As we futilely try to fill the cavernous vacuum in our souls with refurbished plastic trinkets a mad dastardly singing "cowboy" furtively puts lingerie on a goat all the while a contemptuous unearthly voice persistently bellows in our ears “Cheer Up Sucka!”
Not everyday Irk (a troll) is left speechless.
@Thumperchick appearing on a woot shirt any day
This is their greatest song since their last greatest song!
Can I get this on vinyl?
Why do I think, as of right now, "Something Went Terribly Wrong" is getting more airplay that the Meh theme by TMBG?
Yay theme song!
It's amehzing! Yaaaaay! Um, I mean... Meh. Yeah. Meh.
Such pomp.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Their Music Boasts Genius
It's not Too Many Cooks, IT'S MEH!
I don't know how you pulled that off, but kudos!
I keep hearing 'Its mah!' instead of 'Meh'. So, while catchy, I have to say 'Meh'. But catchy.
@duodec I agree.
What a nice mediocre top charting song. Available on iTunes when?
OK, so with the fuku high wearing off, I finally watched this.
I've gotta say that the video kinda makes the song.
I laughed.
How do you know it's a great theme song? You can't get it out of your head! "It's meh."
As we futilely try to fill the cavernous vacuum in our souls with refurbished plastic trinkets a mad dastardly singing "cowboy" furtively puts lingerie on a goat all the while a contemptuous unearthly voice persistently bellows in our ears “Cheer Up Sucka!”
Needless to say, I love the song…
Is there a way I can download this song? Soundcloud doesn't appear to allow that.
Funny, I didn't picture Irk being a Mac User
@somf69 It's a Mehc.
@somf69 Looks like he was just s-trolling by, and had to click.
@somf69 Aren't most Mac users trolls?
The 12-year-old part of my brain changes the line "no selection" to "big erection" every time I listen to this.
There is a song parody in here somewhere. Or maybe a Mad Ape Den? Hmmm......
If there is a backing track available, this clearly needs to become Mad Ape Den karaoke.
Oblongs Theme TMBG
what can I say, it's meh!
In my head I'm overdubbing @matthew's 'mmmmeh' from his apology video every time TMBG's say 'mah'. It just works for me.
@Cinoclav actually if you could edit that in there I would super appreciate it
@chellemonkey Possibly at home when I have some time. Don't think they'd like me downloading any sound editors at work.
Curse you, Meh! Song. Stuck. In. My. Head. Ugh.
Someone uptopic asked when the song will be available on iTunes.
Let me remind everyone: This is Meh. iTunes? Meh. Put it on Meh. Cheer up sucka!
@gertiestn Yes, let's all pay $1 for something that is free today.
Big fan. Love that you got an official theme song.
Meh like.
The beginning of the Meh theme song is like the Knight Rider theme song.