What’s a hangout session? Is that one of these new-fangled things that under-30’s do with all their spare time from living in their parents’ basements without jobs?
(did I miss any stereotypes? let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe…)
@IndifferentDude@kostia@Kyeh Assuming I’m now understanding it correctly — another option (if “point” really needs to be used) could be “That point in the hangout session…”
But, realistically, I’m still not sure I’m understanding it right. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unfortunately, the two people closest to me both seem to think YouTube is the go-to source for information, TV shows, and music. Nothing I can do seems to convince them otherwise.
Instructional videos.
@yakkoTDI Like Forklift Driver Klaus? (Linky below, but it won’t allow embedding because there’s some cartoon-level simulated gore.)
@werehatrack Staplerfahrer Klaus! Show some respect.
@werehatrack @yakkoTDI
What’s a hangout session? Is that one of these new-fangled things that under-30’s do with all their spare time from living in their parents’ basements without jobs?
(did I miss any stereotypes? let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe…)
@xobzoo One of the advantages of raising kids near the Gulf Coast is that houses don’t have basements.
@werehatrack @xobzoo And the attics are generally too hot to inhabit without very costly air conditioning!
Cat videos!
@Salanth The Internet is the place, for cats.
@Salanth @werehatrack So I’ve heard, but my cats don’t seem at all interested. (Unless there are birds.)
Mostly Tiktok videos. We have short attention spans.
@callow What was that again?
@callow Huh?
You asked for classic.
Took me forever to parse this question. I thought “point” meant “motivation,” like “what’s the point of.” So confused. (I get it now.)
@kostia Same!
@kostia @Kyeh “Moment” or “Stage” would have been better choices if you get the “Point”.
@IndifferentDude @kostia @Kyeh Assuming I’m now understanding it correctly — another option (if “point” really needs to be used) could be “That point in the hangout session…”
But, realistically, I’m still not sure I’m understanding it right. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unfortunately, the two people closest to me both seem to think YouTube is the go-to source for information, TV shows, and music. Nothing I can do seems to convince them otherwise.
@pmarin I think there’s a YouTube video on that.
@mehcuda67 @pmarin
well, after all, it IS the go-to for the Driving Game