The Last New Daily Deal Site
It sucks that "daily deals" became synonymous with Voucher selling sites. I have a google news search I really should stop. Maybe they will all just go away.
Thanks for jumping the shark Pat!
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The name of that one doesn't even sound legit. Trust us, these deals are "great" and "American", so you know they're good.
Meh, I'm sure it'll tank. The real OGs know what a "daily deal" is. The voucher sites are ok, but I see no need to check those daily. I search Groupon when I need a coupon for something, not for a daily deal at 12 midnight!
At least he picked the right week for shark jumping...
Don't most of these fail because when the local market dries up, there is no place to hide? I would think that this might be good for a few months but when your businesses want to try and do it without the daily deals, the opportunity would vanish.
"Franchisees will be trained, and don't need any IT experience."
Sign me up!
@shawn i've always suspected you didn't actually know what you were doing
@harrison we all did, but we didn't want to say anything
"The hyper-local approach" already exists. Local specials, word of mouth, social media discounts, local papers, etc. This seems like slapping a misnomer onto an industry that's crowded, then calling it innovative.
So let me get this straight... Sounds to me like the company assumes virtually no financial risk. A franchisee pays $35K for the honour of being able to do all the legwork involved in uncovering local deals, promoting the local site, and dealing with the inevitable local complaints. And then they get to (have to) share any proceeds they actually manage to earn with the company.
Sounds like a swell gig. ...For the company, anyway.
Oh, but the philanthropy! They donate one (1) dollar per deal to an undisclosed community organisation or charity. Wow, a single buck-a-roo. Bet that comes out of the franchisee's bucket too.
I'd say meh to it all, but that would probably be an insult to Meh.
Ugh. It sounds like Groupon meets Amway. Fuck that.
But @Starblind, I have an exciting business opportunity for would-be entrepenuers! Just sign up and you can start selling for me, once I get 15 more people under me I start making 2% of what the platinum/titanium level above me makes! I know a guy that bought a mercedes after only a month!