The T-List! (PSA)
7This didn’t quite fit the derby thread, and I’m not sure a lot of folks know about it. The T-List is shirt.woot’s version of the Oscars. The sale opened this week with categories like:
- Slogans & Typography
- Science & Math
- Funny
- Pop Culture
And more. Check all all the nominees. Also, keep you eye out for derby this Thursday where every shirt from 2017 can be voted for and the most-popular selected as Community Choice winner!
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My nominees purchase count per category:
I’ll vote what I’ve bought, so it’ll be a bit scarier when the full derby opens up.
@narfcake I have one nominee in the slogans one (Kindness), but it doesn’t appear to be in the current derby. I’m confused on how this all works!
@jasneko Looks like we have an answer why:
quality posts: 0 Private Messages
Howdy, folks! Thanks for weighing in. You're right. There are definitely designs missing. But this is on purpose. We simply print too many new designs each year to include them all in the Community Choice derby.

So each year (or at least for the last 3), we use a minimum sales threshold (i.e.- designs that sold more than X) to help winnow the entries down to a more manageable level.
This year, that means of the nearly 3000 new designs we printed, only the 700ish best-selling designs were included.
But that's just for the Derby. EVERY new design is eligible for the T-List as a whole, regardless of its sales performance. Which is why there are some designs which are included in the category nominations, but not in the Community Choice Derby.
Hope that helps. Good luck, and may the votes be with you!
Art Director - Shirt.Woot
While I was completed snubbed last year, I have 4 nominations this time around:
Slogans & Typography
Science & Math
@ACraigL Thanksgiving Bird is a shoe-in.
@ACraigL No Mehvolution?? Love the Inevitability one…
@mehbee Mehvolution officially launched in 2018. It was from the last derby of 2017 but as such, wouldn’t appear in this list.
@sammydog01 I hope so – though not sure it’ll have the same effect outside of the holiday season. That one had just the right timing.
@ACraigL Oh, well it’s a shoo in for next year
I don’t understand You Know Nothing Pickle Jon Snow. And it looks kind of dirty. Am I missing something?
@sammydog01 I think they called him fickle Jon Snow which rhymes with pickle…Or it could be completely random.
@sammydog01 It is in the WTF category, so I think you’re doing it right.
@medz @sammydog01 I was wondering that also because there is a Pickle Rick from the Walking Dead…still haven’t figured out where he came from
@mehbee @sammydog01 Because Rick always finds himself getting caught in pickles.
@medz @mehbee I looked up Pickle Rick- it’s an episode of Rick and Morty where Rick turns himself into a pickle. Man there are some messed up cartoons out there. I guess it’s a mash-up of that with The Walking Dead. So is Pickle Jon Snow a mash-up of the mash-up? Wooters are weird.
@medz @sammydog01 Well I was in a pickle figuring it out so thanks for that explanation. I can stop scratching my head every time someone says look I got a Pickle Rick!
@medz @sammydog01 He definitely likes to get himself into messes. Thank goodness he’s good at getting himself out.
@medz @mehbee @sammydog01 @ACraigL
Yes. Yes they are.
Though… What would that make mehmbers?
@sammydog01 probably just a coincidence
@ACraigL @medz @PlacidPenguin @sammydog01 Wonderful
@ACraigL @medz @mehbee @PlacidPenguin Freaks too weird even for Woot?
@ACraigL Quick! Create a “Where’s Gherkin Carl?” shirt that features Pickle Rick and Gherkin Carl from the walking dead!
Just don’t bring any talk of donuts and armpits to Meh.
And yes, I’m aware that I just did so.
@PlacidPenguin What happens at Woot stays at Woot.
I also just remembered that I came in second place for the community choice last year, but admittedly, @kevlar51’s design was amazing. So I’m not bitter or anything, I always grind my teeth to dust like this.
I’d like to do one better this year if I could.
@ACraigL heh sorry. I think you have a much better chance of beating me this year
The community choice derby is live!! Here’s my entries. Feels like a bit of work, so if you could hit at least a couple, I’d appreciate it! Thanks all!
@ACraigL congrats on so many! yowza!!!
@ACraigL @mehbee
@ACraigL Whew! Voted…loved the Oxford comma
@mehbee Solid effort. Much appreciated.
I have 3 (that I’ve found anyway), thanks very much for any votes!:)
@jasneko Voted because I bought all three of them.
@jasneko I want this one for my mom. Her cat sits on her tablet, I know not a book , but she is reading when she sits on it.
@jasneko Voted
@mehbee Oh nice! Haha that’s hilarious that your mom’s cat sits on the tablet! They adapt quickly hehe.
It’s already in print if you’d like to buy it… or if you want to buy it on sale, get people to vote!!
@jasneko It’s funny how they can figure out that this thing is keeping them from getting the attention or whatever it is that the animal wants. I do want it and if it goes on sale I will definitely buy it. Woot has really put a kink in my tshirt budget with them going up to 15.00. I’m sad about it but my husband is very happy. He said we have run out of hangers and room in my closet…lol. I am going to have to get a dresser just to house my tshirts.
got you both @acraigl and @jasneko – I’ve got something in there somewhere, but I’ll sit this one out
@kevlar51 I found Math. Voted for it.
I got @jasneko But it’s gonna take me an hour to click on of @acraigl’s.
@sammydog01 Hah! You could just vote up his catshirts, at least.
@narfcake @sammydog01 Just pick the ones you like, or at least the ones still in the fog!
@narfcake I just bought a catshirt with a coupon I had! It has a dragon too. (I like the dragon better than the cat.)
@sammydog01 I’m guessing @spiritgreen’s Rainy Day Love?
@narfcake @Spiritgreen That’s the one. I love, love, love it, and cute is not usually my thing. I wish more designs would come out on pastel shirts.
Looks like I have 2 that have a shot. If you haven’t voted yet (and a BIG thank you if you did) here’s the two to look for:

@sammydog01 because you like baby blue shirts?

@ACraigL Already had them both. They were at the top- I need to slog through the bottom. The way it’s set-up makes it hard to get votes unless you start at the top of the list.
@sammydog01 Thanks! And agree. This derby is always so unwieldy. People definitely get voting fatigue on it. Appreciate the effort.
If anyone is interested, my one and only design is doing pretty well…
@cdrewlow Saw that! And liked it when it won. Good luck!
@cdrewlow Funny! I gave it a vote.
@ACraigL Thank you! Good luck to you, too!
@sammydog01 Thanks!
@cdrewlow Done!..So much talent here.
@mehbee Thank you very much!
Somewhere along the way, this one crept into the fog as well. Yay!
@ACraigL I love that movie. But you listed it up there.
Anyways, it got a vote from me.