Please realize CAPTCHA is a fellow robot like you.
@mediocrebot If only you knew you were being mocked bot, if only you knew.
I love the comic, but…
Is it the thing you humans call a soul? Or is it something innate that we machines could never obtain?
I thought a “soul” generally fit into that “innate” category.
@xobzoo You don’t keep yours in a jar on the shelf?
@blaineg No, I wear mine in a pendant. I know it’s dangerous, but I feel better having it nearby.
Please realize CAPTCHA is a fellow robot like you.
@mediocrebot If only you knew you were being mocked bot, if only you knew.
I love the comic, but…
I thought a “soul” generally fit into that “innate” category.
@xobzoo You don’t keep yours in a jar on the shelf?
@blaineg No, I wear mine in a pendant. I know it’s dangerous, but I feel better having it nearby.