then set 9 different alarms on my phone to go off at various times for an hour before I would get up. We broke up but I don’t think that was why. Probably.
@pakopako Clearly, you need two young cats to engage in AM wakeup zoomies and demand food at first light of day. I suggest a visit to unksol’s place to see which pair will select you. Or I can bring you some.
Beat me to it!
@chienfou @heartny Jeez, I hope you can hold out until they’re done!
@heartny @macromeh
More ultrasonic toothbrushes would be typical, but maybe they’ll surprise us with a thing that you’d use in the shower. Or not surprise us, with an insulated coffee mug that fits in a car cup holder, probably with the name and logo of a famous chef I’ve never heard of. Or they might appall us with ground roast coffee in goofy won’t-please-many uncoffee-like flavors that even the folks running the free-coffee tents at Interstate rest areas on a busy travel weekend wouldn’t have tried to foist off. But who knows, it could also be vac-packed really-smoked sliced bacon that doesn’t need refrigeration until you open it. That would get my attention, yes indeed.
@werehatrack Don’t forget that they’re a good chance the insulated coffee much will also be a bluetooth speaker for some reason.
(The bacon you describe would definitely get my attention, too. And probably my dollars. Maybe it’s better if it doesn’t exist.)
We haven’t seen an alarm clock on here in a few weeks, have we?
It doesn’t get much more “morning routine” than that.
@xobzoo I keep expecting one of those “sunrise” clocks that keep getting brighter. I find the idea of a sunrise taking place inside my bedroom to be a bit disturbing. However, it would probably be effective since my brain would think something had removed the roof or the east wall of my house, and that would definitely wake me up.
@xobzoo Once I thought I could have the perfect single alarm clock. Something that had a thinking element so my hands would find the snooze while my brain was off.
It never worked out that way.
My hands would find a way, once to the point I woke up and couldn’t turn on my desk lamp… Because I must have turned off the power strip powering the lamp, phone charger, and alarm clock.
I’ve since gone back to the multiple clocks route: one by the nightstand, one on my phone (that may sometimes stay with me in bed), and the especially loud one by the door across the room.
@xobzoo I used to have an alarm clock that had wheels and would roll around when it went off so I would have to get up, find it, and shut it off. Ultimately, I opted to keep it near me on my bed so that, when it went off and rolled around, it would run into me and wake me up. I loved that alarm clock so much. The only reason I don’t have it anymore is because my (now) ex-boyfriend threw it away when I was out of town because he hated it so much. Too bad for him because I then set 9 different alarms on my phone to go off at various times for an hour before I would get up. We broke up but I don’t think that was why. Probably.
@natasha_natasha Clocky lives!
And he’s not even expensive!
@pakopako Clearly, you need two young cats to engage in AM wakeup zoomies and demand food at first light of day. I suggest a visit to unksol’s place to see which pair will select you. Or I can bring you some.
/showme an automatic all-in-one bacon, eggs, hash-browns, toast and coffee maker.
@mediocrebot That should do the trick as long as I can figure out how to use it!!
@Cerridwyn Looks almost identical to what was offered yesterday!
Hopefully dishwashing. I could use a countertop washer that costs under 300$.
Maybe we’ll move on to brunch (wine)
@pakopako wine… it’s not just for breakfast anymore!
55 gallon drum of brown Listerine.
@brennyn It’s just not Listerine without the rust stains.
Shower somethings
soon to be expired prophylactics to help safely deal with that good ol’ mornin’ wood.
And for today, the answer is “Oh shit there are wrinkles in what I need to wear to the big meeting this morning, i need a steamer right now!”
/image false teeth cleaner
A Bluetooth shower speaker. I wish.
@PooltoyWolf Looks like sidedeal has you covered.
@Doooood Haha! Shame though, it’s just not Meh without Bluetooth speakers and knives. (Surprised we haven’t seen those combined yet. )