The Weather
10I know many of us in California have had it pretty bad period with these Atmospheric rivers as they call them period Um I’m fine My daughter is fine I have friends that are trapped at home but they’re fine period Uh but wherever you are How’s the weather and how are you are you safe are your family safe
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Texas’ Gulf Coast is in its annual “wet and boring” period, neither very chilly nor very warm.
We had a half inch of water at work. Indoors. Today was not a fun day.
Otherwise doing fine.
I had a pothole (which was under a puddle and invisible) kill a tire 2 weeks ago during a torrential seasonal something.
In a heavy construction area with basically no lighting at all and barriers to make the lanes, extra narrow
Happened at 5 am or so.
When I pulled off the road to look it at I found 8 other drivers and cars which has suffered unreparable tire damage in the same invisible pothole.
On a major US highway just before rush hour.
The cops had to come out and block it so that no other cars would be temp disabled.
Which killed 1 of the 2 lanes for morning commute.
Wow everyone just loved that particular morning drive.
Austin did a temp repair as soon as they could. Within a few hours.
oh well. That’s my tiny complaint but my weather ain’t got nuthin on CA weather these days.
Best wishes and hopes to everyone in California, and in every other place with extreme or difficult weather
/giphy pothole
@f00l @narfcake Wiat. What? If you fill all the potholes how will we play golf?
I’ve been wondering how you Californians are doing! Glad you two are okay.
I hope that nasty weather clears out soon, talk about feast or famine! They say there’s more water contained in that weather system than the Mississippi River! Yikes.
Here in NH, we can’t complain (at the moment). We’re seeing the sun for the first time in recent memory, the temps aren’t terrible & we’re supposed to get a bit of a warm-up Thurs/Fri, with highs in the 40s, which will bring our first precipitation of the week (hopefully mostly rain) Fri into Sat. Crazy. Hopefully, this means the rodent in PA was right, but i have my doubts!
I’m in the Sacramento area. We had a nice break today with the last of the rain coming in tomorrow. What’s worst in these parts is the wind that fells trees, which came through on Sunday night. It wasn’t as bad as it was one or two years ago, but maybe that’s due to that other storm taking all the weaker ones out already.
Besides snapped limbs, this was the only tree to go down in my neighborhood (that I’ve seen) in the local park.
@die13lda And of course a news crew is there as they have nothing else for their “media event”
@die13lda That’s always so sad to see - large beautiful trees crashed over and even worse when they land on cars or buildings.
I’m 10 minutes north of San Diego. In all honesty, the atmospheric river hasn’t been that bad for us… Just a little bit more rain than we usually have in our normal “winter.” of course, we don’t get three of those winters in a single month
(It should be noted that Southern California has an absolute ton of microclimates, even beyond the beaches/inland/mountains/desert regions. Weather can be drastically different even 15 minutes away… and then drastically different 15 minutes more away. There was even a tornado watch the other day at the far east end of San Diego/La Mesa. Oh, and also realize that it’s about an 8 hour drive between San Diego and San Francisco. California is WAY bigger than many of you realize.)
@haydesigner Idaho is like that. It is 14 hours between Moscow (which is about 3.5 hours south of Canada) and Pocatello (in the SE but not even close to the eastern border), 7.5 between Moscow and Boise (due south but there is more south to go before you hit the border - eg Nevada or Utah). My kid played traveling soccer. A giant PITA (drive to Montana, Oregon, and Washington on a regular basis, and it seemed like all the in state tournaments were in Boise which was a real killer when they weren’t done until 5pm on a Sunday, I taught at 8am Monday and she had to be out of the house by 7:30am. I spent plenty of time wishing she loved something else other than soccer.
@haydesigner @Kidsandliz Florida is strung out that way, too. Pensacola and Key West are 830 miles apart by road, but only 530 by air. I-10 across Texas is about 880 miles. I-5 from the bottom to the top of California is about 800 miles of driving distance, with lots of squigglies in the northern stretch. I won’t mention the distance across Montana because it seems far longer than the mere mileage would have you believe it could be. I’ve not yet driven the stretch of I-5 from Sacramento to Oregon, but it’s on my list for a run when I have a more economical vehicle to use for the trip. I’ve done all of the rest, in chunks, bits, and pieces.